Reviews for 24 Epiphanies
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 11 . 5/5/2017
How did Lexa die? I mean why ciukdnt they save her?! What was wrong? And how was Quinn not hurt? So they were coming home from Quinn's game? What sport did Quinn play? - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
This was so sad but an amazing love story! I especially loved how you portrayed Clarke being blushing and flustered and sort of shy around Lexa and Lexa was like smirking and teasing and making Clarke get flustered and blush! I love when their characters are like that!
I hope you go check out my Clexa Prompts!
Who does Quinn look like? Like do you have a specific person in mind? Can I look up the picture? Does Quinn look like a mix between Lexa and Clarke?
Do you ship Emison or Supercorp?
Do you write an Clexa Stories in the 100 universe?
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 4 . 5/5/2017
It's kind of morbidly ironic that their first fight was like this and then Clarke tells Lexa to never leave her and in present time Lexa died. And what happened to Lexa's father? And in the scene with Clarke at the park with her mother where was Quinn? How old was Blue? And why did you have to make their dog die also?! I thought Clarke didn't want to have kids? - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
Are Raven and Octavia and Bellamy and the rest of the gang in this story?
Do you ship Emison or Supercorp?
I posted a ton of Clexa and Clexa Family One Shot Prompts on AO3! You can use any of them! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 3 . 5/5/2017
Isn't is how the Show 'How I Met Your Mother' starts? But the mother in the Show doesn't die right? How did Lexa die? Why?! How old was she? Is Quinn their biological daughter? Did Lexa see Quinn be born? How old is Quinn? And why was Clarke saying her dog has green eyes? I was so hopeful that they were talking about a dog and then they said they weren't rocking abiutnthe same thing and I was like 'welp there goes my heart!' - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 2 . 5/5/2017
So this was a dog? Not Lexa? Right? And how old is Clarke here? - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
You're like giving me a heart attack every chapter now that in know what that word means!
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 1 . 5/5/2017
So I looked up the word posthumously because I didn't know what it meant and it was in the synopsis up above and it means "after the originator is dead' so is Lexa going to die?! What?! - Munro McLaren
I hope you answer back! :)
So Clarke says she doesn't want kids and then she says Lexa made it seem to her mother that she didn't want kids. Wasn't that what Clarke wanted? And why did Clarke seem so angry? What exactly did Lexa say to Abby? Is Jake in this story?
Silverwolf3351 chapter 11 . 2/16/2017
Ya made me cry so much...
winkaneye1 chapter 9 . 9/8/2016
One of the best stories Iv read. It's so honest and stays with u
Katerina chapter 11 . 7/22/2016
This story was beautiful... My tears flowed and my heart got ripped out of my chest. All the feelings and emotions that came with reading this story took me on a huge rollercoaster. Though sad, because of Lexa's death -that I definitely could not handle again, the ending of everything leading to Quinn being their greatest gift was so heartwarming. Bravo
Ahodyuinsentaim chapter 11 . 3/12/2016
I don't usually read AU fics, but I started and stopped reading this one several times because, I just didn't think I could handle another story of Lexa's death. As I kept going I realized how much I wanted to see what their life was like together through the letters she sent Clarke. This fic was funny, amazing and heartbreaking. It made me laugh out loud and as my throat closed up and tears misted my eyes on the chapter of her death, I am so glad I read it and got to have a small glimpse, if only for a little while, in their amazing life that they lived together. Thank you for this amazing story.
Guest chapter 11 . 10/17/2015
This is so tears are flowing freely, too!
Demosthenes23 chapter 11 . 9/23/2015
Oh yes, the classic child walking in on parents gag. Lmao.

'I could never leave you, not without saying goodbye first.'
Thanks for breaking my heart before it happened.

I like how you brought it round full circle, back to the sketchbook.

Beautiful ending. Bittersweet, lovely story. Quinn was a lucky kid.

I think I'll be like Clarke and go have a cry. Don't even need to watch P.S. I love you first.

But you're proud of me right, for surviving till the end?
Demosthenes23 chapter 10 . 9/23/2015
Leave Ryder's beard alone. It didn't do anything wrong. Loll.

I'm glad you wrote about the miscarriage after the happy times with Quinn, less devastating this way. But still plenty sad. So thanks for that.

Let me guess, Lexa gets killed like right after starting this intelligence position? Irony.

In her defense, I'd be drooling too.
Demosthenes23 chapter 9 . 9/23/2015
I really do love the way you put these chaps together. It flows so well and fits like puzzle pieces.

'crotch-rockets of death' - amazing...also what do you mean? Hang gliders?

Geez, Clarke is such a drama queen. Well at least Clarkey got her wish. No cop daughter.

I knew Lexa found the ring. Wasn't expecting the finger bang right after, but I'll take it.

Ah, poor Anya. Somehow I'm not surprised she has commitment issues.

'I know, so am I'. Haha.
Demosthenes23 chapter 8 . 9/22/2015
Haha. Oh poor Lexa getting bossed around by pregnant Clarkey. Wait, how is that different than any other day? :p

Yaas to Princess Bride name. Amazing.
I'm totally going to end up naming any kid I might have after a fictional character. That kid is screwed.

Lexa baby dead me
Demosthenes23 chapter 7 . 9/22/2015
Yeah, I think if I ever get married, I'll go the eloping route.

Spraying aunts with pancake is an adult given right. Yaas.

Octavia literally is five in this fic. Fart sound, really?

I dance like Clarke, which is to say, I don't. Lol. Love their interactions, and the cavewoman Lexa at the end.
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