Reviews for Dawn Potter: Shadowy Dreams
Lykia Growlthorn chapter 16 . 10/29/2019
Omg omg omg! Please write a sequal because I can’t get enough of this! Even if it takes you months between chapters it will still be worth the wait!

I never leave reviews so for me to be sitting here begging for more is a suprise in on itself
Guest chapter 16 . 9/26/2018
I really loved this story so much, it was amazing written, really interesting and I just spent days reading it non stop, but this end made me absolutely angry. Seriously I thought this was a joke. It destroyed the whole story. Now I wish I could go back into time and stop myself from starting to read this... next time please put a warning at the beginning of your story: NO HAPPY END...
aap5454 chapter 15 . 3/6/2018
I've just finished this in one go, and I'm speechless. Absolutely beautiful story, and despite being shorter than most, it still manage to pull me in and make me like and care about the characters. The fact that there's no cliché bashing makes it even better. Beautiful!
DarknessQueen321 chapter 16 . 2/28/2018
No! I need more! Gods this fic was amazing! I want more! Do you think you’ll continue on with it? I absolutely loved how you kept it the same, but involved Shadow, which made it seem like she was the cause of all the things that happened. You definitely have plenty of skill!
Hellhowler chapter 16 . 1/28/2018
Please continue this story omg it’s super interesting and I really really want to see a happy ending between draco and dawn :’)
BlueberryPunch chapter 16 . 1/26/2018
omigod PLEASE continue with the sequel! I've gotten way too attached to these characters!
chodofaggins chapter 16 . 1/18/2018
That was some good shit. Please continue.
Guest chapter 15 . 1/15/2018
the ending is so sad :(
Mia Tia chapter 16 . 1/14/2018
No happy ending
PrincessMagic chapter 16 . 1/13/2018
I love this so much! I spent all night reading it and couldn't put it down!
emryses chapter 16 . 1/13/2018
ACH PLEASE CONTINUEEE!:3 You can't end it here! I really did feel for Draco at the end though. Lovely story!
RedUniCamel chapter 16 . 1/10/2018
I honestly had to walk away to calm down after reading this chapter. I was filled with Draco's rage at the end. I absolutely adore this story!
Outofthisworldgal chapter 16 . 1/10/2018
That could have gone better and Daphne really messed up. She may have just lost Blaise and herself the friendship of one Draco Malfoy
A reader chapter 15 . 1/7/2018
Ahh please do post about her return! I've enjoyed this fic as I haven't enjoyed one in a really long time! Great work :)
Ps: I love Dawn. Can't say that about many OC
Outofthisworldgal chapter 15 . 1/7/2018
Why Dawn Why. Way to break Draco's heart. I bet he will wait for her I hope he will wait for her but I would understand if he doesn't
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