Reviews for Puppet the untold Story (Soon to be redone do to cringyness)
Xena13a chapter 36 . 3/14/2016
. . . By now, you know I will support whatever. I don't really care for getting picky over BI or gay or anything like that. And of course I hope things go your way. Now, onto the more happy stuff. I'll take Metal to flesh if I can, maybe I could retype the first few chapters, and put them on my account to take off work on your side. (4 the youtube, I subscribed before your first video, wow. XD)
Xena13a chapter 34 . 12/13/2015
alright, but be careful, another friend kept rewriting a story of his, and eventually took them all down due to Writer's Block. go ahead, just a warning, beware WB. D
biscuitman chapter 33 . 11/10/2015
Please don't cut yourself, DF. You may not think you're worth it, but you ARE worth it. You have family and friends (online and off) that love you, and would be sad to see you go. I know I don't sound very helpful in my review, but I am sincere and hopeful for you behind the screen. There are a lot of people who would miss you, and mourn the loss of one of their favourite FanFiction writers. A lot of cutters have died when cuts went too far.
Consider the story of Cyndago. One of the members had tried to commit suicide by slashing his wrists, but was found and taken to hospital. Sadly, he died at the hospital. The remaining member of Cyndago said they weren't going to upload any more comedy videos (because that's what Cyndago did - comedy videos) due to the loss of their member.
Just remember: when you think you aren't worth it, remind yourself that YOU are worth it and a lot of other people think you're worth it.
I hope you're doing okay, DF.
lex1013 chapter 5 . 11/7/2015
i am coming for you. ~Anonymous
Xena13a chapter 32 . 10/27/2015
The king of Cliffhangers has returned to his domain! when you said a Halloween gift named tod, my mind SOMEHOW went to the 'Fear Toad' game theory. I can't even . . .. . . . . . I can only odd.
Xena13a chapter 31 . 10/26/2015
Oh, Deh Epicness! XD
Xena13a chapter 30 . 10/23/2015
yaay! I'm sorry but eventually it has to happen. Bill Cipher the UNtold Story. XP just had to say it, didn't you, Xena? Well, I already have my Herobrine the UNtold Story planned out, so yeah!
Xena13a chapter 29 . 10/13/2015
Yeah, it IS called the UNtold Story. I might be sending a lot of PMs, for my lack of twitter and DA. XD
Xena13a chapter 28 . 9/28/2015
Wow Darth, that was a very hopeful true story. I am happy you did not commit to my biggest fear.
HazaChillzOut chapter 27 . 9/22/2015
Hey Darth, it's been a while bud. It's great to see that you've become so popular! Well done! Sorry about Endgame bud, I can't write Mangle x Foxy anymore, my opinion has been completely changed. But, I think you'll be happy to know, I am adapting the whole story into Wattpad, and changing the characters to normal people instead of our favourite animatronics. I'll tell you when the first chapter is up. Good luck mate, and heads up for the future.
Xena13a chapter 26 . 9/12/2015
I care, and enjoy every chapter you make. Besides, I NEVER abandon a friend like you.
DarthFiction chapter 28 . 9/11/2015
Sadly some did ot get the message about the reviews, :(, Thanks to al my supporters, I honestly do not know when the story will update again, I'm loosing focus and I need to work on school, And also the fact only one person said something this chapter.
Xena13a chapter 28 . 9/6/2015
It is bad that happened. I hope I can help. (p.s. I sorta found your twitter , pretty sure it's you, Goldie cover art, and a post about dis story, so yeah. I like it)
Xena13a chapter 27 . 9/3/2015
All be in awe of Darth Fiction! King Of All Cliffhangers! Lol. 3
JustCarter chapter 1 . 8/28/2015
I dislike you Mari is a girl read my Slendy story to figure out
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