Reviews for The President's Son
DarkeeseLatifah chapter 1 . 12/10/2017
i just found this and read the whole thing in one sitting! i really hope you come back and update even though its been a while, but this story is fantastic
mlesha chapter 2 . 8/18/2017
The Austin quotes were a nice touch ;)
Guest chapter 7 . 6/17/2017
Bujuman chapter 7 . 11/14/2016
Great story.
sister1256 chapter 7 . 10/19/2016
Great story!
mstlovee chapter 7 . 6/21/2016
Please update. I haven't forgotten about this story.
Symone0939 chapter 7 . 12/10/2015
So absolutely loving this storyline!
It's so sweet, #YoungLove
So they are in it together and will face whatever together!
Can't wait for ur next update!
Symone0939 chapter 3 . 12/10/2015
So liking this storyline! Very good.
vivi76 chapter 7 . 11/20/2015
Good story. Holding my interest and can't wait to read what happens next. I like the innocence of them so far, and how they are so in tune to each other. I see both parents interfering in their blossoming relationship. Now as for Olitz and Season 5, I was cautiously happy until the winter finale when all hell broke loose. I am angry with the way they are writing Olivia. Too contradictory.
kandyse4olitz chapter 7 . 11/18/2015
Nope I don't feel anyway. Why it I'd Olivia always get excuse for her bad behaviour but people can't extend the same courtesy towards Fitz. Is not like Olivia can't leave the white house he brought her there to protect her. Olivia needs SSA she is the 1st GF so she is a treat. Olivia didn't look scared she looked confused she thought Fitz was gonna be done with her. She is not accustom to this calm Fitz and quite frankly I'll rather be in the white house with my sexy ass man than be in jail. Okay rant over.

Whoa this is a lot to deal with being a gf to the potus son. I hope their relationship can withstand this because it can be too much. Seems like Olivia is gonna be in trouble. Can't wait for more
SandraNowakowski chapter 7 . 11/16/2015
I loved your chapter. I'm curious as to why Liv's mother burst Liv's bubble of happiness. Will be eagerly awaiting an update.
No, I didn't find Fitz's behavior odd. Olivia makes bad decisions which affect their relationship and Fitz forgives her. Why can't Fitz make a decision? Fitz seems to be the most rational person of them all!
SandraNowakowski chapter 6 . 11/15/2015
Oh boy, now your story is really getting good! Can't to see what Cyrus says.
SandraNowakowski chapter 5 . 11/15/2015
I love your chapter and this romance. I can picture young Olivia and young Fitz. I've been liking S5 except for 506. It set me back. I feel less addicted to Scandal now. Just watching for Kerry, Tony and Olitz.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/14/2015
Omgggggg UDATE PLZ
kelleekellkell chapter 7 . 11/16/2015
Glad they stood their ground. Now what will Mama Pope say?
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