Reviews for The Heart as Black as Night
Yousetta chapter 5 . 4/8/2019
hi i know this is a bit of an old fic but i wanna make a guess that your favourite line is "i need a boyfriend" because it's definitely my favourite line
Pip and CO chapter 24 . 6/23/2018
ooooh that is a beautiful story ! I love the fact that it's focus on Nessa and not Elphaba Glinda or Fiyerodon't get me wrong I love them !) I'm going to read again soon I think!
AirHawk19 chapter 24 . 7/3/2015
Nice. Now I just have to finish. I hate writer's block.
EbonyGreen chapter 24 . 7/3/2015
Aww loved the ending! I guess Nieve isn't so bad after all. (I can so totally see her with an Owl by her side!) I mean, she just gave Nessie the ruby slippers back!
I'm sad that the story is over, but I can't wait for your next one!
iamgoku chapter 24 . 7/3/2015
Wow, a great ending ! I loved it, especially how Nieve apologised and everything seemed so good and tied up the loose ends.
I loved reading it, and will love reading your future stories as always.
LifelongLeahstar chapter 24 . 7/3/2015
Aw, wow! I loved it, all of it!
madman-with-an-impala chapter 24 . 7/2/2015
I love this story! Why does it have to be over, I don't want it to be over :( I hope you write more soon XD
Rhinorion chapter 24 . 7/2/2015
Awesome Ending. If I cried during things like this (I never cry... ever.) I would have cried. Great chapter!
Fae'sFlower chapter 24 . 7/2/2015
Yay! Nessa can walk again! Such a satisfying ending! Loved this! And... I can't believe I'm saying this... but I like Neive now. She turned good in the end. And now she and Celmon have each other.
And you haven't forgotten about 'Darkness Before the Dawn'. Good, neither have I. You left it at a very vital point and I must know what happens next.
Great story! Keep up the great work!
Frostbite chapter 23 . 6/30/2015
You are so lucky! I'm fangirling because you talked to Catherine, even if it was through email. Lovely chapter.
Wanli8970 chapter 23 . 7/2/2015
Phew! I guess I can call Freyja off now.
Freyja: Oh! COME ONE!
Hey, you'll get what you want when I'm finishing writing the chapter!
EbonyGreen chapter 23 . 7/1/2015
Well, I guess I can't kill Nieve now... I think I have to give her a second chance.
And hooray for Nessa! You go girl! Light beats darkness, of course.
One thing... Elphafla?! Hahah! I dunno but it sounds very funny to me. I guess Elphie has a new nickname now!
And I SWEAR, I'm not doing this on purpose! But... I am the 200th reviewer, I think... Hehehe.. Hmm.. . Kinda scary.
Update soon!
Rhinorion chapter 23 . 7/1/2015


As for the Chapter: AWESOME!

Still can't believe she replied! Here is my hyperactive reaction to reading that:

FUJAGLKFHULIFHAU#HRILU#ARYQ*#(IRUHEAJBFJSAFCBIU#RQRYURGQKIWFUYGH#Q*IRUYLQ($*YQ($* Q&%(387875eiuÿgyusagfrw7eiqrugewrqukbhrgewurgwrguewgfwekrygefuweufgefgdgegfegfafgegfegfugeig3848728t4278rgeugeflagef8a737trw3tr79t3wo7riqtg3ikaryguogoiuwyr
spiritwarrior27 chapter 23 . 7/1/2015
Great chapter! Glad to see one without a cliffie, I guess.
Fae'sFlower chapter 23 . 6/30/2015
Yay! Nessa's alright! Thank you! And Neive... she had a sudden change of heart. What prompted that? Could she not stand to hurt Frex any longer? Or did she finally realize that Nessa did nothing to deserve what she did to her. But now Nessa is stuck in her wheelchair again. At least it's better than being mean all the time.
Aww! Final chapter! Can't wait to read it!
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