Reviews for Rhapsody in Scarlet
CalmReader chapter 10 . 1/29/2016
Wonderful story! Thank you for writing and sharing!
CalmReader chapter 7 . 1/29/2016
I'm greatly enjoying your story so far. Your language is beautiful. But I was surprised to stumble upon the word "okay" from Angelique. I'm doubting she (as a French woman) could say this word in 19th century ;-) But everything else is brilliant. I can't stop reading it.
Guest chapter 10 . 8/8/2015
Christine Daae chapter 10 . 5/22/2013
This made me cry buckets! that was such a beautiful story! i'm one of those people who read until the end and then comment! and bravo my fellow writer bravo! that was magical!
Christine Daae01 chapter 10 . 5/23/2013
Bravo! my fellow writer! i am someone who reads until the end to comment so i have the whole thing instead of commenting on a single chapter, so this is what i think: that was breath taking! absolutely amazing! you are a fantastic writer! i couldn't stop reading! i read it until late at night! i'd curse myself in the morning for school but i didn't care! and the ending OH! MY GOD! i was crying! that emotional! please write more! i beg you! it was absolutely splendid!
thebison chapter 10 . 9/24/2009

First of all I would like to apologize for only leaving one reivew, but your story was so absorbing that I didn't want to take a break in reading it. Then my internet stopped working so I couldn't leave a review until now. But I'm here now! And I hope that I can remember all that I wanted to say...So here goes.

I was on the library computer when I finished your story, and it was so touching that I literally had to run out so that no one would realize that I was crying. Perhaps it was one of the most amazing endings to a story I have ever seen. Truly heartbreaking. You made these characters come alive for me, and when Erik died I felt like I was dying too. It made me think of so many things, how life is short, how you must go on after losing a loved one, of everything. I think that's so moving, when an author manages to make a story deep like you have. Congratulations.

Not only that, but your writing itself is fantastic. I love your style, I don't think I've seen many others like it. It's whimsical and funny, but it has the ability to turn serious and sad, which I think is very important in writing. To have that balance. And your characters! Absolutely marvelous. I think I fell in love with Raoul when he bowed to the darkness in Erik's cave...I think that was my favorite scene.

There is so much creativity in this piece, and I bet there is just as much in you. From the way you show what's happening, to the dialogue, and all your descriptions, I don't think I could find any fault. You should be proud that you are the writer of something so brilliant. I wish you good luck in everything that you do, and I hope that you continue to write. You have a gift!

Yours Truly,

lininlix chapter 10 . 9/21/2005
Oh my god! I've read this story once before, last year I think, but I had to come back for a second helping. Having just finnished the story for the second time, I am horrified to find out that I didn't review when I first read it! So here is my long awaited review.

This story really captures the readers magination and the way it was written was the way of a true professional. I take my hat off to you as a fellow writer. I can only wish that I could write at the same standard of you, a true master.

I can bearly see through the tears that has swamped me after reading the epilogue. What an emotional chapter, and what a fantastic finnish to such an amazing story. Thank you. Ron.
Bananas in Pajamas chapter 10 . 5/11/2005
This has to be one of the most well written stories I have ever read. I enjoyed every word that was written, and I sincerely hope that you write more in the future. By the way, though bittersweet (I cried), it was a magnificent ending.

Your Obedient Servant,

Lucrezia Borgia chapter 10 . 4/29/2005
I read this several years ago, it was one of the first phanphics I ever read, and is largely responsible for my falling in love with the Phantom of The Opera. Rereading it now, it still tugs rather hard on my heartstrings. You are an amazing author, and I sincerly hope you continue writing phanphic, since yours is among the best out there.
Mlle. Opera Ghost chapter 10 . 2/22/2005
I cant believe that you dont even have ten reviews. This story is beautifully written. You hit the bullseye with Erik. His temper and pretty much everything else. You are a wonderful writer and should keep up the good work with more stories.
xorie5 chapter 10 . 2/21/2005
Oh My Gosh... Wow! I too am completely and totally outraged that this story did not get very many reviews! What a wonderful and beautiful peice of art! I love it! Great display of emotions, from joy to sadness, and anger to love! Brava! Brava! Bravissima! I love love love it! You need to write more! Of anything! You are a wonderful writer! I only wish I could come up with some stuff half as good and as original as yours!

Exquiste work! keep it up!

Songwind chapter 10 . 1/15/2005
I'm outraged that you haven't recieved more reviews than you have. This story deserves so much more attention than it has recieved.

I know you wrote this a while back, but I hope you're still reading the reviews here because I've a few things to mention.

I appreciate that you kept Erik as in character as possible in a romance fiction. You added in his temper and his age, both big points that many people seem to disregard. You also added in some interesting points that made Angelique very different from Christine- it was nice to have an OC that wasn't "a great singer, better than Christine" sort of thing going on. That just gets tiresome.

I also appreciate that you gave Angelique so many normal characteristics, if you know what I mean. Her basic big point was her ability to write music; she was afraid of spiders and prone to fits of temper as well, and very conscious of how she looked.

In short, this story was amazing, and I am looking forward to reading more of your things in the future.

Like soon.

Like now.

Songwind chapter 3 . 1/2/2005
Wow. This is really cool so far.

Off to read more as soon as I get the chance.
karen1 chapter 10 . 11/18/2004
what an amazing, beautiful, fantastic story! i can't believe i didn't read this sooner! congrats and doing an excellent job-you captured erik's essence just as i imagined him. keep up the terrific work! :D
Fumblepaws chapter 10 . 12/27/2002
-smiles sadly- I remember reading this before... but I can't remember where... it was wonderful to loose myself in it again. one ofthe most beautiful and true images of Erik.

Thank you

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