Reviews for Not Fair!
neonkoi chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
Aww. This is so sweet. Thank you for the dedication! Hope you continue writing more stories!
Assasin8 chapter 1 . 4/20/2015
I think this story was really sweet! These guys are great as the main pair of a childhood romance story! But I found that it was a little difficult to focus on the story, since there were quite a few grammatical errors. Not to mention, you switched from third to first person point of view at times near the end, and half of the story is written in different tenses. The first few lines are present tense, but then suddenly everything's past tense... I really liked the story, but the inconsistencies in the structure made it hard to really appreciate the story fully. I hope I didn't offend you in any way, and I hope you continue to write, but I felt that I should say something. Good job here, and thanks for posting!