Reviews for I forgive, but I'll never forget - Rewrite
DemonEmpress33 chapter 34 . 3/11/2017
loved it
Guest chapter 7 . 10/8/2016
I am confused by this it doesn't really make since with the sword crap.
confused guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2016
Im so confused. Is the lucy im reading suppose to be edolas lucy or earthland ? If shes edolas was it really neccessary to put edolas lucy?
Veraozao chapter 34 . 3/16/2016
love it, kissus
ApocalypticFandom chapter 34 . 2/18/2016
I personally find that the character of Mary Lou is too demanding. in that, she demands the attention of the reader within every scene she is is. It is not so much that she's too powerful it is that her power overshadows others. I think that the amount of power she posses is unfair especially as she is an oc. I was alright with it at first but the multiple personas alone all posses such great powers that she needn't have so many types of magic. The plot moved from the character development of team river blade and when they entered the grand magic games. All of the build up that they would finally get to prove themselves was stolen so Mary could get again steal the show with her unfathomable power. Maybe the book could have should the weakness in these characters more because without weakness, it is hard to be strong. Especially the overall Team River Blade could show that where one person is weak another is strong making them a strong team overall. It might also be nicer if the team had to work more for things because the way this story is written, there is no struggle. The characters were given great power with no work on their side. In my opinion it is unrealistic to hand people such power without a long struggle in order to gain it. I'm not going to lie, I'm a huge fan of Fairy Tail power upgrades but what separates the Manga from written fiction is the writers ability to know when certain characters are at their limits. Sure, their are the usual random power ups but in equal measure, they are beaten to a pulp. I apologise this is merely my opinion. You don't have to act on my criticism and I really just want to give you my views as a reader. I will tell you this though. I greatly enjoyed your writing style and in the beginning I loved the character development. I mean even from the beginning I disliked Mary Lou but that might have just been a result of who I am as a person. Again I apologise for the comment and I really do admire you for creating a story. The length is something I lean toward in Fanfiction as I am a fast reader and this occupied much of time. Not to mention bashing on Natsu, my least favourite character helps alot. I have never have the initiative to continue a work. So I really have no right to tell you these things. But thank you for such a great story and for being such a great sport and sticking this message out until the end. Unless you skipped past it... that makes this really awkward
Guest chapter 1 . 1/12/2016
I haven't even started yet but so far from the title and summary I am so excited, awesome job on the amount of writing you also write really good better than me hehe...
kurahieiritr JIO chapter 34 . 1/10/2016
Well that was certainly unexpected. Looks like Leo is the least of the trouble makers from the Celestial realm to have been banished. Kind of creepy that the planetary spirits are so dangerous and that they have the idea of turning against humans and even the other spirits as it sounds like they are capable of doing. Seems that Saturn was really screwed over in becoming a Celestial spirit to be honest. If the Celestial Spirit King and his buddies intended to destroy the Black Smith from the beginning, I cannot help but wonder why they even allowed the key to exist. I'll be looking forward to the answer to that question when you next update.
Veraozao chapter 33 . 1/2/2016
love it, kissus
Veraozao chapter 32 . 12/10/2015
love it, kis
Doom marine 54 chapter 1 . 12/6/2015
Typical cliched garbage from an unimaginative Laxus fangirl.
Veraozao chapter 30 . 11/28/2015
love it, kissus
Veraozao chapter 29 . 11/12/2015
love it, kiss
kurahieiritr JIO chapter 29 . 11/11/2015
Intriguing multiple person POV chapter. Looks like the games are underway and hopefully things are going to progress beyond the last version where the attack happened and you went back to revise and rebuild this story into the new and superior form it is taking on in this edition. I like how Lucy and company dealt with Sabertooth and the rest of it all during this specific chapter. Nice touches got added this round and I am glad to see each and everyone of them. Levy's sure giving us a very hard core foreshadowing of what is to come, although I have no idea how the fighting is going to evolve in this edition. Can't wait to see the final evolution that you intended all along in the first draft of this story line.
WarFlower chapter 5 . 10/27/2015
I was so lost this chapter
Veraozao chapter 27 . 10/24/2015
love it, kissus
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