Reviews for Picnic
Agent Five chapter 1 . 7/2/2016
I feel emotionally wrung out. In a good way. So much detail to absorb and all manner of wonderful interactions. Of course Gordon/Virgil was excellent but with Scott adding panic and urgency in the background. Maintaining Gordon's POV allowed a sense of confusion and added to the drama. Fantastic imagery and the rolling story within a story that is your massively entertaining style - I'm in awe of how you manage to weave it all so expertly without it sounding at all like exposition.
CallsT chapter 1 . 6/6/2016
My first reaction after reading your story was - WHAT? No "Thank you, Virgil"? And then I spent the night searching for another story where the positions were reversed and Gordon was the one freaking out about something happening to Virgil. And I'm a Gordon people!
Really, my heart was bleeding for the Medic all the time - and I loved every second of it! Thank you! Your story was so very different from all the others I've read here, your style very unique, and it just clicked with me.
Really love this one!
lavarockme chapter 1 . 8/27/2015
omg i LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED this! all the Gordon hurt, wow. Just wow! I'll have something more constructive to say after i read it again! :D KUDOS!
a pretty little liar chapter 1 . 6/22/2015
Hey Six... It's been a while, eh?

So, what do I love about this story? Well that's a trick question - I love everything about it. As usual, you manage to bring dimension these characters in a way that is very visceral and just... REAL.

I'd have you here for hours if I was to list out everything I love, so I'm going to try to give you the cliff notes instead - here goes!

1 - Story within a story (er, stories within a story). Whether or not it was intended to come off like this, this is the way I interpreted it. So, this story was obviously Gordon-centric. The thing that really gets me here (and with HI,TA) is that it's not *just* Gordon's story. I mean yeah, it's a Gordon story; his thoughts, his point of view, by all intents and purposes, it's his. BUT the fantastic thing is that there are several little arms to come off of this; what exactly does Alan know that the others don't? I love that idea, that Alan is the confidant, because he so often gets shafted with the 'baby' or 'kid brother' slot, and quite often lacks maturity. I'm not saying he's perfect; but seeing a brother you're very close with suffer something so horrendous to such great extents - I have to believe that changes a guy.

2 - Virgil's freakout - and lack thereof. Keeping it (mostly) together in the face of danger, but melting down once the danger has passed and he was out of sight of Gordon. I'd love to see a scene based around that. And on that note, the much-needed talk between Gordon and Scott. I'd assume this would transfer over to Virgil and John too. It's just SUCH an intriguing thought! And that's what really gets me-

-the aftermath of the hydrofoil accident.

It's not really something I've seen a lot of exploration of. We have the typical 'back problems,' but we don't see the little things that have been alluded to here; neurological damage (I'd be willing to guess there's at least some part of him that will never 'work' properly again), the overwhelming likelihood that he'd develop bone and/or muscle problems if he doesn't already have some we don't know of, the lasting psychological impact of it all, susceptibility issues to how many possible things. This is the second time his body has suffered a tremendously traumatic event; I have to believe he'll pay for it at some point. And that's why I love this story - you've brought, at the very least, these type of thoughts to the forefront. Maybe we'll never see the majority of that stuff, but having the potential of such events occurring put into our heads is just a fantastic move, as an author! I like when we see that not everything is sunshine and dolphins all the time. Scott has his own psychological issues/demons thanks to his experiences enlisted with the USAF. Gordon's got a book of his own trials and triumphs. John's a complete and total lifeline to them all. It's *real* and that's what makes it absolutely enjoyable to read, no matter how serious the material is!

The A/N says there's another story coming - Oh, I SO hope it is still coming! There's so much more to explore here, and I can't wait to see what you gift us with!

Welp, I think I wrapped it up fairly well?! Great job (if you are still working on the next story, I'll be here anxiously awaiting!)

Hope all is well!
BlankZeroSeven chapter 1 . 5/25/2015
Hi again! Sorry for not getting back to your pm, I'm pretty horrific at remembering I have stuff to reply to. I'm also sorry for not following you earlier, because you are definitely my favourite Thunderbirds writer, period. I just love the way you write the boys, there's something about your style that's different to everything else I can remember reading. It's rare, I think, to find a life-or-death fic that isn't 'single tear rolled down his cheek' over-dramatic, ridiculously soppy, or completely unbelievable. In short, it's another brilliant piece.

Sincerely looking forward to anything else you may come up with in future,
gaelicspirit chapter 1 . 5/24/2015
Okay, I had to wait until I was well and truly back from London and not only physically back with my mind wrapped in sleep-deprived bubble wrap before I read this. Here's what I love: I know nothing about these characters except what you've told me. I only know them through your writing and your stories. And I LOVE them. Seriously. I have my favorites, sure, but all of them, just...the Tracy boys. One of these days I probably should watch the movie, yeah?

You had me at the description of the tornadoes. Growing up in the midwest, I've lived through my fair share and while we've never been directly affected, our town has and the destruction you captured here is dead-on.

I loved your brotherly banter. Loved the "don't die or dad'll kill me" and the description of Scott with a berserker inside of him. I loved all the talk about Scott freaking out because he not only wasn't there, but *couldn't get there*. I just love Scott. Period. I adored poor Virgil doing his level best to hold it together with his brother - who apparently is the humor of the bunch - practically bleeding out in front of him.

