Reviews for Born Yesterday
Guest chapter 5 . 7/10/2019
Cute love this so much writing you capture the characters perfectly
Guest chapter 3 . 6/10/2018
It just bothers me that Friday calls him sir not boss
xXxAngelStormxXx chapter 5 . 6/6/2018
Gah! This story is beautiful! Perfect! Loving the team dynamics, kinda family like to me, and Scarlet Vision content on point.
I see that it's been awhilr since it's been updated. Any plans to continue? If you did, I would be more than happy to read!
Thanks for shating your writing!
Prince Pondincherry chapter 4 . 8/14/2016
I like how casual Vision is about flying.
Prince Pondincherry chapter 3 . 8/14/2016
Confusion is such a weird thing to signal life.
Aquacoral14 chapter 5 . 5/26/2016
I actually had to stop reading for a few minutes because I felt like I was going to explode because of the perfectness of this fic. It's sweet, it's funny, and it portrays both of them so well. Which is rather hard to do at times, in Vision's case. Well done. Just... well done.
Empress c chapter 5 . 5/3/2016
This is such a fun and sweet story, please continue!
GingerRogers15 chapter 5 . 3/18/2016
Yeah I am such a sucker for a good scarlet vision story and this was perfect. I loved the characterization of everyone, and the interaction between Vision and Pepper, and the recurring theme of humanity and how he questioned his identity, and how the other team members interacted with Vision, and he was so awkward but also adorable, and I absolutely loved how he read the encyclopedia and when Clint spied on them I laughed because it's such a Clint thing to do, and overall this was just an amazing fanfic and really enjoyable and I hope you aren't finished with it? *hint hint* Keep up the good work!
EnderEnigma chapter 5 . 10/3/2015
Oh, this was really good.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/17/2015
THIS WAS SUCH A NIFTY IDEA! i LOVED IT! Perfectly captured their personalities and wrapped it neatly with a bit of romance and fluff. Well done!
Mel chapter 5 . 6/14/2015
Torture devices, i tell you. High heelsshould be illegal! I feel for Wanda. I love your version of Vision...
butterleaf chapter 5 . 6/13/2015
Wision? Dammit, fictional media! I've always preferred 'Visda' myself, but Scarlet Vision isn't the worst. I mean, think of Katniss and Peeta. There is no good ship name with a combination like that.

Well, this was pointless.
TortoisetheStoryteller chapter 5 . 6/13/2015
Awwwwww. So cute!
AfghaniVeteranHedgehog chapter 5 . 6/13/2015
Tony ships it. XD
MissRosyJam chapter 5 . 6/13/2015
I must have more. This is fantastic!
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