Reviews for Standing outside the fire
gkiilzse chapter 36 . 3/16
welp... now that I finished it what am I supposed to do?...
ChocolateTurnip chapter 36 . 2/17/2017
What a sweet end to a sweet story! I'm assuming that Huna did indeed check with Matt that they could all stay for an extra week first before just turning up. Good that Oscar's moved into a manual wheelchair. At least now he can make some progress on this rugby career of his.
Horseriding was a pretty cute idea of Mike's, especially since Oscar hasn't been able to experience riding a horse since the incident. And since horses were something of a motif in their relationship, it did feel nicely cyclical that the story ended with it, and with them riding together rather than apart.
So, that's the end of that, then! I knew they were going to be happy in the end. Hope the rest of their lives go well, and that Mike doesn't die in that next tournament, because they've still got to visit Kew Gardens together.
ChocolateTurnip chapter 35 . 2/17/2017
Firstly Mike, why on earth would you choose to travel all the way to New Zealand with your dog in tow? Couldn't you just find a sitter or something?
Awww, early morning romance scene. I like that kind of stuff. It's sweet that Mike can finally let his guard down a little to kiss his boyfriend, although way to ruin the mood there Oscar!
interesting that Mike does still want to keep doing Rodeo after everything that happened. That takes some real dedication there! Just maybe don't try any more bull riding events, hmmm? Or at least, not before he's properly ready. Although wheelchair rugby is probably just as dangerous, so Hutt better get training too.
Just one last chapter to go. I'm looking forward to all the mushy romance stuff that I suspect you've written.
ChocolateTurnip chapter 34 . 2/16/2017
Awww, now this is some actual progress for a change! Damn these losers only being able to communicate properly when behind the safety of a screen. This is how people end up paralysed from the waist down, you know!
Both of them were adorably dorky in this chapter. Mike insisting that Oscar tell him first with that aggressive, poorly feigned nonchalance of his certainly felt very characterful.
And damnit, those admissions of feelings and the romantic things they wanted to do to each other were just so sweet! Looking forward to reading about them meeting in person now. :)
ChocolateTurnip chapter 33 . 2/16/2017
Ah yes, an epistolary chapter. You managed to make this one very characterful, in spite of such a small amount of narration. You captured their distinct writing styles very effectively. I loved the nicknames they came up with, the fight over regards, the silent yet still obvious mutual acknowledgement of their feelings for each other. I'm glad Oscar's improving, although it must be really humiliating to have to rely on another person for everything. He's being surprisingly cheerful about being paralysed though, all things considered. It amused me that Mike seems to be managing this long distance relationship thing (or at least, long distance almost relationship) much better than Sal who has actual experience with flirting and the like.
Also Oscar, what kind of modern day teenager hates using a computer? Are you even from this age?
ChocolateTurnip chapter 32 . 2/13/2017
Four chapters left? Wow, it does feel like you've come on a long journey with this fic. You were working at it for almost two years, weren't you?
I'm glad that Oscar is recovering, and even more that he and Mike are in correspondence. Hooray for building relationships! I did also enjoy the interactions between Salvatorio and Mike. The light teasing between them felt very realistic and evoked the sense of a comfortable, long-term friendship.
Hahaha, only Oscar would use a word like 'converse' in a email. Or Roderich. Or Luca. Actually, come to think of it, I think lots of people would probably use the word 'converse' in an email. XD
ChocolateTurnip chapter 31 . 2/13/2017
I've been busy for a few days, but am now back to finish reading this story.
And finally it looks like you're giving us a little bit of hope! Knew it! It's sweet that Oscar's condition keeps changing, albeit briefly, when he's with Mike. The polka dance works nicely as a motif within their relationship too.
Although this was a short chapter, I did like a lot of the descriptions you used. Especially that of Oscar's smell at the beginning, and the change of the seasons halfway through.
ChocolateTurnip chapter 30 . 2/9/2017
And yet another short, sad bundle of angst. I hope you enjoyed yourself writing these!
Oscar's bruises were vividly well described, and I liked the sense of hopeless routine that you evoked. Mike continues to be a closet romantic, and a bit of an idiot at that. Nice try with the kisses though!
At least Mike and Matt finally get a chance to mend their dysfunctional relationship. Hooray for sibling love! And damn, I hope wheelchair access is readily available in Kew Gardens because they'll be needing it at some point!
