Reviews for Best Lunch Ever
grea8read chapter 1 . 5/6/2015
This was AWESOME!
I laughed and laughed and wished I had her lunch break.
Thanks for doing such a great job with this.
Woo hooo!
SPN Mum chapter 1 . 5/3/2015
This is freakin' hilarious! Melanie got so involved in spying on Sam, and his interactions with Charlie and Dean, that she moved from the driver's seat to the passenger seat without even noticing. lol Not that I can blame her. Sam Winchester is a wonder to behold! *licks lips* I love how confused Melanie was, and how she couldn't figure out what Sam was doing, until Dean made an appearance. I guess she didn't mind being late, after getting the show that she did. Of course, it's too bad that Melanie didn't get a chance to see Sam change his t-shirt! ;P
Meggin Lane chapter 1 . 5/2/2015
I really liked this. I enjoyed you having the perspective be from a third person view point, a civilian like Melanie. It was fun to read her interpretations of what was going on with the three men and woman she was watching.

And you made it even more real by having Melanie give the boys and girl nicknames. "Mr. Hunk" for Sam, "Red" for Charlie and "Mr. Yummy for Dean.

May I make a suggestion? As a reader I recognized "Mr. Hunk" was Sam because Melanie observed that he had longer hair than she liked. "Red" was easy to figure out that she was Charlie- hehe. But even though the last person, Mr. Yummy could only be Dean because there was no one else there I was hoping Melanie would make an observation about his looks that would ID him too. What I wanted to read was something like this:Right after the word headache if you could add the phrase-Even from the distance of Melanie’s car she could see through the binoculars that his eyelashes were unfairly too long and thick to be on a man. This would help point out a recognizable physical trait for Dean and you’d be letting us see into the mind of the observer as Melanie evaluated Mr. Yummy’s face.- hehe.

I loved the brotherly moments that Melanie observed like Mr. Hunk trying to get Mr. Yummy to put the cold pack on his shoulder and get the hoodie on.

And yeah I was jealous of Red too that she got to mother hen Mr. Yummy and tickle his tummy (LOL)

Everything you did with this story kept the same level of interest up for the reader. There were two or three typos but just more proofing would catch those. Great job all in all! I enjoyed this so much I'm going to recommend it to a fanfic group of Worthy Reads and I hope you continue to write more fics about SPN
BranchSuper chapter 1 . 5/2/2015
Good story. Outsider POVs are always interesting.
missingmikey chapter 1 . 5/2/2015
Would be worth every penny!