Reviews for Shattered Shoes
Bluerose160 chapter 12 . 4/16
This was such an amazing adaption of Cinderella. You’re writing style is beautiful and elegant. It actually reminds me of my book of classic stories from Brothers Grim. You have a rare talent.
jupimako chapter 13 . 4/22/2018
That was a really well done story. I love how you combined so many elements to create this masterpiece. Thanks so much for sharing!
ButterflyPhoenix chapter 12 . 10/12/2017
Wow! I have always loved any variant of Cinderella - it's a story near and dear to my heart - but this version has quite enchanted me. I think it's one of my favorite retellings now. Thank you for sharing!
2lulu2 chapter 12 . 5/19/2017
2lulu2 chapter 10 . 5/19/2017
Agh! So much suspense!
2lulu2 chapter 8 . 5/19/2017
Ah it's so heartbreaking!
2lulu2 chapter 7 . 5/19/2017
I am so intrigued!
2lulu2 chapter 5 . 5/19/2017
Wow! This is crazy! And cool. :)
2lulu2 chapter 3 . 5/19/2017
I love it so far!
Darkmaster of the arts chapter 13 . 8/6/2016
What a marvellous fic. Truly, one of the best i've ever encountered. Looking forward to reading more of your works
Guest chapter 3 . 12/29/2015
Very wonderful
Your writing is like poetry... Please continue :)
Shani8 chapter 13 . 10/25/2015
I look forward to your new story. Happy writing!

-Shani :)
Pearlness4700 chapter 12 . 10/8/2015
I absolutely love this story! It's such a perfect fairytale and your writing is amazing. A good Cinderella fanfic is often times difficult to come by but this is definitely one of the best I've read. Your incorporation of all the different stories flowed wonderfully and Cinderella is so in character (the prince is always different throughout Cinderella stories so one can't really call him 'in character' but he was great, too). I love her connection with the animals and the descriptions of her dresses, you're a great writer and I hope to read more from you sometime!
Wiztine chapter 12 . 10/7/2015
This was wonderful. Well done. So much more than I was expecting from the summary, trolls and faeries and gypsies! You balanced so many different versions and produced something entirely unique and utterly true to them all, sustained it through 12 solid chapters, and grounded it so well in an awesomely fantastically-realistic, complex yet thoroughly developed and completely coherent patchwork universe. If you can't tell, I'm very impressed, and I really enjoyed this ;)
Shani8 chapter 12 . 10/1/2015
Very beautiful ending. I'm sorry to see this story come to an end, but I look forward to whatever else you have planned to write. :)

Good luck on your move!

-Shani :)
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