Reviews for SHIELD Academy for a Kent
teengirllovesfanfic chapter 5 . 4/19
I hope you update this story soon! It is really good!
DredgenVayn chapter 5 . 1/6
I actually liked your story, but the fact you took it all down due to flamers and trolls defeats the purpose. If it bothers you, you could repost a fresh set where there are none of these bad reviews, or turn on review moderation to remove the bad ones. This is all just my thoughts on the situation. Sorry if it upsets you.

The fans can'tenjoy your work if you remove it. Just pleasetake that in mind. I still support the story, but I cannot enjoy it if the story gets removed.
Ravenmore45 chapter 5 . 1/3
Fuck you retard.
Guest chapter 5 . 1/1
Hey man just wanted to say this story is really interesting and I can’t wait for the next chapter
Shall-Iin chapter 1 . 12/14/2019
why are there so many chapters missing? are you doing a rewrite? I have this downloaded and seem to remember it being over 20chaps long. I know my last review on it was around chap 9 so how are there now only 4 chapters?
DragneelHarem chapter 4 . 11/23/2019
Please continue. Don't let the flames get to you. This is a great fic with an even greater potential.
Supabec chapter 4 . 8/23/2019
Sorry to here about the reviewers and you need to repost hope u continue writing and don’t let the hater get to u there alway got to be negative no one perfect but please continue
HaywireEagle chapter 2 . 8/21/2019
Honestly, I am finding this to be rather boring. The idea has some merit to be sure however the execution of it has much to be desired.

The dialogue in the first chapter is rough to the point of cringe inducing with how heavy handed and bland it was. That being said, the rest of the chapter itself was heavy handed or just predictable and boring. At least to me.

The second portion of this is the fact that Avengers are training cadets. That doesn't make a lick of sense no matter how you split it. Especially some snot nosed recruits who are nothing but grains of sand at this point. They're more unpolished turds than diamonds in the rough at the moment.

Plus, Natasha isn't someone to be affected by just a pretty pair of blue eyes.

It comes off as far too high school/camp than devoted training facility for spies/secret agents.
Shall-Iin chapter 9 . 8/10/2019
continuity error alert: at the point they are told about the jericho missile and army of hulk's, natasha does not know about Clark and his full abilities. as far as she knows, he's just a rookie agent with some higher then normal skill/strength. Not someone that can take on 1 Hulk, let alone an army of them.
CleanWriter1987 chapter 19 . 8/2/2019
Remember the rules for reviewing my stories keep it clean or don't review at all
spiritedghost chapter 3 . 2/24/2018
Nicely done, but seriously, the term, 'metal man', in reference to Stark? The blue kryptonite is a nice touch. Still I would think as a normal Kryptonian Clark would be about as strong as Captain America and have enhanced senses, along with enhanced healing. I guess I will find out how you see a Kryptonian unpowered by earths yellow sun.
Pretty Panda chapter 3 . 12/8/2017
Your characterization of Clark is totally OOC. This doesn't feel like Smallville!Clark at all.
dragon flint chapter 1 . 9/7/2017
Hey Alicia didn't die in season three she died in season four, but for this fanfiction's sake lets say that she did because it is your fanfiction. It is still a great fanfiction to read though, please continue to write this fanfiction. Thank you.
CleanWriter1987 chapter 17 . 7/29/2017
I apologize to all my readers for not posting in a while. Life has been very busy, and I read/write when I have the time which here lately hasn't been very often.

Plus I would really appreciate it if you all would please pm me some of your ideas for up coming chapters, kay?

I could use some fresh ones. I have some ideas for "the big date" between Natasha, and Clark but I need to know what other things you would like to see happen with this story.

Please message me when you have a spare moment?

It'll be a big help, and any idea I like I will thank you for in the chapter that I put it in.
Umbra.Venator chapter 17 . 4/12/2017
iteresting chapter
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