Reviews for The Games We Play
kershup chapter 6 . 7/10
Ugh. Great writing, but this is the Rick I hated. Worse, actually.
I hope Michonne doesnt end up with him. Nope, this is not the Rick of our Richonne :(
If your intention is for us to hate Rick, then it worked. Michonne deserves better, even if he breaks up with Jessie. Atleast, I hope they dont get together, not right away after all that. Rick left the party with Jessie and Ron?!
Guest chapter 6 . 5/28
Not an update, you might think about setting up a gofundme
Guest chapter 6 . 5/24
I would have rather this not been a story update.. I know that writers don’t owe us anything, but it was kind of annoying to be in the midst of reading something and then seeing a real life update, especially since updating a story is not a 2-click thing, you have to deliberately do things to make a post live.
Timeout7 chapter 6 . 5/23
Michonne needs her own man. She has admirers who are seeing her as their mate. Judith and Carl could live with her.
Rick is awful. Ron hates him and Carl. Jessie is psychotic. Yet, he chose them. He says he can’t leave Jessie. He wants Michonne to be a secret. None of that is redeemable character. He has openly crushed a beautiful woman. After they rescue Carl, please let her leave him in the hell that he created.
Richonnelover1941 chapter 6 . 5/22
I was excited about reading this but am a bit disappointed that it is so short. I understand life does happen. I see where you are addressing the fact that you are going to fix this crap between Rick and Michonne but I wonder if things are too far gone. I would think in real world situation a person would finally move on especially a strong person like Michonne who can have any other person she wants and if Rick is going to continue to be with Jessie and be a weak asshole then Michonne should get back with Daryl. I really hope that this story will turn into a Richonne story soon or I will not continue to wait for the updates to read. Take care and be safe.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/22
This is complete shit. I just read through this crap this ain't no Michonne and Rick's story. You're lying trying to get readers cuz this is Jessick all day. You're the worst kind of writer. Untagg them this is pure bullshit.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/22
Carl pissed me off when he ran away. If Daryl dies trying to bring him home, I will be pissed. Since Daryl has been relegated to the friend zone, can we get Michonne a hottie? Just saying.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/22
What I like: Michonne physically removing herself from the toxicity that is Rick and Jessie. And I would love for Michonne to find a love of her own. Siddiq maybe? What I don’t like: Michonne having no love interest while Jessick are living together and fucking like bunnies. I don’t appreciate getting short updates only once a year. One would think you are a Richonne hater. If I had known this was a Jessick fic, I wouldn’t have wasted my time. Please tag your story accordingly. Stay safe.
Firefly-class chapter 6 . 5/22
I am glad you are continuing this story. Rick needs to man up and stop letting Jessie control him. The damage he has done to his relationship with Carl and with Michonne is severe. I don’t know if there is any coming back from this. Good update
LovemesumRick chapter 5 . 10/13/2019
At this point I don’t see how this can be Richonne and maybe . It wouldn’t be a bad idea to put michonne with Daryl honestly. This rick is a sniveling creep and he and jessie deserve each other
Kamille King chapter 5 . 8/18/2019
Wow, I like this, please update soon.
serious confused chapter 4 . 6/22/2019
I'm confused with the conversation Rick and Michonne have when Tobin leaves. I get Rick is jealous and doesn't know Michonne other than a warrior and protector of his children. But his distaste of Michonne being a flirt doesn't make sense. Talking to another man doesn't make you a flirt nor does touching a person's arm, hand or being in their general vicinity. Daryl asks Carol about Tobin if they are dating and that answer is also not clear either especially when Michonne tells Tobin that star gazing every night is really romantic and Michonne understands why Carol likes Tobin. Tobin responds with surprise which is weird if they are dating. I don' get why Tobin would be surprised. Are Tobin and Carol dating? Do they know they are?

I'm hoping that Ron's comment about Michonne being black and therefore it being impossible for Michonne to be Carl's mother somehow resolved or explored because, it does show mass ignorance of Ron and possibly via his mother Jessie. To enter the comment I'm guessing is used to escalate the lost, depressed and abandoned feeling Carl is experiencing and Ron's comment pushes him over the edge. Ron is now supported and coddled by Rick in Michonne's old bed and Rick is such a clueless asshole he cant even put 2 and 2 together on how toxic and dangerous the Anderson's are. Also Maggie not really seeing it either but sympathizing with Jessie as this helpless creature seems odd but I guess this Maggie is different than other Maggie's. I just wonder if Glenn treated Maggie the same way Rick did Michonne if Maggie would have this uber objective perspective with Rick and Michonne's failed friendship and possible romantic feelings? I highly doubt it. Maggie is not even close to being a sage. What push and pull has Glenn and Maggie gone through really compared to all the other dysfunctional relationships? Are they suppose to be the golden perfect couple? On top of that, how is Rick and Maggie so unaware of the two faced truth of Jessie? Jessie fed into Ron's hate and Rick is tending to Jessie's son and not his own. Rick has dug a hole so huge not even a million walkers can resolve the ignorance, maltreatment Rick has participated in just because he "lost his mind." Hell perhaps we can all use that excuse, wait if your a person of color that's not an acceptable excuse, you have to be white for that to pass effectively.

