Reviews for The Little Recruit
Anna chapter 69 . 4/15
PLEASE can we get an update on this?
kara2lucy11 chapter 69 . 3/3
I wish this story would be finished but not much hope anymore
Mrs.Northman chapter 14 . 2/5
This is the 1st time I didn't like Steph. Not washing locs is NOT normal care unless they're fresh and have yet to loc. Once they're loc-ed they're washed like normal.

Also black people, at most, wash their hair once a week unless we're washing out a style gone wrong. Most blacks avg about once every 2wks at longest. Black and white hair is not the same (even curly white hair). We need different things to maintain the health of our hair.

Steph sounds small minded and sheltered. I mean why is she calling the girl a rastafarian when she doesn't know what it means? The way she says it implies something bad even though it's not.

I'm not going to dwell but that whole little passage just shook me from the rhythm of the story. I'll read on and hope there's someone that will enlighten little miss sheltered but I doubt it...

I am going to just ignore the exchange with Lester. I'll just say if you're describing black girls then its problematic. If you're describing white girls with locs then that needs to be made clearer. Finally, black people, generally, don't have to ever worry about lice because our hair is too oily to play host for them.
HARVEY'S GIRL chapter 69 . 1/5
This is a really good story. I've enjoyed and been engrossed in it. You promised to finish it and I so hope that you do. PLEASE.
ladyjade01 chapter 69 . 9/25/2019
I would love to see this finished
KellyGirl chapter 69 . 4/25/2019
Hi, I hope you're still getting these. Just wanted to say how much I'm enjoying this & your collection of emails. I hope others' input has not put you off finishing TLR indefinitely. I for one am very vested & am holding you to your promise to return & finish. This is why I love AU stories (& stories w/ a strong Stephanie)! You get to be creative & you've created a great cast of characters w/ enough canon thrown in for me to want to see how this all plays out. I'm loving the slow burn you promised us. You have a great talent. Please continue to use it here as well as elsewhere. Thanks!
KellyGirl chapter 6 . 4/24/2019
I'm thoroughly enjoying this story. I love a good AU story as well as a long chapter tale. You have a great writing style, very engaging & addictive. Especially enjoying how you weave canon into this. Also love your pen pal letters. I've only recently found your site & I know you have companion pieces for this tale. I'm very much looking forward to getting into those as well, but I'm going to implore you now to please come back & provide closure to this story & for your many fans (1300 reviews to date!). Thanks for this!
Guest chapter 69 . 4/12/2019
Are you coming back
caren15 chapter 1 . 3/24/2019
Just found this story and loved it. I hope you continue to finish this story and come through with a BABE HEA. Thanks for sharing this story with us. Always a Babe!
Madgor chapter 1 . 3/15/2019
Love this! Impressed by all the details, great conversations, the build up of the story! Amazing work and thank you for all the hours you put into this. Would love an ending, someday :)
Shanita67 chapter 1 . 2/26/2019
Still hoping this will be updated
nenaB chapter 69 . 2/20/2019
Fiarillo chapter 69 . 7/30/2018
I have enjoyed this. Reading strong Stephanie and yet her denial and insecurities are still there. Young Ranger and BLT is fun to read. Following the to read more.
jwarden chapter 69 . 7/25/2018
Update please
JudoMom chapter 69 . 7/10/2018
I realize it's been nearly a year and a half since you've updated last but I would really like to read more of this wonderful story. Hope you find your muse again.
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