Reviews for In Memoriam: The Right Thing
sunrise36 chapter 15 . 2/6/2016
I love the opening statement of this! So arrogant! So self-important! So clueless! And I love that you keep that tone the whole way through. I love how even as he’s dying he’s still bragging about himself and putting down everyone else without a clue of how he was defeated.

Someone else might write a story that tries to make Voldemort sympathetic in a kind "sympathy for the devil" way; I'm happy you went the opposite route and showed him as completely ridiculous.

It's pretty obvious by the end of this that Voldemort is in hell. It definitely seems to be a case of someone in hell having no remorse and no idea how they got there. He's still blaming Harry Potter for what he did to himself. This is really on-point Voldemort characterization. :)
kenziescott54 chapter 1 . 1/25/2016
Okay, first of all, thank you SO MUCH for acknowledging Cedric. (bows)

I really like the feel of the writing here. It's just a drabble, but it gets you going; it pulls you in. Cedric's voice is very in character; he's a true Hufflepuff here. I give you credit for that. I love the fact that he thinks of his father, and only his father; he is feeling for the person who's going to miss him the makes a lot of sense that he's barely thinking about Harry.

Spelling here is fine, I saw no mistakes. There were a few grammatical issues, such as:

"Suddenly we had no longer been in the maze...we'd been in a graveyard." This should be "Suddenly we were no longer in the maze...we were in a graveyard." I know that you wrote it that way because you're trying to keep it in the past tense, but the correction I gave you can be used both in past and present tense.

"I'm not sure how long the darkness lasted, but after a while my eyes started to see again, but things felt different." Technically, you can't use "but" twice in a sentence. You could say " long the darkness lasted; after a while my eyes started to see again, but..."

There are a couple other things but these were the major ones.

I'm not sure if this collection was your idea or if it was a prompt (I didn't look, I didn't want to know LOL) but it is a lovely idea and so far it is very well executed.

Cheers :)
nymphxdora chapter 10 . 7/29/2015
I skipped ahead a little bit, because I really wanted to see what you'd do with Nymph.

First of all, I really love the way that you mention that Bellatrix probably hunted Nymph down, because that's always kind of been my head canon. I really like what you've done with the beginning: I like the way that you talk about how she believed Mad-Eye, because they did have a really close relationship.

There are a surprising number of typos/grammatical errors in this. "Pure bloods" doesn't require a space, and there should be an en dash between non and pure. "Feel" should be "fell". "Far fetched" should be "far-fetched".

I really love the way that you compare her love for Remus to Andromeda's love for Ted. I like how she knew he'd come back too- she has a very good understanding of his character and who he is, and it's logical to believe that she'd understand his feelings reading their child.

"Mom" should be "mum", as she's British.

I really love the way that Ted's waiting for Andromeda. I wonder whether Remus is waiting for Teddy. I really loved the end!
Nightmare Prince chapter 15 . 7/21/2015
Hullo xD

You have described Limbo perfectly. I adore it already. It sounds so cosy and I want to move in at once. And that torture sounds fun - sign me up for a bit so I can relieve all my stress.

Anyway, masochistic sadist that I am, I loved this piece. The way in which you used your narrative style of writing to craft Voldemort's entire life story into this piece. . . Just magnificent, I really enjoyed it. The bit about how Dumbles was constantly foiling him added a nice bit of humour to this piece.

It was quite dark, I'll admit, and I honestly loved all of the themes. The way Voldemort knows that this is not the end for him, and that he will return to bring hell to the world in a Third War is just really chilling, and also hilarious, because there aint no way he's coming back.

Overall, I feel as though this was a perfect end to a great collection.

Small Spag: [Prophesy] is spelled with a c as in [Prophecy] - could be a regional thing though.

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 14 . 7/21/2015
Hullo xD

All caught up with Hogwarts Muggle, so gonna catch up with this train instead.

This chapter gives the song, Highway to Hell, a whole new meaning. Bella's going to hell, y'all, this is going to be bad - I know it is, because Bella will make Hell her new kingdom and raise an army of Shadows to take back the world.

It's very interesting that she be at this train station - I perhaps wondered if she'd be barred from Heaven (where let's face it, she'd be much more in pain up there than in hell. Hell is like her winter wonderland.) The Death Eaters gather with her - how quaint, and the sad thing is that they truly believe that their Lord has won, because Voldemort is trapped in limbo.

Not only did she go to hell, but she was dragged to hell, which is some seriously bad shite for her. The devil needs a new bride, I assume. I love the way that she sees all the dead people and is just like, "Sirius, so over you. Tonks, so over you. Snape, so over you."

Meanwile Sirius is over in his corner sort of having a happy dance that his cousin has finally kicked the bucket. Well, boo on you, because she outlived and outfought you, you bad doggy.

Overall, I felt that this was a really intriguing chapter. . . because BELLA GOT DRAGGED TO HELL.

