Reviews for All These Searches
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10/2015
Very good.
Izulia chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
I like this. You fill it out and make it into a full story.
AutobotChromia chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
Too lazy to sign in, so username via guest-ing.
I wish to say how much I enjoy all of your Star Trek one-shots, and your older chapter-length works. No matter how short or long you make your story, it always has a deeper meaning and forces me to use my grey cells once finished. Most one-shots focus on the crack-factor or are simply poorly written, spelled, grammared (ignore my own verbing), but not your stories.
I like how you depicted Pavel in this ficlet. He has never been my 'favorite-favorite' character, but I've always had a fondness for him, especially in the newer renditions of Star Trek. He and I share a problem that, while not labeled a 'handicap', is harder than people make it out to be. Speech impediments are always put down in television shows and movies (but lord help someone who makes a shot at other handicaps, race, ethnicity, etc.), and while you didn't focus on his speech impediment, it was refreshing to see something showing another side of Chekov, and not just the fact he cannot say his 'V's. (With me, it's 'R's.) Chekov is always over-exaggerated in his speech, from accent to impediment, it was nice to finally see something that made Chekov seem human and not some teenage wunderkind juvenile.
It was also touching to see the backstory between Chekov and Irina. I pleasant fill-in for how the two knew each other in the Eden episode.
GrossGirl18 chapter 1 . 3/13/2015
I enjoyed this. It's a nice insight into a story we never see.