ChocolateTurnip chapter 29 . 2/9/2017
Well, wasn't that another cheery chapter? I see the Johnny Cash title references again.
Yay, Arthur is back! At least he and Sam can be a bit happier now even if nobody else is. Or at the moment at least. There's still a chance for happiness and blossoming romance, yes?
Good sense of stalling time at the beginning. It gave an impression of prolonging pain, which was quite effective. Poor Mike, feeling all that guilt on top of everything else.
Huna's promotion to parent feels a little odd given that Logan had always been described as a brother rather than a father, but I can see what you're trying to do with it. Dropping the formalities and realising the strength of a bond in a dire situation.
Get better soon, Oscar! Everyone's relying on you!
ChocolateTurnip chapter 28 . 2/6/2017
So it turns out that the afterlife is just one big cattle shed? Who knew.
I liked the dreamlike nature of Oscar's scene, as well as the calm pacing and vague descriptions. It all made for an effective juxtaposition to the action-packed horror of the previous chapter.
But wow, wasn't the rest of the chapter depressing? Kew Gardens had better be worth it for all the pain you're putting these idiots through. And to think that this just could have been prevented if everyone had just properly talked to each other first.
Still, I'm looking forward to Oscar's recovery. Or funeral, I suppose, but I still doubt it.
ChocolateTurnip chapter 27 . 2/6/2017
Short, fast-paced, and dramatic! That was a pretty shattering chapter, in more ways than one. Although I must say that I still don't believe that Oscar is dead. Possibly because I know your writing themes rather well at this point, and I know that in your 'epic pairing stories' (e.g. TOOTSBM, Red Doll) you usually keep both of the main couple alive against the odds. Also because there are still eight chapters left. And also because they've still got to go on that honeymoon to Kew Gardens.
The description of the bull's damage from both Oscar and Mike's point of view was horrifically detailed. And that was incredibly brave of Mike to put his life in danger to help Oscar once again.
TBH, I don't think the rodeo clown really needed a name or a backstory, but I'm glad he's having fun after travelling so far. You go, Terry!
ChocolateTurnip chapter 26 . 2/3/2017
Oh, Huna did end up talking to Matt about it. I'm glad that communication occurred, because I can't help but feel that it would have been terribly unrealistic without it. I still don't quite know why they didn't properly try to talk Mike and Oscar out of it, preferably by sitting them down together and discussing everything, but the drama must continue, I suppose.
I'm glad Nataylia returned for the event too instead of just leaving the story outright.
That scene with Mike's concussion though, oh Jesus Christ... YOU BLOODY IDIOT, ONE OF YOU IS GOING TO GET SERIOUSLY INJURED!
ChocolateTurnip chapter 25 . 2/3/2017
Damn, that was a heavy-hitting chapter. Lots of emotional exploration, a harrowing reveal, and a very effective build up to the approaching event. Poor Logan and Huna, what a horrible experience :(
I still think Oscar's going to be the one who ends up injured, but it would be a clever bait-and-switch if it turned out to be Mike.
I dunno why Huna doesn't talk to Matt and Sam so they can all persuade their younglings to step down (and maybe start dating too), but I guess there isn't much time left.
So... next chapter here we come!
ChocolateTurnip chapter 24 . 2/2/2017
Well, I'm glad that all worked out and they're both still alive. That was touch-and-go, what with an attempted resuscitation. I see that both of them remain unwilling to actually talk to each other properly about their feelings. *sigh*. When one of them is seriously injured in hospital, they'll come to regret this! (My money's on Oscar being injured).
But wow, I'll be interested to see Huna's response after Charlie got so upset. This is not going to be pretty...
ChocolateTurnip chapter 23 . 2/2/2017
Oh dear. Now you've cranked the drama up to eleven, I see. So this is the storm you were building up to in those previous chapters. Or one storm, at least. Oscar's in deep trouble now, even if it was his own fault. At least he did realise that Mike wouldn't have tricked him on his ride, but it was a bit late by then! You'd think with a battered elbow he might think to pull out of the bull riding once he gets rescued, but somehow I doubt it. Perhaps his injuries here will impede his performance?
But wow, there was so much dramatic anguish in this chapter. Stupid teenagers, not able to control their emotions.
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