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 13 . 7/15/2015
Huh, it's Scarhead. Not sure what Scarhead is doing here because he didn't really die (Wouldn't it have been awesome if he had, and then Hermione killed Voldemort and eloped with Draco) Harry just probably used that time on the Forest Floor to catch up on some beauty sleep and we all know it.

Well, speaking for myself Harry, I view my life as being much more important than a few thousand others. That's why I'd make a shitty Chosen One. I mean, I'd probably go after the Horcruxes and stuff but if I got asked to commit glorified suicide I'd just be like: Hahahahaha, no.

Geez, Harry, don't be dramatic - we know that you're going to end up coming back in the end. There is no next adventure, you're returning to give your children really awkward names and then bone your mate's sister. Also, you will be really famous and all will bow to you.

I know I rambled a bit in this review, but that's only because there really wasn't much to say. It was great - from the tone to the diction (though some of the phrasing seemed more Hermione than Harry) - but in the grand scheme of things, you've given him his moment without being cheesy or altering canon.

Great job

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 12 . 7/15/2015
Hullo xD

I have never laughed so hard in all this week. This is so snarky and so Snape that I'm in stitches. The Marauders are all: "We be sorry we figuratively raped you with pitchforks and no lube." Then Snape is just all: "Y'all Motherfuckers, so done with y'all trashy peepz." And then, if that wasn't good enough, Lily is just all: "Play nice, fuckers, I am the queen."

In my mind they were all just behaving very ghetto (Mostly because I just got done watching an Episode of The Celeb Apprentice and Vivica was all up in Kenya's face)

Rambling, sorry.

So right from the get-go Snape is his usual charming self - you have so much experience writing him and it shows - he's delightfully witty, and yet awkward and heartfelt all the same, and that bit about the Universe was a very nice HIMYM reference.

Then adding in him getting hugged by Dumbledore - that must suck, Sev , I bet he smells like old people - he meets Lily and she's very apologetic. She should be. I bet Brie would have been giving her the side-eye and everything in this one.

Why isn't Brie mentioned in this piece! That is my scruple! Where is she! You know what, I'm just going to believe that Nagini's venom gave him amnesia and he cannot remember her.

Also, [said] should be [says]

That being said, this was a great read.

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 11 . 7/15/2015
Hullo xD

SPaG, right off the bat: [Other's died] -should be [Others died] because there isn't a contraction, and these others don't own the fact that they died. #TooSoon? It's only been 17 years since the war.

Interesting, I never really thought about the Creeveys but I just thought they signed the register nonsense and stayed home that year. Then again I never really gave them much thought (though I probably should - you'll find out why in L&L later) but it makes a whole lot of sense that they were on the run.

Speaking off, I would love to see Muggles, complete with two kids who still have the Trace on them, try and evade the Snatchers and the Death Eaters. Why do none of these people ever decide to leave the country?

Cheap shot, Death Eater! Boo! It's very unsporting to curse someone in the back. At least give them the chance to try disarming you first.

Dennis was way too young to fight though. I mean, Collin was in Fifth Year which would have Dennis in Third Year, meaning that he wouldn't have lasted two seconds.

The ending was perfect - he wonders where the train will take him and wishes he could take a few photos of it. Well, when Harry visited this place he was all materialising clothes and Dumbledore, so I'm sure Collin can do the same.

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 10 . 7/15/2015
Hullo xD

Not going to lie but I laughed at the first sentence. It's so very Tonks - she'll begin with this deep, meaningful eulogy like thing and then BAM, I am also a klutz! Fear that I can trip over air

Urgh, Bellatrix, I heart her so much. I even forgave her for killing Tonks because c'mon, this woman is the definition of BAMF. You just don't mess with Bella Lestrange, she's the biggest love to hate character ever created.

Also, I am really glad that you got the timing of this right. There is no way in hell that Remus died after Tonks when you analyse the Battle as per the books, and some people just take too much license and no, it doesn't work. But you did your homework, you understood your timeline and you nailed it.

[I feel in love with Remus Lupin] - I think you meant [fell] because this story is in past tense? Silly Tonks, I do think there's a difference between marrying someone whose parents don't have magic, and marrying someone who turns into a rampaging beast once a month and is hellbent of eating people.

This one ending right with thoughts for her son was great - really great. It was dynamic and fluid and it showed Tonks off as the colour changing queen she is. Amazing, great job!

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 9 . 7/15/2015
Hullo xD

Yay! Remus, my favourite Marauder - by the way, did you know that the Marauders died in the reverse order of the Marauders Map: Moony Wormtail Padfoot and Prongs, and James died first, then Sirius, then the Rat Bastard, and finally Remus.

Small nitpick, but I think it would be more Remus to refer to his son by the full name: Edward, when telling us about who he'd left behind. You know, something like, "Edward, affectionately nicknamed Teddy"

Well no duh, Remus, you're dead and there's no moon in the afterlife. So your PMS days are over and now that that's done you're just yeah, I can chill with my wife's daddy and play checkers or some shit while we wait. Don't you think it's odd that Remus is closer to his Father-in-Law in age (like say 6 years or so) that his wife (12 years?)

