Reviews for A Little Outside of Nature's Laws
Aquatix chapter 1 . 1/2
Antor2001 chapter 6 . 1/10/2016
I really like how you managed to represent just how twisted and sick the idea of eternal retribution really is. The figure of the capricious, jealous and mocking god is nothing more than a distorted reflection of the fickleness of the masses ignorant belief mixed with the doctrine spewed by the preacher currently in season. Excellent work.
pandacornforever chapter 6 . 1/9/2016
This whole thing was i mind fuck im going to take a shower
Elsa'slittleslut chapter 1 . 6/25/2015
Okay, so I just read this fic and I loved it. Just one question though: is Kristoff in Hell for committing bestiality?
The God Emperor SDC chapter 5 . 3/30/2015
I liked the story, but I think you did rather go overboard with explaining the hell thing in explicit detail. Maybe ending with Elsa falling to hell would have been more poetic, or God forgiving them would have been happier.
"Hell's really not that bad, as long as you've got family", is a rather odd way to end.
LSWolfe chapter 4 . 3/27/2015
Wow! That was amazing!
Guest chapter 4 . 3/26/2015
Thanks for the reviews! Some interesting points raised by Man of Constant Sorrow: Remember that in Elsa's time, people really were quite judgmental about these things. Elsa's grandfather, King Magnus VI, reflects the values of the society he grew up in, which is dramatically different than the liberal Western Europe of modern times. Even today, many conservative Christians would not hesitate to tell you that gay sex is a sin and against God's will. Just think of how it was 200-300 years ago.

So, I don't mean to endorse or agree with the old judgmental ways, I'm just trying to portray them with reasonable fidelity. And hold that thought about it not being heaven with him unhappy. Anyone would be depressed short-term after losing their only close family, but remember heaven is eternal, and time heals all wounds… and who knows, God might not be as cruel as some people think.
Man of Constant Sorrow chapter 4 . 3/26/2015
The judgemental tone of this really left me feeling like this was a truly sophisticated form of Elsanna trolling. Just for the record, heaven for the climate, hell for the company, How can it be heaven if he is unhappy, how can it be hell if they are still together.
Vinety chapter 2 . 3/21/2015
My god this awesome! More please
asksillysisters chapter 2 . 3/21/2015
just scoop me off the floor and shovel me into the wheelbarrow

god I'm so done, this is great 3
powerrangerrock chapter 2 . 3/20/2015
Really awesome but wired
Crazy Cat Lady chapter 1 . 3/20/2015
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has thought of this XD Kristoff and Anna, Beard Bros