Reviews for Hyrule Warriors Warped
waw 8v chapter 25 . 7/16
Will you do a Zelda swap for Breath of the Wild?
xito applause chapter 25 . 5/15
Y r Samsung as Aawriter \(' ')
Guest chapter 25 . 7/23/2018
Can ypu maybe do an Undertala and Legend of Zelda crossover? I love both games and there aren’t enough crossovers between them. It doesn’t have to be a multichapter story, a oneshot is fine.
Guest chapter 25 . 7/6/2018
Holy Fuck. It’s literally 12:00 a.m and I’m supposed to be asleep, but here I am typing out a review just to say that you are amazing. All your work is amazing, from the plot to the fight scenes to the outtakes. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I look forward to reading some more of your works!
Princesses Wield Swords chapter 1 . 5/8/2018
Wow, you're off to a good start.
xGrace316x chapter 25 . 4/30/2018
Lovely ending.
Guest chapter 25 . 7/20/2017
Finally this roller-coaster is over! I liked the entire adventure (from Skyward Swaps to this) from start to finish. The part where all of the Zeldas and Links from every part of the timeline (that you wrote) tried to finish off Demise/Ganondorf for good was very memorable and epic. Ghirahim's death was a really big mood whiplash though.

Not sure if you will do any more fics in this gender swap AU, considering how this seems really final, but if you write any more installments in this timeline, I'll come back and read it.

Good luck, and I'll maybe check the Moana fics. See you next time.
Fantasy Fire Fox chapter 9 . 7/11/2017
Ben Drowned? freaky, but i still don't understand why that's his name XD
Guest chapter 25 . 7/2/2017
This is too good. The entire story was so great that I don't think any of my words will describe how I feel about this fanfic.

Also, do Breath of the Wild (Warped? Broken? idk) if you want. I'll definitely read it.
Guest chapter 25 . 6/17/2017
I loved your stories about Zelda being the hero and Link being the prince! Can't wait for when you decide to write the Breath of the Wild one! That is, if you wanted to... your choice.
Phoenix Champion chapter 25 . 3/25/2017
Been a long time since I came around here. I forgot how good this story was. to be honest :)
But I do have a question.

Will you be doing a swap fic like this for Breath of the Wild eventually?
ninetails927 chapter 25 . 3/20/2017
TT_TT Awww man, now I'm crying over here.

Skyward Swap was, at first, conflicting as all hell for me to read, especially when I was playing the game around that time. But in the end, it was even more touching for me than the original gameplay itself... then again, perhaps it had to do with actual story-telling than anything else.

Twilight Twists was funny as all hell, and I too believe you had the right idea on keeping Zant from going Imp-mode on everyone. Wouldn't have worked out like it did for Midna really. Still, best villain ever :D

Time's Trade was depressing... and I mean the good kind. At first, it was a little cheery and always funny to see Ivan try and find logic in things that should just simply be accepted and nothing else (Key example of a fish's innards designed like a dungeon XDD).

And now, Hyrule Warrior's Warped.

I'm gonna be honest, biggest character roster in a story adaptation that I've ever seen! O_0 Regardless, still great (even the moments where people were killed off and all T_T) all around.

But now comes the big question that I'm sure people will be asking you if they haven't already...
Will you pull another Zelda swap for Breath of The Wild?

Personally seen through the gameplay and the story that it reveals, plus the Easter eggs from past games (and the memorial for Twilight Princess) along with the fact that Ganon just declares F*CK THIS SH!T EVERYONE DIES!

So then, is this a done deal or what? But regardless, your stories hold a special place in my heart, and I can't wait to see what you pull out next.

With full regards and sincerest of sincerities,
AccountKillerRemovalRequested chapter 1 . 3/15/2017
Looks like a wonderful start. Hey, are you going to do Breath of the Wild, where Zelda is the hero and Link is the prince?
notsilymerej chapter 25 . 12/29/2016
I almost want to see what Zelda and Link do afterwards. In like a sequel or something.
ChangelingRin chapter 25 . 12/26/2016
Well, congratulations. You finally finished -

I wish you luck in all your future story endeavors!
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