Reviews for Different Gazes
Momma Duck chapter 25 . 4/14
*chef's kiss* It's been years but I always come back to this chapter when I need to know how to write good smut. Holy shit, it KILLS me. Here's hoping you finish this story at some point :D
Armyj88 chapter 30 . 7/31/2019
Don’t forget yo update finished this in one night so far so good.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/10/2019
Please update, this story is amazing !
Armybrat8 chapter 30 . 3/2/2019
Please update
H chapter 17 . 2/6/2019
Casperfem chapter 30 . 1/30/2019
Please update. There is not a lot of sparia fan fiction but this one is my favorite.
Guest chapter 30 . 1/28/2019
Please update! This is the best Sparia story I have ever read.
crashspike22 chapter 30 . 12/16/2018
My god. That was everything. Beautiful story.
uselesslesbian16 chapter 30 . 9/5/2018
Come back to us pleeease
Lisa chapter 30 . 7/20/2018
What an awesome story! please tell me you will still update the last chapter of this magical work! Everyone is waiting for it. Love this story.
Charlie chapter 30 . 6/27/2018
Wow... What a loaded chapter! I did not see about 3/4 of what was happening coming. Aria tricking Spencer into their dorm was genius, props to Skyla for her superb acting skills. Spencer's accusation totally threw me off, the tactless way she presented it more especially. I seriously had this thought go through my head that 'Spencer is stupid.' But looking back on it now I realize that she is human, jealously consumes the best of us. Conclusions are stirred in our own heads making a concoction of epic exaggeration.

Again, Aria broke my heart. I felt for her so much, even had tears in my eyes. I was worried that Spence was not fully in it like Aria was emotionally, that she was being distant. But they kissed, made up and Spencer saw her wrongs. Aria has a heart of gold by the way, easily deserving of a Girlfriend Of The Semester award.

Now we find out that little miss Hastings has been secretly doing drugs?! Whaaat? Man, I hate to wonder how much stress she was/is actually in to resort to drugs as a coping mechanism. Being a Hastings comes with a heavy baggage. I really hope that Spencer gets help and lets Aria help her however way she can. How is Aria even going to break it to Spencer that she knows without it dissolving into another fight? I guess we'll find out next chapter.

I didn't want this chapter to end to be honest. I was sucked in and lost myself in the world of Sparia. Thank you for the amazing journey you've taken us on with these characters. It's been fun.
Guest chapter 29 . 6/27/2018
Finally, some oxygen! I haven't read this story in a minute but I always gravitate towards it, and I'm happy to see that there are new words to breathe in.

Poor Aria. I can really empathise. I was having flashbacks of my own regarding my current breakup. This fight with Spencer hit her real hard, having to go all weekend without any idea of how her girlfriend was doing. Aria broke and I lowkey broke with her.
And Spence was ice cold, it was so foreign. When she finally did speak to Aria, I couldn't even find her voice in my head when I was reading, unlike with the flashbacks.

Now when Ken pulled Aria between his legs to comfort her... I immediately saw a red flag. It didn't help that that was the position Spencer found them in when she decided to come back. There has to be more to Spencer's behavior though, I understand her being mad but that was some next level stuff. What was going through her head the entire time that she was away? And more importantly, what is currently going on in her head? My feels can't take this sad Sparia. :(

Thank you for the update! This really is a great body of work. Honestly one of my favourite fics to read.
Another guest chapter 30 . 6/21/2018
This story is purely magic. I loved everything about it and I beg you to finish this amazing piece of writing. I know that it's hard sometimes to find motivation and you probably want to write the last chapter with the dedication you started it, as it deserves a perfect ending. Take your time, but know that there are people waiting to read on. It's hard enough to believe it will come to an end. Hopefully you can find interested soon, 6 months is a long time to wait! :D all the best, your truthful reader
Tiny Guest chapter 30 . 6/10/2018
We need to know how it ends. We need sparia together. We need to find out how this will all turn out. We need answers. We need an update. We need you. Please give us the last piece of something so passionately created. I hope you can find that motivation soon, for us. For those loyal readers who love your work. And for you, too. I know you care about this story deeply and I know you want to finish this the right way. Thank you for this journey, please don't leave this unfinished. Love, M.
hush-mya chapter 30 . 5/15/2018
Amazing chapter. I can’t wait for the final!
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