Reviews for The Chosen Undead
Jacob Phantom chapter 6 . 4/3/2019
Please update your story soon!
koseta.a chapter 6 . 1/20/2019
Would be cool to see Harry decompose enough to walk around as a skeleton
Aidan chapter 6 . 5/11/2018
Hi, I know it's been three years since you last updated this story, and I have no idea if you're still active, but I'd like to say that I am glad I was able to read this. I truly enjoyed this story. I also wanted to say in response to one of your notes that I'm glad you write for yourself and for the enjoyment of writing, and that you don't allow the lack of recognition stop you. I admire that.
vladimr1996 chapter 6 . 4/24/2018
How does Harry keep growing/aging ? I think the blood wards could have helped at this but without them his body should have stopped aging when he was locked in a locker. Maybe the curse actually has his body creating dead tissue/cells instead of normal living ones and without the magical stasis of Lily's blood wards they start decay (slower than for a normal corpse because the curse uses his magic to hold off the process for some time) and can't last as long as living one? This could account for why he seems to be aging but decaying at the same time.
It just clashes with my understanding of undead as creatures who can only decay further and not produce new living cells.
It was interesting. And sorry for the late review.
blood-elf101 chapter 6 . 4/12/2017
I'd review for the other chapters but considering it's up to chapter six I'd thought I'll leave my review here. Interesting concept of an undead Harry...hmm so he's basically like hidan from naruto except with the decaying and not healing part. That's pretty cool lol. Can't wait to see what you make next. Wishing you the best!
CrazyTheCreeper chapter 6 . 3/8/2017
Thats a really good story, i hope to see the next chapter, and i hope the story is not abandoned ._.
Gaius Germanicus chapter 6 . 8/9/2016
Well this is certainly the most original HP fanfiction I've read. Definitely not a concept I've seen and I'm intrigued. I know this hasn't been updated in a while and I'm currently running through your stories. Just finished what's up so far of Legacy of the Prophets. That one also, is very interesting. Undead Harry is actually working out pretty well here, and I'll admit I was worried.

Keep up the good work when you can, I for one am definitely waiting for more. Also, why so few reviews on this?
Reymen chapter 6 . 6/18/2016
Try to build in some weaknes in being a zombie. At the moment it feels like Harry only gains from it. Sure a minor problem with inferi but except that I feel like there is nothing that will compensate for imortality and everything else.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/13/2016
now this is a good plot instead of oh a virus killed 80% of humanity and everyone has magic instead this is where his mother screws kills herself and harrys a zombie and is going to kill the dursleys good idea
Guest chapter 4 . 2/24/2016
You know, this is actually pretty similar to the book "Raising Stony Mayhall". I recommend that you read it to get some ideas or fresh material to use it. I am not insulting our story, just suggesting a book you may enjoy and/or find useful.
silverlineage chapter 6 . 10/3/2015
I'm starting to like how this story is turning out. Of course, it almost appears that Harry is becoming a bit of an 'unknowing' amabassador for unity in the magical creature realm. I wonder if he'll encounter pixies and nymphs next?
Dusk Raider chapter 6 . 7/27/2015
this is an interesting take on harry's life. never read one where he's an actual zombie corpes.
and it is really entertaining! looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/9/2015
Could Lily cast the killing curse on herself? It requires hatred of your enemy, and unlike a general foe suicide is against yourself and she is not missing her frontal lobe to lack a sense of self.

Why did Albus not have a trial for Harry if he believed the Durlsey’s killed him?
tylermech66 chapter 6 . 6/27/2015
i see that you took the surgery thing to heart, i honestly hadnt thought of a wand though
does a portrait count a a legal entity in the wizarding world?
hmm, i suppose the dead basilisk's eye is too big to fit in harry's empty socket isnt it? maybe a permanent shrinking charm?
and finally, poo, the centaurs dont get guns. Meh, harry probably couldnt have supplied enough anyway.
HappyCthulhu chapter 6 . 6/27/2015
Interisting premise. I could stand to read some more of this.
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