Reviews for Memory of the Apprentice
Lumior chapter 8 . 9/17
You're back! I'm so glad and hyped to see more!
Belice chapter 8 . 9/2
Thank you for updating this great story
xxxGmanxxx chapter 8 . 9/2
Found your story a couple of days ago. I liked the idea of the story and read all eight chapters in a couple of days. And here's what I can summarize. I felt intense interest and intense boredom at the same time. I could describe the main problem of the story as "too much blah blah." You spend more than five paragraphs describing various things (for example, the Asajj lightsaber), although it would take no more than five lines for a detailed describe in detail the most insignificant and minor battles (there are a LOT of these small battles in your story. Do you really think that it will be interesting for the reader to read in detail many times about the skirmishes of characters with the next 5-10 droids?) And after each such battle, the characters begin their long, often meaningless and boring conversations with each other. To put it bluntly, the story is VERY VERY VERY heavily laden with meaningless text. You have already written 8 chapters, your current story is almost 150,000 words long, and only a few significant events have been described in the text. Galen still hasn't left his first planet, man! Brevity is the soul of wit, you know. You have been writing this story for 5 years, and it still hasn't gotten anywhere.
Beta117 chapter 8 . 8/30
Oh I’m so happy to see an update for the story. But on a sidenote you fucked up the red versus blue reference. You said “yer” instead of “yeah” I mean it still made me laugh either way
WolfassassinKing chapter 8 . 8/30
Great chapter, gald to see you’re somewhat back and hope things get better with work.
Mreagle789 chapter 8 . 8/30
Was that a red vs blue reference?

Also loved the chapter can’t wait for Galen to meet anakin and obiwan
King of Yawns chapter 7 . 5/28
It’s amazing how big the Star Wars universe is, there is dozens and dozens of books and games,

I like it better that, the character slowly grows, you are right if the main guy was super powered it would be kinda hard to write and read too,

After watching the clone wars series, I agree on how powerful Ventress is, the emperor was afraid of her and order Dooku to kill her, the way the story went I am assuming that Galen and her will be a couple?

It’s going to be tricky adding very powerful force powers like creating black holes, cause the Jedi and with are not that powerful in the clone wars series,

I do want to add, I think you mentioned that Luke Skywalker was one of the most powerful Jedi of all time,
The emperor beat Luke and almost killed him, had not Darth Vader saved him

Star killer beat the Emperor and only got killed cause he follow the Jedi way, hence Luke and Galen are both not very powerful cause they lost die to following the Jedi way
King of Yawns chapter 6 . 5/28
Ya! This is close to the beginning, getting mor more interesting, it’s really sad that people don’t like doing or thinking about things that are new to them, the force unleash was on of the best games ever made, but so few wrote about it or give it a chance

Thank you so much for writing
Hmason chapter 5 . 1/14
ok i get the EXTENSIVE list for why Starkiller wasn't able to beat her but still annoys me a bit, great chapter thought it was great.
Hmason chapter 4 . 1/14
i liked it, concerned about the "massive power up" remember that canonically (fuck Disney) Anakin/Vader is 1 of the most powerful force users and Starkiller beat him after fighting through the entire Death Star, then beat Sidious so i don't want to see Starkiller getting beat by dooku or Obi Wan cause that just would be NERFing him and suck, hoping he makes a second Lightsaber so we get a more F.U 2 Starkiller, just curious if there's a pairing and how you view the Jedi and Sith, you kinda explained them here but i was hoping for a bit more clarification on some things
Hmason chapter 3 . 1/14
i would have liked to see Starkiller headbutt cooper on the way out but that's me being vindictive
Guest chapter 5 . 9/10/2019
In all honesty I like how starkiller seemed to go toe to toe against Ventress however I highly doubt mace nor Dooku would be able to contend with him should he be at full strength and have complete understanding of himself.
Ssj1998 chapter 7 . 4/14/2019
I gotta say I'm pretty impressed with your points you've made at the end of 7th chapter and I'll admit i was a bit bias in Galen's good points I never really looked at his bad ones, and after comparing his feats to Assaj's I can see where your coming from.

All in all though I am enjoying this story of yours and am looking forward to your next update so keep up the good work.
Warden62 chapter 7 . 4/1/2019
Great Story! I believe you are giving galen less credit then he deserves, he may not be the "chosen one" but like Anakin he had the potential to be Palpatine equal or maybe even more. Galen may not be superior in force abilities but he is trained in lightsaber combat especially and throughout his life with Vader has been trained to fight with a disability, Vader would literally break his bones and such before a training
Guest chapter 7 . 12/7/2018
You know what I would find really funny is that if Asajj and Galen became a couple through her manipulation, but got affected by her own emotions as well. That would be the funniest thing to see because the sheer amount of awkwardness and the amount of times that would be needed for each of them to fight, interact, or some in-between action. I would bet flirting from Asajj or manipulation, and Galen's memories of following her(capture first since then he could get his answers).

Just a little plot bunny if one puts the meme faces on them.
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