Reviews for Off To The Races
deathnoteno1fan-codegeasslover chapter 7 . 4/14
I liked this! love the end with Shizuo and Izaya cuddling! Dota-chin! I feel ya bro#!
KingKagura chapter 7 . 1/30
Lol it was a fun crack sort of fic. I love the au feel of them being truly friends during high school thought hey wont admit it in shizuo and izaya's case. Though, yeah, it was pretty cringey with that foreigner and some other parts LOL Great work. Its a really fun story to read if ur just looking for that heartwarming fun.
Eli Clark chapter 4 . 3/29/2018
Why did he say Thor xD is he a follower of Thor and Loki?! Lmfao.
Shidou chapter 6 . 5/20/2016
Hey there, I haven't done FF review for a loooong time because ppl can't write shit so I hope this review wouldn't sound weird or miss anything lol

Your writings is actually quite good and the entire story line is interesting and tight (though I'd say ch.1-2 as the intro is a little long and can be shorten a bit). But overall it's good enough to be on my fav list *wink*

It was a little confusing at the beginning of ch 6 but you explained enough throughout the chapter. However, I still really hoped that you could elaborate a bit more on what happened after that make out session at the bar (what happened between ch 5 and 6). I'm not asking for lemon, but just more explanation as to how Izaya (in his anger) would allow Shizuo and Kadota (who ruined his hard work) to bring him home. - the biggest question.) How did the people at the bar reacted (Kanra's boyfriend came and had a heated make out session with her in public)? Was it implied that Izaya tore off his wig somewhere along the ride bk home, but not soon enough to blow his cover as Kanra? (Cause he was clutching his wig in his hand and wigs are kinda easy to tear off. And with what Shizuo's hand going through it during the makeout and Izaya gripping the bang in frustration etc.) So... they crashed at Shizuo's place until the next day's afternoon? What happened during the night? Right now I'd be assuming that everyone just fainted right upon arrival in the living room. That's it? Seems a little plain tho it's acceptable lol...I know Kadota is wasted, but Shizuo and Izaya shouldn't have been that far gone, should it? Shizuo was just starting to feel tipsy when he spotted Izaya, and Kanra was going on a mission to obtain information; so both shouldn't be so intoxicated to just crash at random places (Izaya crashing at his enemy's place while Shizuo letting his cross-dressed enemy stay at his place after he ruined said enemy's mission?) The last part with Tom and Shina was hilarious XDD. It made sense and wasn't awkward at all with that explanation. I thought you ended the story well. It could be better if you would explained more on how Izaya and Shizuo can get so comfortable with each other (maybe on a truce, silence agreement, or they got more drunk after etc). But yea, again, overall it was a good read. Thanks for writing! :D


Hmm, that's all I have for now XD
Sorry if I seemed to be taking this a bit too seriously ('come on! Its just a fan fiction!). But your story was one of the best among those that has updated within a year (yea I used that filter lol), so I just wanted to point out a few illogical places which can make this story more perfect in my opinion.
BlackCatRunning chapter 6 . 7/28/2015
Tachumare chapter 1 . 7/5/2015

imma add this to mah faves!
Mahou-ShibaInu chapter 5 . 6/4/2015
Was just informed this was a one-shot. wahhh! Excuse me for my insolence! But if u ever feel like continuing, I WILL BE WAITING! 3
Mahou-ShibaInu chapter 6 . 6/4/2015
What an unexpected but graciously accepted turn of events! The sexual tensions are overflowing~~ And their cuddling and how they act towards eachother after their little 'interaction', so to speak, is soo cute x3 A little shizaya never hurt anyone, so its all good. Though smuttiness is always nice, don't try and force yourself to write it or overwhelm yourself, take your time. Cuz I'm pretty sure, whether you think you can do it or not, we'd still eat it up like starved animals.! Or at least I would. ~(-3-)~ Anyhow... lovin the story and will patiently await the next chapter!
Mahou-ShibaInu chapter 4 . 6/4/2015
Oh my, what a cliff-hanger you left us with~ I'm enjoying reading this fic and I have to say its quite expertly written, and that description of Izaya, hot damn! Him cross-dressing is a treat and the fact that Shizuo can see right through him is even more amusing. :3 I look forward to see how this plays out, hope you have a good day. 3
Forgot my login chapter 6 . 5/23/2015
I thought this was very cute, and I liked the ending.
yuu-rha chapter 6 . 5/22/2015
*is dying of laughter*
1mm chapter 6 . 5/19/2015
Oh, dear, after that make out session you wrote, I would probably lie on my chair and never get up, if you did the smut ;)))))). I like how Shizuo and Izaya are all- cuddling? in this chapter and apparently no one cares. I love it. Is their hangover that bad.

"std time poor shizuo" I sobbed.
OtomePrincess chapter 6 . 5/19/2015
Awwwww! It was really cute! Loved it!
Ren chapter 6 . 5/19/2015
Haha, I laughed so hard at this chapter. Nobody got lucky from that outing, well Shizuo and Izaya are debatable.
I'm not disappointed that you didn't include smut, but I really would have liked it to be longer.
Oh well, I'll just have to wait until next time you write something.
spoontasti chapter 6 . 5/19/2015
Awesome keep it going! Their interactions are really cute/perfect. I'm sure if you ever do write smut or whatever, that it will be great! Especially after their make out session which was well written. Anyway, thanks!
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