Reviews for Yasuo's Big Ass Adventure
DapperDude chapter 15 . 1/8
Great story so far, though I have found it hard to follow the plot at times, especially where Zac is involved. In this chapter I felt like he broke the pace of the action a bit. I realize this was a year and a half ago, and therefore your writing style might be different now. Love the story and look forward to reading your other stories later. I wish you good luck on your future writing.
PapaKench chapter 19 . 11/16/2019
"After wards" lol is that a pun or a mistake fucking wack
PapaKench chapter 18 . 11/16/2019
Leaving my first review here because I need to take a couple minutes to collect my thoughts, but I want to start with a question. What fucking pyschedelic drugs were you taking when you wrote this!? It's one thing to subvert expectations but when it gets to the point that my expectations are that I'm expecting my expectations to be subverted it's a bit crazy. Like ffs everything goes white and now it's a High School drama!? I wouldn't be surprised at all if the story becomes a fucking musical at this point. The plot can only be described as Zac's ult (the revert) where it's jumping all the over the place and you get launched into the fucking air and then have your brains bashed out. My head is numb this story is fucking wack. It's not boring though just inconsistent. The lemon scenes are alright I've never liked that type of stuff so I can't really give a good review of them. I'm gonna go smoke a beer. I'll leave a final review when I'm finished it's not really "bad" just fucking insane.
ChitogeIsLaifu chapter 36 . 9/24/2018
Now I didn't know you made a part 2.. I'm gonna read this first then head onto your new project... Man I'm so happy for the success keep writing :
Guest chapter 25 . 3/29/2018

nice fic tho
Guest chapter 9 . 2/4/2018
Riven is going to windslash execute many bitches when she finds out
Unknown MrSirGuy chapter 35 . 1/22/2017
It was so sad for me when the story ended but I was enlightened when Riven was chosen over Vi. Personally, Vi did not deserve Yasuo ( and I keep thinking that Vi looks like Zarya lol, which made the Vi lemons awkward ) and that Riven matches Yasuo more. The story could be improved by fulfilling the harem tag by having a shit ton more YasuoxEverone lemons. There was only one lemon of a three-some, and a few lemons besides Vi. MF ( Sarah ), Cait, Ahri, Kat, and Riven ( none of her lemons in the sequel ) were the best characters in this story. The ZacxVi lemon also made things weird during the MF lemon when the ( supposed ) main girl is doing it with a omniscient character in his head with tentacle like sex. I WANT MORE OF THEM LOL STORIES KP SO YOU BETTER GET WORKIN... lol jk, take your time but make it quick plz... Yasuo is a relatable character to me and the harem lemons are fun to read ( not a creep, promise ) and your stories make my day. 11/10 ign for this writer :)
MegaGEARSMASTER chapter 16 . 1/15/2017
zac was fucking awesome
ivan chapter 2 . 12/23/2016
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
Guest chapter 1 . 11/23/2016
The themes say romance and humour but all I've read so far is a group of three rapists abusing a mentally ill man who's been hit in the head with a badly washed frying pan, cause it's still covered in trope.
ZeRaXEs chapter 29 . 7/13/2016
That dunkey words tho'
ZeRaXEs chapter 25 . 7/13/2016
Gj but i wonder, isnt nod yes And shaking the head no
Bob chapter 35 . 4/29/2016
I can not say this enough but PLEASE take some of the major events and change them like when ahri did the Final battle with yasuo with broke the charm that never happened... But I did like what you did with Ahri with her super charm, make it so he said riven and he wished for something Else or when evil him was about to kill VI make it so he woke up sooner and killed evil him I read all of the chapters for the extra and original and I loved them! Hope you read this and keep makeing them amazing
luitinentcreeps7 chapter 35 . 3/27/2016
Holy shit. just finished the Big Ass Adventure, and feels like the story has just started.
Fuck this chapter 3 . 2/13/2016
Fuck this
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