Reviews for Why Oh Why Did I Choose Here!
Mari Wollsch chapter 42 . 2/9
super story, to bad you nerver returned to it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Gemesies chapter 42 . 10/3/2019
For Years for end of season 5 is 2001-2002 years because Years 2000 it's end of season 4
Guest chapter 42 . 6/6/2019
I know that its been awhile since your last update and i hope you still get updates when one of your stories are reviewed i love this story and really wish that you would continue it please and thank you...p.s. Sorry about your father.
Guest chapter 42 . 4/2/2019
I love this story. I wish you would finish it.
girlie18 chapter 42 . 7/20/2018
I am really enjoying your story and was wondering when you might be updating?
CallaRose4ever chapter 42 . 6/9/2018
This is an awesome story I really hope you will return back to it when you can. I am sorry your Father Passed away I can understand that stuff like that can affect writing. I am still having writer's block from when my brother died. anyway, My point was that this story is really good and I really hope you will continue this. Also, have you thought about posting it on twisting the Hellmouth dot net? Well please continue and if you need someone to preread something for this I would be willing.
callanagassi92 chapter 28 . 5/17/2018
I dont get ur story u put buffy in vampire diaries act like the characters from vampire diaries are any better than buffy characters when all of them have done more shitty things than xander and willow or giles combine all the murder and lies and betrayal or petty shit done in vampire diaries buffy would be sicken and avoid them or atleast have defeat mabye help but still xander and willow are better people and ur actually try to write as if theyer worst yea they made mistakes and the try to be better but the vampire diaries character literally forgive each other for kill innocents and love ones and have done much more terrible things r u that much of a fan that u would bash buffy characters and forget how crappy tvd characters are.
HashtagJustMonika chapter 9 . 1/12/2018
Guest chapter 42 . 11/29/2017
Please restart this story I found it a few days ago and love it thanks
LoneButterfly05 chapter 42 . 11/17/2017
Im sorry to hear about your dad. I do hope you update this soon though...besides all the drama of the sacrifice, I would love to see the Originals in Sunny Hell too. Bet they would not be like Angel, and be all passive when he is insulted and treated poorly either.
lateVMlover chapter 6 . 7/22/2017
I love this Elijah meeting. a
A nice change of pace
lateVMlover chapter 5 . 7/21/2017
I like your story
Chrystyaane chapter 4 . 6/26/2017
I was eating a Chipotle burrito when I read the part about the 'white oak coffee table' thats been in the family for generations...I'm so glad I was alone, since I almost choked on the carnitas...and I'm still snickering...and wrote this before I even finished the chapter...
JulietteHeart chapter 42 . 5/19/2017
I am so sorry for your loss, you and your family will be in my thoughts.
RedAcher15 chapter 42 . 4/29/2017
Take as much time as you need, no one is rushing you to grieve, come back when YOU are ready
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