Reviews for Revenge
kanukaianderson123 chapter 21 . 1/2
Simply Amazing.

I cannot stress it enough.

As this was the first story I had read from this author. I didn't know that I would get emotionally involved, engrossed and sitting at the edge of my chair.

I really don't know what to say about it other than it was fucking amazing. Definitely a good read
RoachBagg chapter 21 . 11/15/2019
Seems criminal to only leave one review for this entire story. I thought about reading the official hunger games book again, but I'm glad i found this story first. It followed the exact wording of many events to a T. At first it seemed like this was just the actual book, but with a different character shoehorned in. I'm glad to see many events were different. I see two sequels. One has been fully completed. You better believe I am now moving on to the 2nd story. Exactly what a Fanfiction should be - keep the basic brilliant structure intact, but change elements to make it different and your own.
Radio Free Death chapter 2 . 2/7/2019
It's been four years since my last review (at the time I'm writing this) and I'm curious to see how the story holds up with another reread of chapter one and into chapter two.

[I had to get there before either one could do anything foolish.]

Why doesn't Aspen just say she volunteers? It can't be because she's still shocked. She is able to rationalize what's happening around her. This all comes off as yet another forced way to make her even more special and to further make Katniss seem weak.

[There was a number of times that I had seen Katniss stronger than anyone her age should be, but there were very few times that I had seen her that weak. This was one of those few moments that she looked weak. Weaker than I'd ever seen her. I knew that she was mad but I could tell that she was more upset. Her eyes were filled with tears and they had softened from when she had volunteered. I wanted to cry with her but I couldn't. I needed to look strong. I needed to look like I didn't care that I had volunteered.]

See what I mean? You don't need to put a female character down to elevate one up, in that Katniss doesn't have to be seen as weak for Aspen to be strong. Contrary to what you read, it's possible to have more than one strong female character occupying the same space. If Aspen can rationalize this far ahead, she might also realize that it's so obvious she cared that she volunteered - others will see that she did it to save Prim. And by not showing weakness, you're kind of passively saying that you're okay with what the Capitol is doing, that those reaped are totally fine being in the games.

I suppose it makes no matter considering this story has been complete, but for future projects, it would be great to keep in mind.
acetwolf94 chapter 21 . 1/28/2019
ceriseriding chapter 18 . 7/5/2018
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completelyBOOKed chapter 3 . 3/27/2018
That was an awesome wat to end the chapter. Oh I love how much thought you put into you character’s back story.
melliemoo chapter 21 . 1/2/2018
Loved this whole ending!
UniqueLightxLove chapter 20 . 12/17/2017
Sparky She-Demon chapter 20 . 12/13/2017
HOLY CRAP! That's a lot of words in a chapter!

Loved this story, looking forward to seeing more!
Fire and Starlight chapter 20 . 12/13/2017
Is it your birthday, wow. Mine is tomorrow in about a few hours so um happy birthday. I can't wait to see the next chapter for the sequel
MeriemDjez chapter 6 . 6/9/2017
I've been reading all day, your story is purely a masterpiece. You keep all the good parts of the book adding yours and that's brilliant ideas. Thank god I found this fic
MeriemDjez chapter 1 . 6/9/2017
yes, yes, yes, I agree with you 100% there isn't real good fiction with Cato and he is such an underrated character. It's really cool that you are writing about him. The first chapter is already promising !
TaelienDrinksTea chapter 22 . 3/25/2017
I'm coming
TaelienDrinksTea chapter 21 . 3/25/2017
TaelienDrinksTea chapter 15 . 3/22/2017
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