Yes this story does invoke many emotions mostly anger, shame, violence, pain and hurt. I hope Enid and or Mikey who were and are witnesses either talk to Deanna, Maggie and or Rick to clarify the exchange as they are the only one's who can clear up any confusion.

One more does Rick just stand there? His own son and at the very least take Carl back home to care for him and deescalate the situation? I don't know if in this story Rick still save Carl's live from the Claimers by biting out a piece of flesh from the murderous rapist man and his group. If so, Rick's behavior is seriously confusing as he just stands there dumbfounded? So many uncharacteristic behaviors, I guess that's what happens when a dude "loses his mind" he's just easily pushed and pulled into meritocracy but he still has Jessie so yea!
Guest chapter 5 . 6/22/2019
I'm excited that there's an update, as I'm one of those Richonne fan readers who will re-read a entertaining story. This story is ANGST central, and although I'm not the writer, I was hoping for some fill-in-the-blanks back story, because I don't get what is going on with Carol's mind set as she's living with Rick and the Anderson's, how is it even possible that Rick is so clueless emotionally, loyalty and friendship wise that he loses all intellect and skill in reading people?

I absolutely hate Rick in this story, Daryl is a way better man all around for Carl and for Michonne than Rick. If Rick is truly a family with Jessie, let them have at it, but other than Abraham and Carol, no other person from the Survivors are interested in Jessie. It would be an interesting conversation and wake up call, to know Jessie is still truly isolated from most of Alexandria. In my reader's mind I'm so angry with Rick and his choices. Also angry at Michonne for going super petty along with Rick.

What's so exciting is not knowing where the author will take this story. I'm in for the whole journey. I sincerely hope Rick gets some serious payback for being a stupendous asshole towards his own son and Michonne who have show everlasting loyalty toward Rick as Rick doesn't at all. It feels like Rick shows more preference toward Jessie's children over his own and how many weeks have passed for this to happen. I'm just confused upon the time-frame, and my logical mind doesn't understand how Rick has easily moved forward compromising his own family in exchange for another. I get it, he's out of his head, but not fully and his possessiveness and jealousy toward Michonne is the crack that will most likely show Rick he really messed everything up.

If I were Michonne, Maggie, Sasha, Glenn, Tara, Rosita and Daryl I'd leave Rick alone while he's with Jessie because being with her doesn't make Rick a better person, it makes him worse and his travelling family knows Rick. Again, what is Carol's motivation.

If I were Michonne, I would not be interested in having sex or a relationship with Rick after he was with Jessie, it's like EW! your contaminated and no thank you! Although in the world of fiction and entertainment I think Rick will get a huge pass like he always does, he'll say "sorry, I was living in the past and mourning Lori and this place is so normal...blah blah blah" and magically Michonne forgives him and Rick gets a pass, eats his cake and all is forgiven.

Carl is a teenager, where now having time, all those emotions, security in people he trusts are shifting in unpredictable ways. It's easier to blame others than take responsibility for your own actions. It's not clear in this story if Carl was and is the smart, empathetic, loving son, brother and friend as his character is widely known for. The author did mention the character's are OCC. Carl feels remorse, anger, confusion and what was his security through family and friend has shifted and Rick has chosen not to take into consideration the effect this is having on his son, daughter and former Survivor family.

It was funny as hell and telling where Rick is if he is just standing around on the sidelines as Jessie dramatically exaggerates the events between Carl and Ron. Jessie is trying to garner Rick to be completely on her side yet Rick is conflicted? Who is this person called Rick? Does he want to trade in Carl for Ron and Sam? It certainly seems that way. Sure Jessie was in an abusive marriage and it trickled down to her son's but will all the potential witnesses how is it even possible that no one what so ever can substantiate Michonne protecting Ron and Carl from further harm knowing Carl is potentially more dangerous. Rick is just twiddling his thumbs not knowing what to do? Is Carl his son anymore?

So many questions... it's fun reading. Thank you for the entertainment and I'm sincerely looking forward to updates. I'm glad your back! I wish you well!
Philly Girl52 chapter 5 . 6/3/2019
I lay every ounce of this on dumb ass, selfish, disrespectful, thoughtless, pussy whipped Rick Grimes. This man is a terrible person. He's an awful father, an awful friend and an awful boyfriend. Moving that woman into Michonne's home without asking g how she felt. Moving that woman into Carl and Judith's home without considering the ramifications or even discussing it with his kid. Treating Michonne and Daryl like they were betraying him. They weren't even together but even if they were he got his woman living in his house. Why would't he want his friends to be happy? Because he's also an asshole. Oh, and Michonne defends your son against Messie and you just stand there being stupid? Daryl searching for Carl while you minding Messie's kid. Disgusting. Jessie punking him in his house, telling him where she gonna sleep, not allowing him to a answer the door to his house and deciding who he can see? It's an insult to pussies to call him a pussy.
Why in Gods name would Michonne want this awful man? Girl, you can do better.
Guest chapter 5 . 6/3/2019
I didn’t think I’d ever see an update and I’m so unbelievably happy! Welcome back!
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