Reviews for Somnus
Marian Simonetti chapter 21 . 8/1
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this was so well written and so full of Danny and Steve favorite thing.. Well
Done and KUDOS to's a story that I will read again.. T.Y
sandranegocios chapter 21 . 8/13/2019
WOW! Great job.
leahk80 chapter 21 . 6/28/2018
Awesome story!
Rijriz chapter 21 . 5/26/2018
I remember I started reading this story a few months back. but the start gave me so much anxiety that I stopped. and then I couldn't find it. came across it last night and I'm so glad I finished reading. it was beautiful. thank you.
Guest chapter 21 . 3/7/2018
Words fail me. Excellent is all I can come up with, but that's hardly enough.
Nadamalki chapter 20 . 6/4/2017
And you call this a plotless whumpfest of a story? How could you! One of the best I've read! Beautifully written as always... You should seriously consider professional writing, you talent is endless!
macberly chapter 21 . 10/15/2016
Wonderful story! Poor Danno! Poor Steve! It's sad to realize Danny may never regain all that happened to him. I just hope these little nightmarish incidents don't pop up at the wrong time that could put him in danger as he heals. I love how Steve is there for him and how Danny just accepts that he needs Steve to get through this! Thank you for sharing!
Cubit2 chapter 21 . 5/28/2016
Wonderful, wonderful bromance. I love how they are each there for the other, no matter what. I've never researched sleep deprivation but looked it up now and it leads to some seriously dangerous problems. Poor Danny. He has battled through it with strength and determination with Steve at his side. Nice job. Very creative plot.
Guest chapter 21 . 1/22/2016
This was just wonderful! You are quite honestly a great writer.
Fifilla chapter 21 . 6/29/2015
What a perfect, sweet, bromantic ending - absolutely loved it!
That was an amazing story, thanks a lot for sharing!
Honor Reid chapter 21 . 6/29/2015
I really enjoyed your story! I am a huge proponent of Danny whump and you never fail to deliver but what I really love that you do especially well is writing the team as family.

It was all very nicely done! Thanks!
JazzieG chapter 21 . 6/29/2015
So, will we never again see the words "this story is finished" when you start posting a new one?! It's part of the charm though, we think we're getting a dozen chapters and end up with more!

This was an interesting exploration into extreme sleep deprivation and the consequences. Although we all take sleep for granted, the effects of going without it over a long period are surprisingly horrific. I know I'm a nightmare to deal with if I haven't had enough sleep, so can only imagine what it would be like to go for an extended period without it. I hope I never have to find out!
Tracey450 chapter 21 . 6/29/2015
What an amazing story, with a perfect ending.
JannaDee chapter 21 . 6/29/2015
You need to let your muse run wild more often. Another wonderful from you!
Maz101 chapter 21 . 6/29/2015
Congratulations to you and your muse. Yet another really interesting means of HurtDanno. Yet another time you have sent me to the internet to look up the repercussions of one of your tortures and weirdly there is not a great deal known about the effects of sleep deprivation (beyond eventual death apparently), so what you have done with the this, using all the implications that *are* known to such realistic effect, was really impressive. Now I imagine you need a pretty good rest yourself. Thanks for another great read.
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