Reviews for Bad People
Klarolineisotp chapter 12 . 12/29/2019
loved the bonnie part and her perspective!
Klarolineisotp chapter 9 . 12/29/2019
god I hate elena, how could she do that to Stefan?
klavscaroline chapter 15 . 5/25/2018
the thing i love the most about this story is how you turned 2 smut oneshots into a full blow action packed story, that is super entertaining to read! Thanks for writing this!
Guest chapter 14 . 3/10/2018
I’m a bit bitter about this story of yours. I don’t really get the kidnapping part? What is the purpose of the kidnapping? I hate it that Klaus is So detached that he doesn’t feel any remorse for Caroline being hurt and he waits a night to go and search for her. And then Caroline forgives him for all the hurtful things so easily. I wish instead of your alpha female you would have uploaded back this one at least the forgiveness part
Emily81802 chapter 15 . 10/9/2017
Nice story!
ILOVETMI chapter 15 . 3/11/2017
Wow. I never read VD smut before and that was worth it for it being my first time reading VD smut. You should add a sequel for this!
ScarletRose chapter 15 . 10/31/2016
There were many things I liked about this story primarily the plot-line.
The mystery was great, I never once guessed it would be Ansel.

Also, special mention, Grayson Gilbert was beyond fantastic. I mean, he hardy had a cameo but I wanted to mail that chapter to the writers to show just what an opportunity they had missed, it was mind-blowingly well-written and absolutely grounded on canonical evidence. Darling you have a thing for writing villains, Grayson Gilbert might just have been my favorite thing about this fic and I really hope that you incorporate his character in some other story, a character that brilliant deserves more than to be limited to a cameo.

Also, the editing of the story was very crisp. The focus was fully on Klaroline with no side-couples and there was one central plot and once both the issues were resolved you ended it. It may seem rushed to some but I think you ended it perfectly, things couldn't be stalled anymore.
For a long time in the story it felt like Caroline was using Klaus, things came to a head, he said some things she needed to hear but then the kidnapping happened and she almost died, putting things into perspective for both of them, they had a long-overdue honest conversation and decided to try a real honest relationship. There really was nothing more to tell but most importantly nothing more the characters could do. So, I think the story had perfectly realistic sequence. Good job on that front.

Also, I really liked how you dealt with both Forwood and Klaroline. Caroline finally owning up to the fact that she fell for Klaus while she was with Tyler and then how she tried to be as fair as she could by breaking-up with him immediately was really good. Her saying 'I don't regret him but I regret hurting you' was perfect, it was really honest, respectful to both men and about as fair as a person can be in a bad situation like this.
Also, it was nice to read a Klaroline fic that does not have Tyler ridiculously OOC as in either a cheater or an abuser or someone who forces Caroline to be a housewife (where people got that idea I don't know given that in canon Caroline was the one trying to get Tyler to settle down while he preferred a rootless nomadic lifestyle.)
Also, I liked that you did not keep them friends after break-up. I don't think it would ever work for Forwood. See, Forwood were a circumstantial relationship, at that specific point of time in their lives they needed each other (like Stelena, like Haylijah), once circumstances changed the need wore off and the relation was bound to end. For Tyler, Caroline was the love of his life- I don't think he can ever love another girl the way he loved her(all youthful naivete and optimism) but I don't think he can love her anymore either and because both of them were utterly sincere in their love for each other I can't see them forging a relation where they are not lovers, I just don't think it possible.
The Klaroline was also very honest and sincere and above all, realistic-She doesn't change him, he doesn't terrorise her friends: a more reaistic middle-ground was not possible. (Although I really don't think Klaus will keep his end of the bargain if anything appealing to his paranoia or power-hunger comes up, its just who he will have to learn to find a way or they are in serious danger of ending up like Michael and Kay.)

I loved the epilogue- with Klaus out of town Marcel and Rebekah can give their relation an uninterrupted try, when Kol comes to visit him and Davina can start off Kolvina and then on Christmas they can all discuss about semi-incest in vampire families. Also, without Klaus and Elijah poking their noses, Hayley and Jackson can have the happy life they deserved.

Now what I really did not like about this story-

A) Caroline was over-glorified.
In some of the earlier chapters you had her very sympathetic to Sophie because Tyler was using her- I don't agree.
In canon Caroline has hardly ever shown such compassion.
First up, Andie who was in the exact same situation as her and for months but Caroline quite simply did not care to help her at all.
Then, Rebekah, Caroline was a gleeful participant in the plan for Matt to distract/seduce and neutralise Rebekah, forget feeling sympathetic she loved the idea.
And lastly, Ivy, the girl Enzo killed because Stefan made Caroline cry. Caroline had no concerns that
i) Stefan was lyig and manipulating and basically endangering an innocent person.
ii) Enzo killed her for no reason. Caroline did not Like Ivy, understandable but she could not even muster a 'Enzo you should not have killed her, it was wrong.'
Fact is, when it comes to people outside for her little circle Caroline is as callous about their lives as Katherine or Klaus or Damon.
Also, Caroline has a habit of slut-shaming women she sees as rivals (Sphie, Rebekah, Hayley) and was prone to compelling away her rivals (Amber,Sophie).
So I found this depiction of Caroline very OOC.

