Reviews for The Dynamics of Risk
DancingInTheDark85 chapter 18 . 1/19/2018
I have no idea how I missed this story but it was excellent. You obviously know what you’re talking about as the details about riding as well as the medical stuff sounded spot on and your OC’s were well rounded and added good extra dimensions to your story. I also feel I need to add a special mention to Bear and his tennis balls. His inclusion lightened what was a heavy story, which was needed when John was going through hell. And I love the cuddly side of John that Bear manages to bring out.
FMC chapter 18 . 12/25/2017
Thank you! While I have been a fan of Star Trek Voyager fan fiction for a long time - this is only my third read in POI. The story was well fleshed out, the characters very believable, and the plot solid. I kind of thought Finch would be a bit more resourceful about extracting John from the woods, but that would have spoiled the story line. Otherwise a terrific read! Thank you! Sure hope you have more POI stories posted or in the works. Also love that Reese & Finch was not Reese/Finch, but still showed a tremendous depth of love and devotion as befits two men who have served in extreme battle conditions for a long time. Fine job.
Singing Silverwings chapter 18 . 9/14/2016
A beautifully written story, very satisfying conclusion. Well done!
Anonymous chapter 18 . 7/8/2016
Wow. Just... wow. This story was incredible. Amazing plot, excellent portayal of the characters themselves and your OCs. This story deserves more credit than it has.
On another note, there were also some very inspirational things spoken about. I'm not sure if you did it on purpose or if it was purely incidental, but either way, it brought a new light to the things that John and the others do, why they do it.
The medical side of the story seemed incredibly well thought and thorough. It's not often that a writer will go to such great lengths to make a fanfiction as accurate as possible.
Amazing story. I enjoyed every paragraph of it!
Petra chapter 18 . 4/13/2016
Best story ever. Keep writing, please
shejams chapter 18 . 4/12/2016
That was amazing. I absolutely loved it!
I could see this as an actual episode. Your characterization of everyone was spot on. The plot, drama, angst and humor were so well written and well thought out. I couldn't stop reading once I started. I lost precious sleep and now I'm going to take a nap. :D
And may I also say: I love Bear. I think he's so cute. Who'd thought the vigilantes adopting a dog would enhance the show.
I was rewatching season one and was like, 'where's Bear?' Lol
Anyway... Thank you for such an enjoyable read.
Hawkeye4077 chapter 18 . 2/21/2016
Wow, I've so many good things to say about this story! Very realistic and enjoyable! You did very well keeping everyon in character through all the scenarios you had them in, including Bear, which made this a pleasure to read. Your plot is definitely one I could see playing out in the show and well executed. I thought your OCs were very good, even the baddies, and Maggie was refreshingly professional compared with most female OC numbers I read on here. Dr Maxwell was good too and he really must be one of the most lauded trauma surgeons in the USA to manage all of John's complex injuries and complications without even a nurse! I found it interesting that you addressed Dr Maxwell's own psychological demons, it made him a much more believable and relatable character to give him just a bit of depth and resolution.

There's an amazing attention to detail in this story that can come from only personal experience or extensive research - the horse-riding and medical situations stand out the most - and as someone with personal experience of trauma, surgery and post-op care I hope you will accept my congratulations on doing such a fantastic job with those aspects. There was just one little thing I wanted to correct though as it was pretty jarring - if you did an MRI on John you'd certainly have known he had retained a barb because it would likely have shredded him even further and been pulled out of him, a CT would have been the way to go and more informative than an xray as it shows up soft tissue very well and is the imaging modality of choice in a trauma situation. Please however don't take that as a slight on your story, it was truly fantastic and I look forward to reading your next one... Looking through your story list it looks like we have very similar show interests so SG-1 it is!
justayellowumbrella chapter 18 . 1/23/2016
This was such a well-written, well-developed story. I enjoyed every chapter. Your character development was spot on, and I loved the relationship between Finch and Reese. Had all the right combinations of drama and humor. I do hope we see more stories!
Swissmounty chapter 18 . 11/17/2015
Thank you for writing this interesting story! It is greatly appreciated.
Swissmounty chapter 6 . 11/11/2015
Love your story very much!
And rofl about the sheep named "Caviezel"!
Where I live, many people carry this surname, but no sheep would ever be called that way. It would be named "Gion-Gieri" or "Gian-Duri" or "Ladina".
This is sooo funny! Wish the duo luck.
Book girl fan chapter 18 . 9/30/2015
This was a wonderful chapter, with feeling and great characterisation, but there is one thing that struck me to distraction: Bear can balance three meatballs on his nose?
Carol O chapter 18 . 9/19/2015
I loved the story from start to finish I could not put it down. You are a terrific writer and I hope you continue to write POI Fan Fiction to keep us entertained. Thanks again, I appreciate you providing us with entertainment in the form of Person of Interest while we are waiting for the show to return.
StarlingJedi chapter 18 . 9/17/2015
Wow, in a way I'm a bit sad to see this story end... I've gotten used to seeing my weekly inbox alerts for new chapters. But this was a fun ride from start to finish, and I really enjoyed reading it! Many kudos to you, you did a fantastic job! :)
TheHiddenMemory chapter 18 . 9/14/2015
I adored this story. Your writing is so detailed and perceptive, not to mention extremely cultivated and realistic. One of the things I loved most is how you wrote Reese & Finch's relationship, all the little subtle nuances and how they care for one another without going over the top, because we know that neither of them are very blatantly expressive in their feelings. Steve was a wonderful character as well.

I'm so going to miss getting new chapters (and kudos to you for sticking to a schedule - a skill I have not yet mastered..). I also want to thank you for writing something of the old POI format. It gets me down that they are so few people left that write the old POI. This is the POI that I love. Thank you so much for giving some of it back to me. I would LOVE to see more from you.
Thanks again.

(btw, this is Lisa87 - I changed my penname recently.)
Wuchel1 chapter 18 . 9/14/2015
This is truly a great story. You've captured the characters and the wonderful dynamics of the earlier season exceptionally well, that reading this story reminded me just how much I miss the show I fell in love with. It is a privilege to be your beta reader. I'm sure we'll get that next story on the road soon, too ;)
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