I loved all the talk about Gordon in front of Gordon when he'd fade out for a bit. I love how well these guys know each other. I could never hope for such camaraderie in my family. Maybe we should have collectively joined the Military. ;)

I loved Gordon's confession to Virge that it really hurt and Scott telling Gordon to keep his eyes open even when he wasn't there. I also kinda love that Gordon has a mouth like Dean Winchester.

But the part that twisted my heart was when Scott finally got to Gordon and all Gordon could say was, "Scotty." Gah! I feel like tearing up just commenting on it. That was fabulously wrenching.

The hospital recovery scene was great - with Alan telling Gordon to "kick his ass"...oh, and Virgil Les Paul 3.

Never again worry about writing straight-up h/c. I loved every minute of this. More please.
Madilayn chapter 1 . 5/23/2015
Really nice. This was a great read - pushed my emotions all over the place! Well done.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
aWESoME stORY1! uPDATE sOON1!111111!11!111111111!111!

**dodges flying licorice whips**
Xenitha chapter 1 . 5/22/2015
Awww...poor Gordon. But he and Virg sure can trash talk! I bet Alan learned any bad words he knows from his next oldest brother...

More soon?
Sam1 chapter 1 . 5/21/2015
Whew I was a bit worried that Gordon was going to be the next Tracy to meet his demise at your hand. So relieved that he survived such a nasty injury.

Your descriptive writing made it so easy to picture the scene moment by moment. Really looking forward to your next story.
Leandra.Falconwing chapter 1 . 5/21/2015
I love this story (and your other stories and your writing in general) and knew I had to review, but now I can't even think of the words to express how fantastic this is. Incoherent babbling is about all that comes to mind.

Making an attempt anyway, though; your writing is brilliant, and you pull us into Gordon's thoughts so effortlessly even with it being third person. The banter (and arguments) between the brothers is so natural and real. Everything about this story just pulls the reader in and doesn't let go until the end.

Also, Gordon's "something bit me" when there's a PIECE OF REBAR IN HIS BACK. That's quite the bite...

I love the way some things get implied rather than stated, such as:
"Comebacks like that deserved a little puke on the shoes. If only Gordon could remember what he'd had for breakfast. Give it a second. It would come to him.
Yep, there it was."

Finally: Ouch, poor Gordon.
Red Hardy chapter 1 . 5/20/2015
YAY! One can never have enough – or too many – stories by you! Thanks for the heads up about this one. Don’t know why I’m not on your author alerts but I’ve corrected that error.

I totally get Gordon’s irrational fear, or hatred, of tornadoes. I feel pretty much the same way. We don’t get too many where I live – maybe 2-3 a year, but they are terrifying. A couple of years ago we got smacked with a hurricane AND a spin-off tornado! I don’t have a basement but luckily the only closet in the house against a brick wall was just big enough for me and the dog.

The seaweed scrub spree cracked me up! :D Winchester Mystery House buildings? Nice touch. ;-) Damn I just love your descriptive writing – tantruming hands of a howling toddler; exposed wire guts; Scott and Johns “needful delusions”. I could see them rock-paper-scissoring clear as day! AND Virgil smacking Gordon upside the head.

Love how Gordon has these random thoughts as they make their way through the school – too many kids with 4.0 GPAs, the drama kids having to rebuild their set, and oh, the huge paper cutters! Memories of high school… The Illiterate One? Wouldn’t happen to be Alan would it?! :p And, YES! Using your teeth as tools, Gordon! Lost count of how many times my mother yelled at me for that when I was a kid.

THANK YOU for Virgil’s simple “Gordon?” when he went over the edge. No hysterics, no “Oh no! My little brother!” histrionics, no bailing on the girls stuck behind the door to get to his brother. Just a perfectly believable response from a first responder who still has a job to do. And Gordon’s response was priceless! Again, your writing is so descriptive I feel like I’m sitting there in the hall watching them. And even when Virgil realizes Gordon has been seriously hurt himself, he’s still all business.

Loved Gordon not realizing he was rambling out loud. And the whole ensuing conversation with Virgil was better than perfect! Drooling Jell-o and applesauce – what a visual image! But Virgil is right – the kid brother(s) is always the kid brother(s).

Douchecanoe? HOWLNG! Defcon crazy? DOUBLE HOWLING! “He didn’t exactly sound like his hills were alive with the sound of music.” I’m just on my knees bowing down to your awesomeness for that one!

Okay you did me in when Gordon just wanted his dad. Know the feeling. No matter how old you are there are just times you need your dad (or mom). Ooh, LOVE the way Scott knew exactly what Gordon needed them to do – stay and dig out anyone still trapped – and that he did it!

Seven dialects of Tracy Eyebrow?! The visual of sheriff cowboy John (or Cowboy Dork!)? Six, you are in a class all by yourself.

BRAVO! THAT was an awesomely amazing story. I love, love, LOVE the way you write - the way you write the Tracys and the way you write in general. Can’t thank you enough for sharing it with us.

Now I have to go back and re-read this story. Awesome. Just all kinds of awesome…
Scotius chapter 1 . 5/20/2015
Beautiful. You gave Gordon a real, great depth and voice. Who would've guess that family jester concealed such a origami-like personality under the cheer? Good job.