Reviews for Kindred
PlatinumDonuts chapter 4 . 3/5/2019
It's president Paylor, not Plutarch
GoPinkLion chapter 22 . 10/17/2017
While this was a nice coming back together story, there were a few things I couldn't get my head around. Willow's age was inconsistent. At first she was a baby that needed milk, then she was sitting up by herself, using a walker, coloring and talking? I'm sorry, but if she was only a few months old when she was first dropped off, she would not have been old enough to do any of those things. And Haymitch having a great grand daughter would have made Hayden's mom 10ish. I also disagree about Peeta's time in the Capitol. He was beaten and pumped full of tracker jacker venom on a regular basis. When would he have been sold?
GoPinkLion chapter 16 . 10/17/2017
How do you figure district 4 is AHEAD of 12 as far as time goes?
bethylark chapter 10 . 7/25/2016
What is a walkie? And I'm guessing wellies are rain boots? Sorry, I've never heard those words before lol. I'm loving this story!
Guest chapter 22 . 2/19/2016
The everlark in this story is so sweet. I'm a bit sad Willow had to go but in the end it all worked out :)
TheSnowyAngel chapter 22 . 1/18/2016
OMG THIS IS HONESTLY THE BEST FANFIC I'VE EVER READ! I just loved how you incorporated so many things into this fic and made it flow so well! I loved how you talked about racism in one of the earlier chapters and made it so subtle and so flawless! I love how everything was so realistic and beautiful and just... AGH!

I loved how you kinda made Katniss falling in love with Peeta again so subtle and not cliche, not like how most would just write her noticing his eyes and whatever body part and they have "mind-blowing" sex and BOOM they're married.

I really hope I can write as well as you one day.
MTK4FUN chapter 22 . 1/17/2016
I spent the last few days reading this lovely story. I enjoyed it a lot. What a nice idea to have them bond over Willow. And even better that she was Haymitch's great-granddaughter. Good job!
insidejokepartyof1 chapter 22 . 1/7/2016
Okay i am still trying to wrap my head around how haymitch has a 16 year old great granddaughter. I mean that would mean that her mother wouldn't have even been 10 years old. Regardless of my head having a hard time fathoming that i enjoyed your story. That was heartbreaking when katniss and peeta gave willow back to hayden. I mean i guess i can understand why she left her daughter to keep her from the father/rapist since that is really what he is. It would be nice if you added a follow up to portray the haymitch/ hayden/willow as well as k/p/w dynamic/relationships evolve but that is just my two cents.
Hunger Games fan chapter 22 . 12/23/2015
Wow. This is honestly one of the best fanfics I have read, I love the amount of detail you include and how long the chapters are. The story was so well written and it's such a good idea. You wrote the characters so well and I loved little Willow who is so cute, I really didn't want them to give her up (chapter 21 made me cry a little) I will definatly read the one-shots if you write them, I'd like to see Katniss and Peeta as husband and wife.
Guest chapter 22 . 12/22/2015
Would love some one shots ️
sheshana92 chapter 22 . 12/21/2015
I loved it! So sweet. I'm sad to see the story end but I'm excited to read more from this universe.
Kpfan72491 chapter 22 . 12/18/2015
Great ending.
Continue please lol
LACR chapter 22 . 12/18/2015
Loved the toasting it was perfect, short but very sweet. I would love to read about how their marriage is working out and about Willow.
ohsoloverly chapter 22 . 12/18/2015
I love this epilogue, I wish the canon was more like this tbh. soso beautifully written, thank you so much for this!
Guest chapter 22 . 12/18/2015
Thank you for your wonderful story. The ending was beautiful Would love to read some one shots.
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