Reviews for Communication
chocolate1 chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
Wow that was really intense! And I do get this bc right now Shonda has me stuck but I'm still watching; you know why? Because there's hope Lol..

There is so much symbolism with these two unlike any other couple that I've watched before or since. This is the reason why I have to still bow down to SR and her writing team bc she brings me back. I all has meaning. You see how you can write such a wonderful, amazing chapter about a ring. Haven't we always wondered about it and its significance and now that we know it creates another dynamic for this couple...amazing isn't it?

Thanks for the great read! Imagining them kissing and holding each other was absolutely perfect! Just a little spelling correction - Mellie and Rowan
Nathalie chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
Beautiful. To be continued.
BeckyPo chapter 1 . 5/8/2015
Great story! I liked it very much. Especially like the focus on Liv and Fitz and no other characters getting in the way. I wish this episode had had more Liv and Fitz in it. Shonda doesn't give us nearly enough scenes btw them.