Reviews for Love Hina: A Private Engagement
franciskanneh007 chapter 13 . 6/28
This relationship is actually very entertaining
SomebodyLost chapter 16 . 4/7
I hope you continue and finish this. This is a pretty great fic. ;D
Rebmul chapter 16 . 6/29/2019
I look forward to more this is right at the good part
Love Hina Fanatic chapter 16 . 6/9/2018
Hi, very good chapter. I like the fact that you gave Keitaro's Kaa-san a 'go get-'em' attitude.

1). Seta is not the first name of the character in question, Noriyasu is. Source, 'Love Hina' manga series. He was called Seta-Sensei in the series because you use the honorific 'Sensei' to denote him being a teacher just under being a full Professor.
2). In Japan, surnames come first.


James Birdsong chapter 16 . 6/9/2018
Nice chapter
joharasbel chapter 16 . 6/9/2018
good work
Quathis chapter 16 . 6/8/2018
Keiko really takes the trolling mom motif to another level. I pity the spoiling she'll give her grandchildren, just to make the parents' lives that much harder. The deliberate nature of her trolling may be training for future issues, but she really does seem to have a sadistic side regarding Motoko. Until next time.
Celestia's Paladin chapter 16 . 6/8/2018
And now things get complicated
Guest chapter 1 . 5/29/2018
If you're looking for people to spot errors, your timeline is a little off.

Keitaro was in the hospital for three weeks, by the manga. At least according to the Tokyopop translation, as he literally says "I've been in the hospital for three weeks". In fact, they even give dates. Naru goes off with her study group at least a week (and maybe a bit more) after Keitaro returns home. Again, implied by what he said. Basically, he confessed on April first, but Motoko's arc starts in the end of April or early May (maybe even May 1st? or soon after). During those four or so weeks, Naru avoided him.

Thus, you stating that Naru visited him a few days before in the hospital (and he had to have been back for less than that) gives too little time to romance Motoko. When did he switch to Motoko, when did she have the time to get his attention, let alone love? If you at least expand it back out to three weeks, you could write how during those three weeks Motoko was the only (or perhaps the only besides, say, Shinobu) who would visit daily. And it was during those three weeks of visitation - when Keitaro was still reeling from confessing and Naru ran away and hasn't returned - and conversation that something developed. But a few days ... Is not long enough time, unless it has been going on for a lot longer before he got his leg broken. Which, then, why is he confessing to Naru? A few days makes Keitaro look like a douche. Three weeks to a month, though, doesn't.
Meech Macko chapter 15 . 4/2/2018
Nicely done chap!

It seems there are hints that Keitaro knows to cook better but simply decided to give Shinobu the cooking job in Hinata for her own personal development, and the compliments he gives pushes her forward and give a positive air about it. This in turn added to Shinobu's crush on Keitaro. Somehow Keitaro is loosing the edge on cooking as hinted by his mother here where he tacitly responds the Inn has a better cook...

Looks more like Keitaro has decided not to talk of Kanako's..."tells" and pretends he forgot what her tells are, not wanting to demean his stepsister who has some deep affections for him.

Well Naru has lost her chance due to her denials and her crush on her previous tutor. I have a feeling that Naru only got interested in Keitaro coz he looks like younger version of Seta. The manga turned Keitaro into Seta version 2...

Shinobu's crush is sweet! but...ya know...she is too underage.

Mutsumi is just too much of ditz even if she is very good looking. Her character has been turned to comic relief at most, fainting here and there...having sporadic memo.

James Birdsong chapter 15 . 3/23/2018
Amusing or awesome
joharasbel chapter 15 . 3/11/2018
good job
Quathis chapter 15 . 3/10/2018
Seems things are going fairly well between the two young ones and his parents, though not without some bumps in the road. It was good to see him supporting and guiding her in the unfamiliar work setting, letting her feel ok being herself. Until next time.
Love Hina Fanatic chapter 15 . 3/10/2018
Excellent chapter although the honorifics are still wrong.


Meech Macko chapter 14 . 2/17/2018
Hmm..I could help you with the Japanese names...If you want me to.

In the manga Keitaro's folks/Parent were disappointed in his relentless desire to follow up on a silly promise he made to a VERY young girl.

Although, it was quite endearing that he was willing to go that far and his obsession to be in the prestigious Tokyo U along with her, was flattering. They wanted him to quit the higher studies and help them run their bakery or what its called in the manga (Urashima Confectionery Store, Wagashi Urashima). Its pretty natural of business oriented families to pressure their kids or their own members to help them with their business or continuing, as they most likely would not want "others" that are not connected to their family to run their business coz of trust issues and the risk of failing that business and running into debt is nightmare for most. They could have tactfully goaded him after studies LOL. I do believe its all connected with this present Inn they run. Thats just how most business families run things or risk a huge debt ( They dont trust "others" to run their family brand and would only trust their own family line members to continue).

By the look of all thing it looks to me that the Urashima clan is mostly business oriented family, I mean they also have that annex too near the Hinata inn.

See ya next chap.

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