Reviews for This Epic Story of Forbidden Love
ThayEscala chapter 6 . 3/27/2018
Oh, is this the end already?!
I didn't realize this was a finished story when I started reading it! I'm both happy to finish it and sad there's nothing more to read. This was a great reading experience! As you might have noticed from the time gap between this review and my first one, I binge-read this in one night, hahah!
As of now, it's nearly 4 in the morning and I have no regrets. Great story, really well written, really sweet and funny (man, I laughed out loud several times while reading), hot in the right amounts, and a great ending to these two! Much happier than the original.
Once again, thank you so much for sharing this work. You did a great job! I'm following your profile and will look into any other BrBa works you might put out.
ThayEscala chapter 1 . 3/27/2018
Oh boy, oh boy. I don't know if I'm supposed to be ashamed of how much I enjoyed this first chapter, but damn, I enjoyed this first chapter!
When I first went into Brava fan fiction a few days ago I told myself I wanted to read about Jesse and Walt's protectiveness, dynamics and relationship in General, but I would definitely NOT get into Walt/Jesse. Well, take a look at me now.
This was one of the most well written pieces I have ever read. I really love your writing style and the way you portrait their personalities, thoughts and emotions. I'm certain I'll enjoy this from beginning to end. What can I say? Sorry, not sorry about this at all!
I'll move on to the next chapters and try to remember to leave another review when I get to the last posted one. Thanks for sharing!
Molahsurey chapter 3 . 11/23/2016
I just started watching Breaking Bad and I absolutely love this story, it's amazing, and so true to both characters. I doubt I could find a better Walter/Jesse fic. So well written.
snarryvader81 chapter 6 . 11/28/2015
This is undoubtedly my favorite Breaking Bad fanfic. It. Is. Brilliant.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/18/2015
I love the sexually line about it having different gradations! Well said.
Suzanne chapter 3 . 4/10/2015
I am thoroughly enjoying your story; you've written the best Walt/Jesse fix I have read in a *long* time! You completely nailed the characters, which, in my opinion, is rather a challenge in this fandom. I love the fact that Jesse's behavior, thoughts, and language are so *on point* - but you don't portray him as a complete airhead, as so many do. Your Walt is great, and he made me laugh in his scientific approach and to solving the mystery of Jesse's erratic behavior. Saul is fantastic- I love him on the show, and you wrote him beautifully! Hysterically fabulous!
I love the originality of the plot, too. The Terence aspect is super interesting, and makes me want to read more!
Finally, I salute your ability to make the attraction between Jesse and Walt actually ring true. to me, that is th biggest challenge for a Jesse/Walt slash fic, as I just don't think that Jesse would find Walt sexually appealing *at all*! But you convinced me through your writing prowess. Terrific writing, great fic.
Just one thing to add: Chapters 4 and 5 - the coding is messed up, so you might want to check it, so your readers can enjoy the story.
Thank you for posting this; it's great!