Reviews for Gamecraft
thepkrmgc chapter 16 . 7/18
shame this wasn't continued...
thepkrmgc chapter 15 . 7/18
it seems like the cost of the gamer ability is that you get pulled into the sort of random encounters you'd expect in a game, it's almost the sort of thing that would make one try and live in isolation as to not hurt the ones around you.
thepkrmgc chapter 14 . 7/18
shame that our hero doesnt have access to the extradimensional inventory that a lot of players get
thepkrmgc chapter 12 . 7/18
well, I doubt that arthas could ask for a better mentor when it comes to archery at least
thepkrmgc chapter 11 . 7/18
well, its good that he's learning not to trust his would be mentor I suppose.
thepkrmgc chapter 10 . 7/18
nice job showing the limitations of the gamer ability as well as it's strengths
thepkrmgc chapter 9 . 7/18
and so our hero discovers the critical hit, though he hasn't quite recognized it yet.
thepkrmgc chapter 8 . 7/18
I suspect that Kel'Thuzad is a gamer too based on how he wrote about magic.
thepkrmgc chapter 7 . 7/18
well, it looks like the gamer king is something of a sociopath, props to arthas for not forgetting that npcs are still people.
thepkrmgc chapter 6 . 7/18
I dont know enough of the warcraft lore to recognise this guy, is he a self insert?
thepkrmgc chapter 5 . 7/18
I wonder is this Perenolde guy just recognised the gamer thing?
thepkrmgc chapter 4 . 7/18
well, the persuade skill might be a thing, but arthas certainly has a measure of charisma even without it.
thepkrmgc chapter 3 . 7/18
it's probably for the best that there is no equivalent to the "charisma" stat, that can be uncomfortably similar to mind control in some takes on the whole gamer thing.
thepkrmgc chapter 1 . 7/18
props to our hero for talking about his new condition, hopefully he'll end up a different sort of crazy than he goes in canon
Nihatclodra chapter 16 . 5/27
One hell of a cliffhanger to leave this on for 2 whole years...
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