Reviews for Sleep Paralysis
SilverPedals1402 chapter 1 . 3/29/2015
I will always love your writing! It just flows so nicely and the descriptions are beautiful and deep. I love the story so far and will be VERY excitedly waiting for the next chapter, whenever it will be written. You take your time, because I don't want you to feel even more overwhelmed. That's been me for the past two weeks or so, but I've managed. :) I'll also be waiting for that full description of your pen name. I have not forgotten.

I don't know about scariest dream EVER, but I recently had a terrifying dream that somehow resembled the horror movie "The Ring". And I've never seen or even heard about that movie until I described my dream to my friend, who knows like every horror movie made. All I had to say was, there was a girl/demon-like creature who crawled out of a TV. I also had a dream when I was little where a pokemon ate my mom...

Anyway, hugs and kisses back at you. :)