Also, I don't agree with Klaus's coddling that Caroline seeing Sophie as 'slutty Sophie' was all Sophie's fault. Sure, she had her share of responsibility for her image but Caroline was also being narrow-minded, superficial and judgemental - all of which are part of her ussual character flaws.
Putting the blame entirely on Sophie's shoulder is absolving society of its basic shallow and chauvinistic leaning which I can't agree to.
The right response in my opinion would have been if Klaus had simply said, 'Yes Caroline you made a mistake, but you are hardly more than a child who has been raised in a bigoted town so its natural; you have a good heart and with time and age you will mature and correct your mistakes and grow into a truly onderful person.' That's all.
Given that one of the reasons I really liked Klaroline was that Klaus was the only person to call Caroline out on her hypocrisy but still love her, I really did not like that conversation.
Also, yes, Caroline herself has never victim-shamed but in season 4 when Caroline whole-heartedly believed that Elena slept with Damon only because of the sire-bond and was being taken advantage of ('its not your fault'), she did not stop or rebuke Stefan when he was shaming her (while at the same time conveniently accusing Damon) so yes, while Caroline herself has never victim-shamed she certainly hasn't stopped it, even when it concerned her best friend.
I found these characterizations extremely inaccurate and I am making a point of it since this story was set in canon universe.

B) Elena was ridiculously OOC.
See, in the New Series too you made Elena completely OOC (along with the Salvatores) but in that story, their track was cut-off from the main storyline and was easy to ignore, which is what I did. Here, that was not possible.
As in, the birthday party. I am sorry to say but that was completely absurd.
Given that this story is set before Elena transitions i.e. late season 3, at that point Elena was trying her very best to convince everyone, herself included that she had no romantic feelings for Damon and Stefan was her priority, and frankly, after 3x15 her and Damon were on pretty unfriendly terms (except the motel groping but that just further detoriated their situation).
During that time-frame, it is impossible for Elena to throw Damon a birthday party. She was quite frankly being utterly horrible to him during this time, utterly, abjectly horrible.
Next, even if by some miracle she decides to throw him a party she would never ask for Caroline's help or invite anyone except Ric and Jeremy.
Elena never was an insensitive friend, forget Caroline, asking Matt to celebrate the birthday of his sister's killer? Elena would never do that. She never asked her friends to accept or like Damon. A large reason for her stringing him along so long was because she was afraid of her friend's judgement. And after she finally let go of that fear and started dating him she did not ask her friends for anything more than to let her live her life, thats all (which by the way Caroline never did until she wanted Stefan for herself, then suddenly it was 'You are so lucky, I think its great he has always been at your side'-it was genorous of Elena not to call her out on it)
And lastly, even by any miracle if she does ask for Caroline's help there is no miracle in the world that will make Caroline agree. The proper reaction would have been, 'No, Elena, why do you want to throw a party for Damon, he is soooo eviiil, you should only throw parties for Stefan since he is your epic love and the greatest person on the planet and God's gift to the earth and you know what, why don't I throw you guys an epic love party which I will plan just like I would if Stefan was my boyfriend (sigh!)).
So, yes, this whole party thing was completely OOC and absurd.
Also, there was a small part where it seems Elena is jealous of Bonnie and Stefan. I am sorry but this again was not right.
Elena is simply not the jealous and insecure type. She is self-assured and accutely conscious of her self-worth (Petrova genetics). She has never been jealous of her boyfriend's close friendships, be it Matt and Bonnie, or Stefan and Lexie, or Stefan and Caroline or Damon and Bonnie. The closest she came to jealousy was when she found Damon and Rebekah had slept together but then also her rationality won over pretty soon that she was the very reason they had slept together. For God's sake which other female character has ever gone on a sixty-year sleep completely secure that her fiance will wait with absolutely unchanged feelings for her, that too when he happened to save his female best friend over her?
Whatever her other flaws, insecurity, jealousy and pettiness are not part of Elena's character.

So, that's it.

Again, I did enjoy the plot-lines, I loved reading Klaus as usual and I do hope we see Grayson Gilbert again.
Heather chapter 15 . 9/15/2016
Wonderful story! Well written with a great plot - just what I like to read! Thanks so much for writing:)
WaitingForBrilliance chapter 15 . 9/14/2016
Loved the beginning of the story, up until Caroline was kidnapped, and then it ceased to be about Klaroline. Felt a bit rushed, especially for the angst and miscommunication, which was a big part, only to be glossed over. Sad, since I loved the one shots and the first half of the story. Plus the lack of smut... :/
joeyprue chapter 15 . 8/23/2016
Absolutely perfectly, I love Klaroline canon stories where they have a secret romance. oh and the tease pretty great.
kickassfu chapter 15 . 8/17/2016
This was amazing :D Loved it~~ great epilogue and smut :3
TwilightHybrid chapter 15 . 8/14/2016
I'm glad they got a happy ending. I like that her friends have came around and are accepting their relationship. Sad to have seen it go. But will add it to my favorites.
redbudrose chapter 15 . 8/14/2016
Great chapter! Loved the ending.
rebbecca1 chapter 15 . 8/14/2016
Loved it! This one is great and I loved the ending. You truly deserved that award. I like all your stuff but this is one of my favorites.
Klarology chapter 15 . 8/13/2016
Yay, it's over, not that that's a bad thing but now you can update your other stories
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