Reviews for Sweetness
Shyfox chapter 9 . 6/2
I can see the 100 questions on what happens to her soul "Is it destroyed? Does it get digested? Will I become demond poo?" "... You'll eat my soul. Does that mean I'll be with you forever? I'll never be lonely again..."
FAWorks chapter 9 . 5/19
EveLicht chapter 9 . 5/6
why don't you update this story
it's so good
KLyn756 chapter 9 . 6/6/2019
I love his new name haha
Hallowtide chapter 9 . 1/20/2019
Hahaha interesting as well!
Kahli Hime chapter 9 . 12/6/2018
Nice start. Sad there is no more to read. ..
Silent Killing chapter 9 . 7/10/2018
T H I S! I really like the story. Thank you for writing.
Smiling Seshat chapter 2 . 11/22/2017
"Drabbles also decrease the chances of author abandonment because they're relatively easy to write."

*Looks at date of last update.*

Aservis Roturier chapter 9 . 10/11/2017
It's an excellent set-up. Were I in his place I'd take Lucy/Lucille as a last name and one of the old ones as a first, Michael or Sebastian still. It's a shame to waste this excellent set up. Don't you have a story to finish it with?
Aservis Roturier chapter 5 . 10/11/2017
hi, know it's been a while but you asked specifically so I thought I'd offer a hand with one particularly snarled spot i saw in this chapter, thinking it'd help you spot something that needed work. These aren't misspellings but rather misuses or misheard by you. There's an amazingly tangled sentence that starts "Not far off there was..." describing women in a pub.

There is no such word as 'gaggling' you're confusing 'gaggle' which is a collective noun used for geese and sometimes applied to a group of women when they are noisy as geese are in a group. The other possibility is you meant 'giggling'. Next word you have womAn instead of womEn, then you have the phrased 'all donned in pastels'. Misuse of the word "don/donned" on fanfiction is rife (tip: never imitate anything you see on this site, especially new words or clever phrases. Usually there's something wrong with them.) 'don' means 'put on' and generally only applies to clothing. Occasionally I hear it applied to makeup but not sure if that's a correct usage. But if you can't smoothly substitute the words 'put on' in the sentence where you're thinking of using 'don' you're misusing it. Your sentence would read 'there was a large group of women all put on in pastels...' which clearly isn't right, so just say 'wearing' where you had 'don'. Then you wrote "...and chalk-coal based makeup." The word you want is 'charcoal' the same as you use in a barbecue. Chalk is white. coal is black. Though both are used in makeup, both together would make no sense. So tha should be 'charcoal-based makeup.' Then you need an 'a' before the word 'leer' in the next sentence. The rest seems okay, but I actually didn't get to finish reading this. I got to chapter 5 without seeing anything as mangled as that one sentence so I thought I'd offer to fix it up for you. no idea if youve given up on this story or not but if you need someone to read it before you post it you can get me here or on gmail (my name at gmail dotcom).
Guest chapter 9 . 8/18/2017
Are you ever going to update your other story, "Destroy She Said"?
Ennael chapter 9 . 4/7/2017
Very interesting. euh, sorry, I will make a better review when i would have slept...
Uqor chapter 9 . 4/5/2017
I enjoy how short the chapters are, it helps keep my attention. Zella is like a cute and fun character, naming Sebastian Lucille was funny. I hope you pick up thw story again sometime.
kaitlin2515 chapter 9 . 11/19/2016
I am in tears
Gracexxxx chapter 1 . 11/10/2016
Ah, I just started reading this because I'm going through the 'stalk the author's profile' phase (because that doesn't sound creepy) and I'm impressed so far. The concept is really unique plus Kuroshitsuji is one of my favourite mangas/animes so I'm happy :)

I'm also really relieved to know that Destory She Said is getting continued. Good fanfictions are hard to come across nowadays and I am absolutely IN LOVE with your Death Note fanfic. Your concept is amazing, you portray the characters realisticly (which I can appreciate) and Minori is an interesting OC; I like her. I was worried that it would be discontinued after not being updated in such a long time, but I'm happy to know that it's being revamped. Anyway, I'll stop rambling and read a bit more of this fanfic ;)
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