Reviews for Superman and Superwoman in Justice League Music of the Spheres
Snowgem33 chapter 17 . 6/19/2017
R.I.P. Supergirl, you deserve it. Keep up the good work!
Superfan44 chapter 17 . 6/18/2017
Wow, I have to say, this was another pretty good chapter for the story. I like the flashback that you added at the start of the chapter, it helps add some emotional weight when we see Supergirl sacrifice herself later on. I also like how you've managed to wrap everything up with this arc, and it makes me curious to see what happens in the aftermath of all of this. Keep up the good work and update soon.
Wolvmbm chapter 16 . 6/5/2017
Nice update and great connection to your previous Spider-man storyline series.

It seems that maybe there's hope for more future crossovers and maybe having Spider-man and his friends join the Justice League or the Teen Titans for an adventure or two in the future. :)

Also nice usage of Batman and Miss Martian in this chapter. ;)

Keep up the good work upon such a great series. :)
Snowgem33 chapter 16 . 6/5/2017
I was wondering about Red She-Hulks motives...I hope shes able to control her own fate in the future.
It's a strange feeling for me to actually find M'gann cute and have that persist, but it's definitely not a feeling I dislike. I'd rather avoid disliking people, even if they are fictional.
When She-Hulk said "Bruce" I had an brain fart and forgot the Hulk and Batman had the same first name, so I was like "How does she know Batman?! Goddamn it Wayne! I thought you were suspicious of Hulks not trying to get into their pants!" Heh heh. Guess you can tell how much sleep I've been getting lately.
Anyway, keep up the good work !
Wolvmbm chapter 15 . 5/28/2017
Now this is going to be some adventure. Nice update to the story as the odds are stacked against the heroes if they're willing to face an army of gamma enhanced superheroes.

Keep up the great work on this series.
Snowgem33 chapter 15 . 5/22/2017
Okay, so M'gann was kinda cute in this chapter...and I didn't find her the slightest bit annoying (for once)! (I don't hate M'gann, honestly. Some of the things her character has done in cannon kinda piss me off, though.)
Maybe I just have high standards, but if I were Lois and my Father was bad-mouthing Clark and Supers/Mutants in general (regardless of whether or not there was aby romantic connection involved), I would've shouted right back in his face, stormed out with Clark in tow and barely ever speak to him again. (Yep. Those are some high standards. Or maybe I just hold a grudge when it isn't necessary?)
But (censored censored censored censored)! I fucking hate racism of any kind! Goddamn it, Lex! I know you're an opportunist, but don't you think stowing the flames of hate like you're Ares might backfire on you regardless of the blackmail you have on Kelly?!
Also, I dunno whether this was intentional or not, but Wonder Woman was mentioned as being turned into a Hulk twice; once with the Marvel heroes and the other with her own DC comrades.
Keep up the good work!
Bigou chapter 14 . 5/13/2017
A good story so far, even if I'm a bit put-out by it having some references to Marvel's heroes when it is a story about DC's ones.

I know the last chapter is a bit old now, but I still hope to read more of it someday.
Snowgem33 chapter 14 . 4/28/2017
I knew Guzril wasn't dead! (Censored censored) Does no one do any scouting in this universe? What if astronauts find this creature?!
Superman is a Super Saiyan! I knew it! ...Okay, maybe I didn't know that one.
Aw~! Luthor actually does have a heart~! OTP! (*sarcastic clapping*) But, that was a cute moment...
Awesome; Lois is finally a member of the Justice League! (Now if that would only happen in cannon. *sigh*) Nice outfit, too!
Who else has actually seen the 2009(?) animated Wonder Woman movie? Raise your hand, don't be shy. I was hit by a sudden wave of nostalgia seeing Steve, even though he's been part of Wonder Woman lore for a freaking a ever! I don't think you've got anything to worry about, Steve...unless Diana starts singing (Not) Getting Married Today.
M'gan! I like her but am annoyed by her at the same time. Here's hoping that annoyance fades with time.
Keep up the good work!
Booksaboutnothing chapter 14 . 4/27/2017
So... Super Saiyan-ish Superman...? Does the most OP character really need a power boost? Also what's with the suddenly ability to just will hair and eye colour to change?

I like the idea of Power Girl and Lex being married, I think that would form an excellent pair of villains.

Looks like Gurzil is indeed still alive... sort of.
kalel4444 chapter 1 . 4/26/2017
Very good story though I am more of a superman/Wonder Woman shipper I still like Lois from being a huge superman fan since the mid 1980's.
Superfan44 chapter 14 . 4/26/2017
It's good to see another chapter posted not too long after the previous one. I like the new outfit that you have for Lois, and I'm glad that it's the one she wore in "All-Star Superman", which was one of my favorites. I also like the introduction of Miss Martian in this chapter, her personality matches the character well, and it will be interesting to see what you'll end up doing with the character. The best thing about this chapter is the way we see Lois beginning her new life as Superwoman, now that she and Clark/Superman know each others identities, with the new suit, new ability, and becoming a new member of the Justice League. I can't wait to read what happens next, and this chapter was a good way of setting up stories that will come in the future. Keep up the good work and update soon.
Snowgem33 chapter 13 . 4/26/2017
I really doubt Guzril's gone for good. (Or, at least, I hope not. I'm one the people who don't like the "good can defeat any evil if their loved one's are in trouble" cliché all too often. No offense.) My favorite part of the chapter was when Clark told Lois who he really was, because even though this universe isn't cannon and it has happened a lot in cannon already my mind was like "Finally!". Now don't screw up, you two!
Booksaboutnothing chapter 13 . 4/24/2017
Gurzil is defeated... or is he?

Good chapter. I like the budding romance between Clark and Superwoman/Lois.
Superfan44 chapter 13 . 4/23/2017
Alright, it's good to know that we have reached the end of this arc, while still setting up everything that is to come down the road. I loved the way you portrayed the fight against Gurzil, with Superman finally learning that Lois is Superwoman, along with Superman briefly tapping into an unknown ability to take down Gurzil. I also liked the conversation between him and Lois near the end, and it feels good that this reveal between the two is starting to make their relationship stronger than ever. I can't wait to read what happens next, and with Clark and Lois now aware of their secret lives, it will be interesting to see where this will go from here. Keep up the good work and update soon.
Booksaboutnothing chapter 12 . 3/27/2017
It was a little strange that Gurzil wasn't killing anyone and doing what Waller said only for him to betray her and kill her at the end of the chapter. I'm definitely intrigued though and wondering if he can be stopped.
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