Reviews for Goodbye
Tonirae chapter 1 . 10/20/2018
Not fair. This is so sad, so...well, I don't have the words right now. My family is laughing at me for crying at my tablet.
Thebigsnail chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
This is heartbreakingly beautiful. I hate thinking about McGonagle’s death, but that won’t stop me from saying this one shot was still wonderfully written. I honestly thought I was going to cry :(
SecretFruits chapter 1 . 8/12/2017
Another beautiful piece. Love the last line. This is exactly how I imagine Hermione grieving.

Do you have anything similar about Harry/Minerva or about the other characters saying goodbye?
AvidReader2236 chapter 1 . 2/16/2017
Guest chapter 1 . 4/22/2016
this is was really good
kitana415 chapter 1 . 4/18/2016
This was difficult to read, darling. All the feels hit a little close to home. Great job.
Mathiilde3 chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
This did not go in the direction I had expected, it was beautiful and I enjoyed it, please do not get me wrong, I just would have loved to read the actual speech and that moment and Hermione and Rose coming together in their grief and moving forward from that. This felt, in lack of better words, like a lot of build up to something that did not really happen. From what I understand from your writers note you were on a word limitation and I get that, I just really would have loved to read the actual speech or just them talking about the loss, with how close their relationship seemed to have developed and how affected Ron was as well. You mixed the past with the present so beautiful and it felt so real, but I just wanted more, and I mean that in the best possible way. Your writing is wonderful, it really is! You combine words beautifully in a way that is both happy and sad, but just so pleasant to read!

Eva chapter 1 . 12/14/2015
I hate you, why do I read your work again? I am a glutton for pain and sadness! (I don't actually hate you and you're one of the best writers on this site, but damn you pull no punches)
TheWordThief chapter 1 . 7/12/2015
there may not have been a perfect way to say goodbye but this fanfic was pretty much perfect 3
FriendofMolly chapter 1 . 7/3/2015
My Dear Professor McGonagall,
I can almost see Hermione revising the Eulogy for rest of her life. Just because she's Hermione. I thought you might have included Harry and Ginny, but just having Hermione, Ron, Rose, and Hugo, was perfect. I think Minerva had a soft spot for both Ron and Harry, it's just different for Ron. Saying the final goodbye to anyone is difficult, but to Minerva. Hermione's difficulty was truly understandable.
Thank you for this,
worrywart chapter 1 . 6/1/2015
I am reading this on the eighth anniversary of my dad's death and it's so true; the words of a eulogy never feel like they've got the true measure of the person. Thank you for this.
lovebirdy chapter 1 . 5/15/2015
Omg I hate you. I'm crying so hard, warn a girl next time!
mellifluent aria chapter 1 . 5/15/2015
Oh my goodness, this was beautiful! I have no words. I don't usually like Ron/Hermione, but this made me think that a relationship between the two of them would actually work. Amazing job! :)
Inkfire chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
Oh, this was so very moving. I love the way you mixed up the present grieving with the past memories of Minerva, and the way you portrayed her connection with Ron and Hermione. The way they all took care of her, watched over her and shared moments with her, how very strange it felt seeing her so old and frail too—it was all so moving. Ron being the one to find her Hermione's distressed state about the eulogy was very nicely portrayed, I love her distracted snappishness in her stress and grief, but then how Ron and she reunited in their common pain. It was ever so fitting that you chose *not* to have her find the perfect tribute in the end, but instead to have to accept something less than perfect, because such a moment could not be perfect, it was too deeply painful for that and she couldn't sum up everything about Minerva and their bond that had ran so deep. Really great work
BurgundyHope chapter 1 . 5/5/2015
No, nope. No. Didn't happen. It CAN'T have happened :'(((( I'm glad Ron was the one who found her, it fits. I'm glad her nieces and nephews were burying her by Elphinstone, so sweet. The most perfect part of this one-shot: "Oh…please don't look at me like that," Minerva told her, looking suddenly upset. "I haven't said goodbye to you yet."-kicked me in the gut. And you are so right, there is no perfect, easy way to say goodbye to Minerva McGonagall.

I'm going to go distract myself now so I don't cry all day at the office :P Beautiful job with such a hard subject/situation, dear 3
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