Reviews for Adventures in Clubbing
Guest chapter 3 . 2/9/2018
This is some good shit if I do say so myself
Guest chapter 1 . 8/23/2016
Tmnt 2012 rocks chapter 24 . 6/25/2014
This was a rly good story! Sry i didn't review other chs, when i really get into a story, i don't review as much. Great work!
B chapter 14 . 5/16/2014
Ooh, I can tell you're a huge Buffy fan. There are so many references to it (S6 and 7 especially)!
LincolnCamille chapter 24 . 10/27/2010
Oh. My. God. I loved this story so much. I love complex stories and I definitely love Marco/Ax. Though you probably don't read comments anymore, I still felt like I should do so because it's such a good story. Thank you for writing this.
Zarohk Korobase chapter 24 . 6/2/2010
Ego voce ligua latina (I speak the language Latin), et Deus ex Machina (and Deus ex Machina), is really God from/by/out of the Machine. It is pronounced Day-us ex Mac-ee-na
paranoid these days chapter 1 . 10/25/2008
GAH!1 i love this story. just wanted to say that, and be your 200th reviewer.
Kairne chapter 24 . 10/16/2008
i have a few things to say:

1) i love the "gay tom" idea. i'm actually in the process of writing a fic in which a character i made up(Lee) has a crush on tom so he joins the sharing. message me for a sample!

2) WHY DID TOM HAVE GO BYE-BYE? he's my fav animorphs character and my fav slash theme

3)i love M/A fics but i love the Marco/Tom connection here. why not just starve the yeerk somehow. its worked before...(continues his rambling, hoping for an alternate ending where Ax dies but toms yeerk starves and tom and marco end up together and i know im still rambling so sorry)

4)are you ever going to update the boys will be boys series? i cannot find part four anywhere(providing its even written)
Jader chapter 24 . 11/15/2005
awfully abrupt ending, but I guess it does the job.
Jader chapter 2 . 11/14/2005
awesome reference to Tilopid of "Be Stupid"
TamerTerra chapter 24 . 10/1/2005
Man, you've got me in stitches here! I love your Tom. And the mindfuck. Oh, the mindfuck.

On ch.12 - Everworld reference!

Mid ch.18 - It's looking like Jake's a controller...

Heh, I love how this was all plotty and still slashy. S'great. And now I'm going to read the rest of your fics, cuz this is bluddy awesome.
RoraNeko chapter 24 . 7/21/2005
lol what a wonderful way to end a story

i thought it was all pretty kewl and nobody was terribly out of character. poor jake, life just sucks for him doesnt it?

anyways, luv your fic!
Dortha chapter 1 . 3/17/2005
Chapter One! Amusing. My favourite line being:

"Tom this is," Your cousin Phillip who you've never met. "This is No."

I doubt you'll be editing this, but there are a few words missing here and there. Just so you know.
Dr. SilverRose chapter 24 . 11/24/2004
Just finished you fic, dear. Lovely story...I always wondered why Applegate had left Marco and Ax unaffiliated, and your take on things fits perfectly.

Also, mad props to the Piers Anthony reference in chapter 6, I think. I laughed myself right out of my chair!

Will there be a sequel, anytime soon?

Once again, kudos and hot wings to you!

From one doctor to another,

Dr. SilverRose
Lil Wiseguy chapter 12 . 8/26/2004
Alright, you got the Coo-Hatch thing from Everworld didn't you?
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