Reviews for Making Up For Lost Love
Johnny Hendo chapter 1 . 10/2/2017
Is there a story kinda like this that isn't just a lemon? Like Sakura takes Sarada and leaves/divorces Sasuke. Whether that is just because he is never around and both Sakura and Sarada have needs or maybe he is abusive. They go to Naruto and Hinata (or just Naruto depending on if the author has them married in the fic) for help, comfort, and maybe protection (depending on if the divorce/split was amicable). One of the biggest reasons I'm asking this is the mention at the start of this story where Sarada seems jealous of Himawari and Naruto and the fact that Naruto is actually around unlike Sasuke. If Sakura and Sarada moved in, Sarada might start thinking of Naruto as a father. She already looks up to him quite a bit in the series I think. Is there a fic kinda like this because I can't seem to find one (maybe Sarada isn't even in it).
AkioKuro chapter 1 . 10/1/2017
Well hot damn XD This was such a sexy oneshot and I couldn't help but reread it two more times. This is immediately going to my favorites!
eraser.time207 chapter 1 . 9/25/2016
Very realistic. Considering how Sakura went to Naruto for comfort when they were teenagers. It is certainly plausible fof her to go to him for sexual comfort as an adult.
zarethuzumi chapter 1 . 12/13/2015
You should continue this, its like the most realistic out of of the lemon stories out there. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Guest chapter 1 . 10/17/2015
What's the matter guest? Mad because Kishi called your shit ass psiring a red herring? Just kill yourself. This goes for all pathetic NS tards and the writer of this godawful story.
my 2 guys chapter 1 . 8/5/2015
that was good keep the chapters coming
wow chapter 1 . 6/26/2015
Great story man. As soon as I saw what happened so sakura I immediatly felt this kind of situation would have been awesome. I support hina/naru/saku wish kishi would do this but it would get wayy to much backlash. Would have been great if he had encorporated relationships into the manga more bc i really feel like naruto and sakura should have gone on a few dates. Naruto at the very least deserved a chance with sakura, we all know this, and if it didnt work out between them then fine. This at least would have kept the naru/saku supporters at bay even tho I myself am considered one
Dudtheman chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
that was awesome! screw sasuke lol i bet sarada is karins kid and sakura somehow got stuck raising her
Guest chapter 1 . 4/30/2015
thetizzler chapter 1 . 4/27/2015
You're a god among men when it comes to smut my friend. Good shit :)
Zero Gawain chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
very good
Lilarcor chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
In my opinion, you got this story right.
I was hoping for the Naru/Saku ending till the end, because doing that Sakura could have proven that she matured as a person and she isnt't just a pathetic fangirl. But, as it is, Kishimoto can't write. And, to glorify his perversion, he made Sakura reach an all time low in self esteem as a person. It's one thing accepting that your husband is never home, because he wants to redeem himself for his crimes, but to love a man, who fathered a child with another woman, and raising said's beyond disgusting.
Negato chapter 1 . 4/26/2015
DragonPony022 chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
Well this was really interesting. I really hope we get to see more of these three growing to love each other more. It would be interesting to see Sakura struggling to love her husband compared to the love she was now receiving from her now two lovers. We know Sasuke wont show up for another 7 years. 7 YEARS! That is a long time for Sakura to be involved with these two and by the time he comes back she wont be HIS but THEIRS. It would be funny to see all the ways the three of them enjoy each other even some chapters of the three of them going on dates together. Sakura getting something Sasuke never gave her. Love

Anyway great story, really hope we get more from it
Guest chapter 1 . 4/25/2015
What's the problem guest ? Wasn't sasusaku perfect ? Hahahaha...weren't narusaku fans supposed to accept canon pairings because kishimoto wanted like that ? Oh my how the mighty have fallen. It just serves to show how this pairing is effed up beyond recognition. Nobody with half a brain would support something as disgusting as ss. 12 years playing little red riding hood in the woods. And now you people say kishi is garbage. I can't stop laughing at you... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !
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