Reviews for RWBY: Tomorrow and Never Again
OverseerOfHimself chapter 115 . 8/3
I know that this story is discontinued, but if you ever continue it, I'd like that Pyrrha would die
Arthur Moon chapter 15 . 7/14
please keep writing
RedDragonRevan chapter 122 . 6/24
Please update this story! It's really good!
David Garrido chapter 81 . 5/26
I love the way this story is mocking frozen and Elsa
The Amesiac chapter 26 . 5/19
I have read only 26 chapters so far. Despite being so early in ther story, I like everything about this story but one thing.
Not going to lie, I am just gonna rant a little bit:
The only issue I have with this story so far is how you write fight scenes, or rather the roles you give out during fight scences. Honestly, it is the only thing I have problem with in this story, but it is glaring at me constantly during every fight scence. Now, I like how you bring up how reckless and dangerous Hunters are to their surroundings, i.e. the Breach. I enjoy you exploring Jaune's more strategical personality during fights too. Team JNPR little teamwork is enjoyable too.
My issue is how you portray characters like Glynda as incompetent fighters though. To start with, she was having an issue fighting some roided out jock wolf faunas. I imagine that he is or is at least similar to the Lieutenant that fought Weiss. The Wolf Faunas shouldn't have had a chance against Glynda, even with the Black Dust Steroids he invested into himself DURING combat while in front of a TELEKINETIC Hunteress that just watched him inject it. Glynda's whole power basically allows her to replicate Maiden powers and heavily influence the environment to the point where the shit she does might as well be magic. Who cares if the Wolf Faunas can tank her stone tentacle attacks, have her erupt the ground underneath his feet with a shower of rocks and force him underground by using her Earth Dust Mastery and Telekinetic Mastery. Don't make ridiculously versatile fighters like her so incompetent and boring during fights.
Then we have the Adam vs Penny fight, which had it's own problems. First things first, Penny shouldn't be so focused on arresting Adam Taurus, but rather focusing on beating him into unconscious so she can capture him. It is possible to make the argument that Penny is just trying to be as peaceful as possible, but I remember her fucking up the whole Dock and the White Fang members with no regrets. Secondly, what the fuck was Ironwood doing? Ironwood watched Glynda's fight, so he should be aware that the White Fang have some way to buff there power dramatically and he can easily inform Penny of this. It would make much more sense for Ironwood to command Penny to ruthlessly attack Adam until the man is unconscious and ready for capture so that he can avoid the Black Dust Steroid stuff happening to Penny. Lastly, the fight was ended horribly, along with the conclusion of this little side-mission. Why did you choose Penny being hacked? I get it, it is Atlas technology but Penny is an A.I., she should have a way to defend herself against a virus. The ending of the entire side-quest and its fight scences just was disappointing. Glynda seems to be incompetent during fights, not being able to take down a glorified mook. Penny had a fight that was very disappointing too primarily thanks to the ending that only rewarded pointless and cliche drama.
hapyjohn chapter 122 . 5/11
this is really good cant wait for an update
Undeadhero143 chapter 122 . 4/28
Well, it seem like regular update is not back
Guest chapter 122 . 3/21
I really love this story! Can’t wait for the next chapter! Keep up the good work!
bluefish1945 chapter 122 . 3/18
please update
DarksiderForever chapter 16 . 2/15
BlueCore chapter 122 . 2/10
Please, where are the updates
Guest chapter 122 . 2/10
Can’t wait for the next chapter
Banana1334 chapter 122 . 1/16
Back to Regular updates He says . Anyway nice chapter as always! Add more watts against Ozpin I imagine it will be chess game between who will outwit who!?...obviously ozpin because good guys need to win. But it will be nice to see it lead up to that point! Hope to see you soon!
abklm chapter 122 . 1/3
I can't wait for Tai to get involved.
Fyr RedNight chapter 122 . 11/22/2019
Welcome back!
It's to hear more from you again and with an awesome chapter too!
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