Reviews for The Daily Life
empty to be deleted chapter 37 . 6/25/2016
I feel that Hamilton reference even if it wasn't on purpose
Mariel-Mab chapter 36 . 5/15/2016
O.o why Legolas was in my country? sorry my english
NeverSkipNine chapter 25 . 3/7/2016
Hey! I'm checking out your other stories like I said. I really like this one too. If you are going to write any Female gender swap stories, I can't wait! Keep Writing!
aqaws321 chapter 36 . 11/17/2015
All in all, great story. Will you be continuing this? I'm really hoping you do :)
aqaws321 chapter 35 . 11/17/2015
Noooo, only one chapter left!
aqaws321 chapter 25 . 11/17/2015
Ah, the Avengers ordering from McDonalds. And the cashier not being fazed in the slightest. How is it that this makes so much sense to me?
aqaws321 chapter 22 . 11/17/2015
heeheehee, oh Clint. *shakes head*
aqaws321 chapter 16 . 11/17/2015
el-oh-el, hilarious! Pietro has quickly become one of my favorite Avengers, regardless of the fact that he doesn't get enoigh attention in the movie, and that they kill him.
aqaws321 chapter 12 . 11/17/2015
el-oh-el, absolutely LOVED this. Very cute :). well, I'm off to read the rest of these!
littlewonderlandgirl chapter 36 . 7/27/2015
Hilarious! I laughed so much. Please update soon.
Guest chapter 36 . 7/2/2015
These are so funny update soon
autumnsfire1 chapter 30 . 7/1/2015
I love Tony-Bucky-Steve friendship stories, and this looks like one begging to be written. :)
Facebook - YoungJusticeForever chapter 35 . 6/30/2015
Facebook - YoungJusticeForever chapter 31 . 6/30/2015
Facebook - YoungJusticeForever chapter 29 . 6/30/2015
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