Reviews for Behind You
SupremeQueenCosmic chapter 8 . 7/13/2019
So...yes Yami will definitely kill a bitch over Yugi. Make no mistake.
He still gives zero fucks but it seems right there at the end he feels...bad for some reason. Taped up his Dark magician card. Hmph. Slowly but surely character development perhaps?

Guess we shall find out after THESE messages
SupremeQueenCosmic chapter 1 . 7/12/2019
Well I said I’d start it and I did.
Gotta say. I’m kind of in love?
I mean at first I was really confused. Like how tf was Yami even there and what the heck was even going on with yugi and oh they’re making out now that’s nice. Oh Yami hates him alrighty then. But then the puzzle was mentioned and I started catching on.
Gotta admit. You weren’t kidding. Mini series Yami gives zero fucks but it looks like mini series Yugi doesn’t give a damn either. Hehe. The fact that Yami currently “hates” Yugi is going to make watching that change so much more interesting.
Oh Yami...soon you’re going to go from “I can’t stand Yugi” to “don’t even breath in his direction wrong or I’ll eliminate you from existence...depending on the day.” Hehe
dindundon chapter 16 . 2/9/2017
aight so i had to take a day to digest this a mazing story before i left a comment otherwise it would jut be AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (it still might be that tho lol)

aight so, this was a great ending to this story, and it really has me amped up for the next installment happening. the way youve taken these characters and built this story and made them your own is incredible, and its definitely going on my favorites list forever. your writing style is just so augh good the way you like,, let the reader infer stuff and how yugi and yami have grown personality-wise & ur such a talented writer man :)

this chapter in particular is really great the way it climaxes (lol) in an unpredictable but really satisfying way. like all this tension is built up thru the story and when it gets to uh... this you didnt just say welp. sex. you really had the characters interact in a realistic way that u built up from previous chapters in the story. it was so well written that i felt all that tension too man your really good at conveying emotions like that.

but this is all just to say that i really loved this story & your such a good writer & ill definitely be around for the sequel :)
angiembabe chapter 16 . 2/9/2017
I like the way Yugi took control of the situation in the lemon. But then, he needed to as Yami kind of lost his composure.
It seems Yugi has figured it out and that maybe Yami did not know as much as he thought he did. I liked Yugi's words. 'The only difference is I'm not running and you still think you can.' It gave me the impression that Yami is not the controlling, all powerful God that he wanted Yugi to believe he is.
Yami was definitely more needy in this chapter. He got pretty jealous when Yugi said he would date Anzu, or whoever he wanted.
Maybe Yami is just a soul lost in the dark and Yugi is his saviour!
thor94 chapter 16 . 2/5/2017
really long chapter with lot of somewhat philosophy talk.
and there was a pretty good soft lemon (yugi look really care for yami), but really hope, you plan the lemon with yumi turn to fuck yugi deep in some hot (maybe little sadistic) way involving bondage very soon (means from the next chapter), i prefer lemon with bottom submissive yugi and hope it will come soon and not in dozen chapters when yami will be turned into lovey dovey protective guy
Deathstarling556 chapter 15 . 1/1/2017
So, this story is now what I expected, but it is mush more than I could have hoped! I love this story and how unique it is to anything I have read so far in my life. I love your spins and twists on things and how detailed this is. I hope to read more, because I think that I'm hooked.
thor94 chapter 15 . 12/11/2016
good chapter.
so finally yugi admit he is addicted to yami treatment. and salomon know about the puzzle spirit.
can't wait next chapter, hope for some rough lemon involving marking, tendrils, sadistic, bondage, etc.
dindundon chapter 15 . 12/11/2016
uh oh
uh oh uh oh uh oh
this was so good that i had to take little breaks between all this good information that i got in this chapter cause i was so excited. i cant believe yugi's grandpa knew that is such a good plot twist :O
also whooo damn the title drop givin me chills every time i read it. im gonna have to go back and read this whole story again once the last chapter is out. im so excited ! & also the fact that ur workin on other installments in this series is like.. god bless u man u doin good with them writin talents. love it

cant wait to read the next chapter ! :)
angiembabe chapter 15 . 12/11/2016
His date was ruined by his connection to Yami. Yugi trying to explain himself sounded like one messed up dude and I thought she handled it sympathetically.
It looks like Yugi has got himself into a mess he can't get out off - or can he?!
Naughty of Grandpa to keep the knowledge that the Puzzle has taken half of Yugi's soul, to himself for so long.
If Yugi gives in and let's Yami have what he wants, will Yugi lose the rest of his soul and be killed, so that Yami can live?
I'm also guessing that Yami is vicious because he is made up of the dark half of Yugi. Where does the knowledge that he is a God come from though?
YxYYLover chapter 1 . 11/3/2016
Yugi is one messed up mixmoscato o.o...
thor94 chapter 14 . 10/30/2016
interesting chapter.
the lime at the beginning was good.
and like to see yami in possessive yandere mode.
hope the hot puzzle lemon will come soon.
And would like to have yami doing what he suggested, use sadistic rough kink like bloodplay, etc to increase yugi pain tolerance (and turn him into masochist).
angiembabe chapter 14 . 10/30/2016
It always amazes me how you manage to edit using just your phone, and still have hardly any mistakes!
What a mammoth chapter. A lot going on with heir mixed up emotions.
I don't know which accidental pun made you laughter but I detected a few. The conversation about Yugi's dubious video collection made me laugh.
Yami is like the sadistic stalker that frightens you but you can't live without! His hold over Yugi is scary. He doesn't Want Yugi to have a normal relationship with Anzu, but what can he offer Yugi except pain and suffering and alienation from his friends. Yugi seems intrigued by iYami and has developed a twisted bond with him.
Definitely not healthy. What will become of them both? It is like they are consuming each other!
Shame about your halloween fic. Mine did not develop beyond an idea either!
dindundon chapter 14 . 10/30/2016
this chapter is so good what with the dialogue and the interactions &&& it took me like two hours to read just because i kept going back and rereading lines i really liked. also i think its awesome youre bringing tea into the mix and i am really excited to see how you write her along w yami&yugi
& if ur really writing sequels to this imma lose it its not often talented people write great stories, finish them aNd give it a sequel & im real excited to see where ur taking the story and all of yamis secrets :0
looking forward to the next chapter !
dindundon chapter 13 . 9/22/2016
lovely story, I picked up with this piece around chpt 6 and checked it regularly ever since, but I usually read late at night and so I would fall asleep and forget to write a comment. I love this story, its very interesting and has a really great and interesting chemistry between the characters. I like how you portray yami and yugi's relationship, and the way you have slowly revealed things about yami has left me theorizing and then coming back for more lol. anyway, this is a great story and you are a great writer. im looking forward to the next chapter :)
angiembabe chapter 13 . 8/30/2016
Yugi seems to be figuring a few things out now and despite his hostility, Yami seems to be a little more balanced.
I don't think they can carry on fighting against each other as it might destroy them both!
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