Reviews for Hold me, help me, love me
Guest chapter 2 . 8/13/2017
Oh my goodness! This is such a GREAT story! I have read both of your English stories(sorry, I can't read the other language as I'm a English speaker/reader and have never learnt your language before) and I must say that you are an ABSOLUTELY GREAT writer! Your English is simply great I just can't believe that English is not your first language and your plot ideas are totally terrific! Love your stories and I hope that you will continue the stories and update soon!
I think the only thing you could improve on is some mistakes you made(typos) but those are completely normal and the story is still great!:) so don't worry about that! If you like you could just look it through and correct those but I think that it's totally fine!(I could only spot a few typos and those were really minor!:))
I'm actually not sure the exact definition of being in a fandom but I read a lot of fan fiction from different fandoms, like anime(detective Conan, magic kaito, yu yu hakusho, inuyasha) , rise of the guardians, kpop bands. I also love crossovers and I will read crossovers too, with other movies/cartoon/anime that I like even if I don't read non-crossover fanfics from that fandom(eg. Ben 10, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes, generator Rex, how to train your dragon etc.)
I'm sorry but I don't really know what you mean(I'm guessing like if I have anyone that critics my work) but I don't write fanfics, I just LOVE reading them:).
Considering I don't actually know you personally, I can't answer this question, but I really really LOVE your works! They have been reread by me many many times!(sorry I didn't post a review sooner)
I actually think I have come across a pairing I find funny, although I think I have come across some that I find a little weird but I can't really remember right now(sorry). And I think that I can also respect other people's point of views and their preferences or just that I do not think much about it.
As I mentioned previously, I think that your English is already great! Of course there's SOME room for improvement but I think that you are doing just fabulously fine!:)
I'm not sure if I really have some, as I really don't have a favourite pairing, as Long as the story is well written, although I DO like sessinu /inusess/inucest, (from inuyasha, sesshoumaru and inuyasha) and I think that they are the best pairing in the inuyasha fandom. I also have a few pairings I don't really like but if written well I will still read.
I would like the story to progress in such a way where Sherlock slowly heals moriarty and I love scared/scarred/abused characters and low self-esteem(I think i might be a sadist:((, or there's something wrong with me) but still, please write what you want to and continue the story however you want to! It's your story after all!;)
I...actually never watched all of Sherlock Holmes, just some here and there, so... I didn't watch that part I guess.
I really don't mind! you should just include whoever YOU want to!
I don't think I'm any of those(sorry!) as I'm not really an avid Sherlock Holmes fan(as you can tell, from me not having watched or read the whole series) but I still love all of them! Just maybe not as much as a really avid fan woul!
Sorry for such a looooong review and if I confused or bored you:(. (And for any typos!:))
(Wow! I literally spent 45 mins writing this!) okay I'm done now! Thanks again for such great stories and I hope you continue! Keep it up!:))
Leseschlumpf chapter 2 . 1/24/2016
Your story is really good because your plot is unique. Please continue!
Star Trek's Q's girl friend chapter 2 . 7/31/2015
all you need to do is practice, perhaps get someone to beta for you- you have made some minor errors. But over all its pretty good, when are you planning to continue?
16craftytigers chapter 2 . 4/19/2015
1. You have good content. The chapters could be a bit longer, but I'm not really complaining.
2. Too many fandoms. A lot of anime fandoms.
3. I'm not sure I understand.
4 & 5. Considering that I don't know you I do like your writing.
6. Hmmm... I find too many that are strange.
7. There are a few slip ups but even native english speakers make them. For example, typos. Damn those. But you seem to be fairly well rounded with english considering that you're not a native english speaker. What is your first language?
8. Well for sherlock I do love moriarty and sherlock as well as john and Sherlock. But most of my favourite otp(s) - there's no possible way to only have one otp - are in the Hetalia fandom. RussiaxAmerica, UkxAmerica.
9. Surprise me.
10. Absolutely YES!
11. Again, surprise me. :)
12. Yes to all.
WhisperedInTheSoundofSilence chapter 2 . 4/16/2015
Your writing is very good!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/3/2015
Wow. Update please i love it