Reviews for The Secret of Idlewild Manor
SeeKayWrite chapter 13 . 11/7/2019
You've done it, you've converted this Nancy/Frank or Nancy/Ned fan, I have opened my eyes to Nancy/Joe. Love the mystery and the relationship to boot!
Bkworm4life4 chapter 13 . 11/1/2019
Thoroughly enjoyed the story. I do love Vanessa, however, I do like the way that you put Joe and Nancy together, acknowledging their history yet leaving it open for the future. I was never really a big fan of the Frank/Nancy pairing, and I never really liked Ned (to pompous). I also like how you have brought the characters into the modern era without losing their traditional characteristics. Looking forward to continuing reading your works.
novembershowers chapter 13 . 8/5/2019
I thought I have written my comment (or praise) before but I discovered I have not and that is not good of me. Being a writer for the sake of writing a story of your favorite pair/characters without compensation, reviews should be raining on your wall.

I think I have read your story/series two or three times and I love how you write Nancy and Joe (this time I can accept Frank/Callie in your story since this is Nancy and Joe but since I came by ND/HB fanfics fairly recently, I became a fan of N/F pairing). Thank you for writing this I have enjoyed reading your stories tremendously.

I am a follower of your latest story, much power to you!
David Fishwick chapter 13 . 7/24/2019
Nice and thanks for writing as I liked how you wrote the relationship between Joe and Nancy.
BMSH chapter 13 . 3/12/2018
Totally glad I gave this a try! On to the sequel.
BMSH chapter 11 . 3/12/2018
Good for Bess - although she really read Amber all wrong. Lots of sweet moments here. Like Joe singing for his brother's proposal and their talk about relationships.
BMSH chapter 10 . 3/12/2018
So much in this chapter I almost forgot the fab beginning with a very irate Chet. He's so grumbly - it's a perfect characterization. Ned - how about taking some of the responsiblity? Somehow I think it was a mistake to give Camille any information. Joe can bowl too - he's the total package!
BMSH chapter 8 . 3/12/2018
Who needs detecting? They are too cute! Poor Bess - she didn't want Amber involved...
BMSH chapter 7 . 3/12/2018
Where do I start - they are so cute together! And have I mentioned I hate Nancy Drew? This Nancy Drew I like!
BMSH chapter 6 . 3/12/2018
Nancy's outrage over the french fries was great. I'd have been very mad if I got cheated out of fries due to a jealous waitress.
BMSH chapter 5 . 3/12/2018
The dialogue between Bess and Nancy was spot on perfect. So funny getting caught out like that.
BMSH chapter 4 . 3/12/2018
Wow - you've succeeded in making me like Nancy Drew. Joe is laugh out loud funny in his seduction techniques - love it!
Cherylann Rivers chapter 13 . 10/31/2017
Beautiful ending to the story! You still managed to tie all the loose ends together, which was a great wrap-up. I thought that the humor was wonderful: Bess’s grandma haunting Joe and being scandalized, Nancy’s suggestiveness with chocolate icing, the fact that Nancy married Biff in the first grade but it’s not annulled yet— I do love characters who can make me laugh! Yet theres the Foudation for a true and genuine relationship between Nancy and Joe based on mutual respect and friendship as well as really deep passion. It was a heck of a start to the relationship that you so carefully develop over the next series of stories. This is wonderful. Congrats on an excellent story and exemplary start to the series.
Cherylann Rivers chapter 12 . 10/31/2017
What a great, action packed chapter! That Ashley was just awful. I enjoyed seeing the entire mystery come together. I loved the little details, as always: Nancy telling Bess to switch shoes, Nancy being annoyed by the strap on her dress, and Nancy trying to keep a clear head and joking with Bess despite being drugged. You give Nancy life. She worries about protecting Bess and her children and husband and realizes that her job is much bigger than she is. I also love how Joe managed to find his way over to her, and accepted her with a kiss and absolutely no judgement. You don’t oversimplify getting out of bonds and or make being held captive pretty; I imagine it wouldn’t be. Nancy’s physical agility is very good, and, combined with her metal quickness, she makes and excellent detective. I enjoyed seeing how you pieced everything together.
Drumboy100 chapter 13 . 10/29/2017
Good talk. I like how the talk went in the direction of secrets, how they can't keep secrets from one another because of detective instincts, the difficulty of two adrenaline junkies making it work with crazy and dangerous careers. Nancy and Biff, now that's a good sequel. Did Carson marry Camille? Did Aunt Gertrude have to clean the handkerchief that Joe and Nancy used? I believe this is the first Joe/Nancy story I've ever read, and the hardest part was just clicking on chapter 1. You made me see how it's possible, how her yin and his yang go together, just like Frank and Joe do. Enjoyed this very much, my intention was to read maybe a chapter a week but I couldn't stop clicking and flew through it in one afternoon. Hat is off! *bows*
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