Reviews for When Tea Meets Coffee
Draki Shevio Nalombre chapter 4 . 2/13/2017
It's really cool that you have done more than one chapter ! *.*
I love this fanfiction ! I'm usually not fond of coffee shop AU but this one is so cute and they don't remember first but all the baristas KNEW ! That's so funny ! I imagine Gwaine seeing them everyday and just thinking about silly plans to make them encounter X)
Well-written !
Can I translate it in French please ? We kind of lack fluffy and happy things :P
earthly squib chapter 4 . 4/3/2016
Oh my gosh! *flails around madly before falling off the bed* This is absolutely gooorgeous! I am utterly in awe of this beautiful thing you've created and am sincerely grateful that you chose to write it. Fan-bloody-tastic.
Anon chapter 4 . 6/10/2015
*breaths heavily* that was... Glorious.
Yzabelle chapter 4 . 6/6/2015
Oh my gosh! That was brill! :) haha nice!
MamzelleHermy chapter 4 . 5/20/2015
Loved this story! It was awesome ! Great Reincarnation!AU
Britt30 chapter 4 . 5/20/2015
Oh this was excellent! I thoroughly enjoyed it. And while the ending was a bit unexpected, it was great. Good job!
Guest chapter 4 . 5/20/2015
One word:


Please, I beg of you.
AnotherWorld3111 chapter 4 . 5/20/2015
(I was sitting at the staircase today)
And I wacked my hand rather spectacularly at the edge of the stair I was sitting at.
He has magic! Innate magic! Eeeek!
And omg they all already knew?! Eeeeeekkk!' I'm failing to hold in a squeal here!
Loved it!
(Btw, could u rather PM me from a box u have already used instead of starting up a new one? Takes a heckload of space in my outbox...)
mersan123 chapter 3 . 5/19/2015
Excellent. Looks like the memories are coming back. Loved the cold to steaming coffee too.
Many thanks.
AnotherWorld3111 chapter 3 . 5/19/2015
Recreational magic fic! Eeep!
Lol so when I started this chapter I was stirring something. Halfway thru and my drink is well mixed but the chapter is so amazing I didn't stop stirring till the end of the chapter!
Sire! Magically reheated coffee! They're gonna meet in the next chapter aren't they! Woohoo! Ooh Gwaine should remember too!
Britt30 chapter 3 . 5/19/2015
Loved this chapter and the excellent depiction of their dreams.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/18/2015
More please! Why on earth is Merlin not try to get close to Aurther
AnotherWorld3111 chapter 2 . 5/18/2015
Arrrr! First off: continue continue!
Wow.. Did Gwaine really make something like that? Er... Thank god it's not on the menu then eh?
But haha.. Of course he gives Merlin what Arthur usually drinks
Oh so Arthur's a regular huh? And wow.. He'd actually prefer to work at a coffee shop? That's a new one...
But of course Arthur sits where Merlin snoozes off at (eek! Poor awkward!merlin - while I'm silently giggling at the thought but still.. I sympathize w him. I was feeling seriously sleepy myself today and he prob feels that multiplied more than me so...) how else would the story go? ;D )
Sooo can't wait to see what'll happen next!
AnotherWorld3111 chapter 1 . 5/17/2015
Oh god please continue this had me smiling the whole time and it would be like te perfect three shot at most! Please!
BrightWatcher chapter 1 . 5/14/2015
Nicely written!

I love the characterization. And the small descriptive details like "watching the steam curl off his drink like a tiny vaporous dragon" are delightful to read.

Good luck with your writers muse!
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