Reviews for An Education
KingZthe1st chapter 6 . 12/19/2016
Story has potential to be great but these chapters definitely need some more meat.
Mogblog chapter 1 . 11/30/2016
This is so good!
You've inspired me to write my fanfictions (on Quotev)
Keybladeknight39 chapter 6 . 6/27/2016
Boy got some serious game
warrior of six blades chapter 4 . 6/24/2016
So, Hope and Fang were planning a date. Only for a stupid cold to ruin their plans, hate it when that happens to be honest. Colds REALLY suck. Anyway, Instead Vanille and Serah both go to the cafe he was waiting at, Hope tries to slip out using a book as a disguise. Only to get busted and spend time with them both, surprisingly getting a key from Vanille for Fang's home, and gets a tease peek of Fang fresh from a shower~

Now, Fang plans on making her feelings for the young man and I have to say it's not a bad way to get a makeout with your soon to be official girlfriend for the first time.~
warrior of six blades chapter 3 . 6/24/2016
So Hope made it to her concert without much trouble, that's good. Even made friends with Snow this time and despite his early uneasiness about Snow possibly being competition. Snow's happiness and go lucky attitude seems kind of contagious to Hope and some of his other friends.

Fang herself however, walked Hope home and got a hug in return from Hope. As he felt that just letting her leave wouldn't be a good way to end the fun night he had.
warrior of six blades chapter 2 . 6/24/2016
So Hope has met Fang first and got Maqui and Yuj as roommates because Snow, their previous roommate, couldn't keep his grades up. Seems believable to me and I like how Fang is pretty much in character, a bit of a tease and slightly exasperated at first to deal with idiots, but clearly liking Hope without saying it or giving it away.

Even gave Hope a ticket to her concert, most likely in hopes of seeing the Hope again, and vanishing short after.
warrior of six blades chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
Well, nice start for Hope to go to school in a university now. Must of had some REAL good grades to skip straight into a university like that. At least in this story Hope has both his parents, that's always a plus as Nora's death was a sad death to be honest.
keys of fate chapter 5 . 12/24/2015
Hahahaha poor Hope! Always meeting girls who are a little strange, and then he's friends not believing him afterwards.
keys of fate chapter 4 . 11/17/2015
Oh Boy he's in for it now. :D

Update soon.
Guest chapter 3 . 8/24/2015
this is great looking foward for the next chapter :D
katie chapter 3 . 6/10/2015
I need my daily dose of Vanille x Hope... :'( But rlly awesome story fam!
ChainzOfThePast chapter 3 . 6/10/2015
Over all the idea behind the story is actually quite good and I like it, however, when you are writing try to remember to use the right words for descriptors. Such as when Hope asks Sazh to not tell Fang he likes her. You used the word "stated" when a better way to write it would have been, "Please don't tell her! Please please please!" Hope begged of his mentor. That is sort of how you should try to write. Also, use more description. You can never have enough but can always have too little. Lastly, don't type out whole words just to get more of a word count. If you can use don't instead of do not, then do it. Using unconjoined words can make the even some of the best writings sound simple and basic. I really hope that you take this advice and put it to good use as this story has great potential.
Yours truly,
keys of fate chapter 3 . 6/6/2015
It's alright man, we understand. I hope the rest even better then this one :)

Update soon.
Deviljho's Hatred chapter 3 . 6/6/2015
Cool an update, was getting worried it wasn't going to contibue. Anyway good job hope to see another one soon
WingsOfSatan chapter 2 . 4/20/2015
Hope floats.
Then sinks like a really big boat.
Like the Titanic.
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