The other Marauders was a welcome touch, especially since Hell seemed to be dragging Peter into the darkest of depths. You know, he's actually the cause of every death from that faithful Halloween, all the way up to 02 May 1998. He caused the war! Death to Peter!

Oi vey, Dora is here! Dora the Explorer, you ask? No, No, It's Tonks! Hullo Tonks - it's kind of sad that Tonks and Remus died within like a half hour of each other - and then we see the ending and it's really melancholy, heartfelt and deep.

Bye bye, everyone's favourite homeless werewolf

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 8 . 7/15/2015
Hullo xD

Now we're getting sad here, oh my, this is really emotional and stuff because a) Fred is the only canon death that really got me and b) You'd need a heart of stone, not a missing one like mine, to not feel sad for Fred Weasley.

Just a brief canonical nitpick here, but didn't Rookwood kill Fred? I remember there being a huge explosion because of a curse, and then Percy charged after Rookwood because he'd apparently cast the curse? Just saying that since Fred's chilling in the afterlife and knows about the nephews and nieces, wouldn't he know about his murderer?

That being said, I think you added a oddly -not bad odd, more like mature odd- tone to Fred's voice. It's like Death has really dulled his humour a little bit, going so far as to take away a little bit of his spark and quirkiness so he's a little more serious now. Despite this there's a nice interspersion of snark and humour like the comments about Minerva suffering because of his products and the bit about the Next Gen.

Anyway, I think this was the favourite one so far because unlike the others, most of which were emotional (excluding Dobby's . . . well, absolute joy that that little fucker is dead is probably an emotion) there was a tone of longing in this one that just so perfectly summed up Fred waiting for his twin.

Overall, I found this to be a fun and entertaining drabble.

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 7 . 7/9/2015
Urgh. This one.

Not anything against you or your writing, but when Dobby died, I was just jumping up and down on in the air screaming: "Yes! That fucker finally bit the dust! Finally!"

As I'm sure you can tell, Dobby is a character that I really dislike. I don't know why, maybe because his personality is as annoying as that of a neurotic mutual acquaintance.

-Ahem, moving on-

I like the way you've written this, right down to the House Elves annoying mannerisms of speaking in Third Person and such. Good lord, If I had House Elves I'd just put them to work to make Jewellery for me to sell - cheaper than all the people held hostage in sewing factories, I'd wager. I'm rather cranky at present, and my bitchcraft genes have been activated.

Dobby, I think, is a fan favourite of the HP fandom, and I think you've really pulled off a great characterisation of them, especially given the way in which he enters the Train Station place. Strange that Winky didn't predecease him, I remember her being a bit of a heavy drinker (to put it mildly) and how big exactly do you think their livers are?

Hmmm, Dobby and his socks. I'm still not sure how that whole freedom thing worked because if Lucius had been throwing his cloak aside one evening, couldn't Dobby have just caught it and been all: I'm free, bitches! Respect!

Overall, I felt that this was a charming piece because it was a pleasant reminder that this character is dead.

Yes, I don't have a heart. . . I sold it to an organ donor three years ago xD

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 6 . 7/8/2015
The Saddest thing is that he's going to see his daugther before his wife, and doesn't that just break my non-existant heart. You say I kill a lot of characters and then you, for shame, write a collection about people dying... Isn't that just melancholy and tragic and beautiful?

I love the way this is structured, especially showing an almost Gryffindor like tendency with her behaviour, and this really works for me.

I feel as though Ted was really glossed over in canon and he was one of the most dynamic and rich characters of the seires, which is why I'm enjoying the way you developed and added depth to his character.

Overall, this was a really great read.

-Ciao Mate
Nightmare Prince chapter 5 . 7/8/2015
Constant Vigilance! Bwahahahaha

I love Moody, he's the ultimate general archtype and the bit about him waiting for the thing that tied him to life to be buried was very Winchester. It's interesting that the eye still transmits to him when he's already kicked the bucket.

The bit about him seeing Harry as the one who saved him was very poignant and I quite enjoyed that look into his more vulnerable side. I truly can't imagine Moody crying but I suppose that reaction works well given the context.

Overall, I felt that this was a very strong chapter that I quite enjoyed. NEXT!

-Ciao Mate
nymphxdora chapter 2 . 7/2/2015
I loved this piece! I've seen a lot of Sirius meeting James and Lily after he falls through the Veil, but this was beautifully done now. I really loved the conversation, and I love the way that you've made the answer to 'where are we' so simple.

"Here."- there should be a comma instead of the full-stop to ensure that the dialogue tag is done correctly.

I like the way that you've got the trains pulling in at different times and Sirius somehow knows that it isn't his time yet, and he'll know when it is time. It's an interesting concept, and it makes me wonder whether James and Lily too have been waiting all this time.

The ending was lovely and reminiscent of the last piece. Good job!
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