Reviews for Amidst the Remains: All That Remains One Shots
Silmaran chapter 2 . 8/2/2019
Loved this - can you do an AU of before Luineth's death and Legolas' death/capture? Like, about one of Fael's pranks (and his victims' reactions to them) or Megilag's attempts at cooking (haha) or just a typical day in the Woodland Realm?
Oooooh, and this might be a bit much (insert cringe emoji) but I'd love to read an AU where Ciaran and Legolas really are loyal to Sauron and the Witch-King, and what would happen.
Yeah... that was it ;)

Btw you're a really great author, I love ATR and TSW and I've read both a couple times - sometimes I just read random chapters of it heheheheheeeeee ;))))

Byeeeee (I don't know how to end a review lol)
Aslan's Princess chapter 3 . 6/1/2019
I'll admit, I've been a ghost around this LotR AU for a couple years, and I'm loving every bit of it. I love Esgal and his awesome friendship with Glorfindel. Esgal being the perfect prankster against the former Master Pranksters is among the best things I've ever read. I just love everything about this.

Now, while I would love to read more, I can understand Inspiration and Muse not being willing to work with you, and so I shall wait patiently for any updates. Hope I made you smile. :-)
Lune chapter 1 . 4/13/2019
I am definitely NOT crying. I have dust in my eye. What a dusty house I live in...
Guest chapter 3 . 1/4/2019
updaet shadow warrr
Marilyn chapter 3 . 12/12/2018
Esto es hermoso. Espero con ansias la continuación.
Light of the Eldar chapter 3 . 9/9/2018
Lovely chapter. *giggles* I think those twin menaces will live in fear of being pranked for a loooong time. But seriously, poor Legolas! I myself have both been the giver and receiver of many pranks-thankfully not dangerous ones- but I think I would have reacted much the same if a cloud of cinnamon blinded me. Knives excluded though :P

If I may suggest an idea, I would like to see a chapter where Legolas is away from the palace for a few days to gather his thoughts, but one of the descendent of Drust has really snapped and takes advantage of this time without a meddling assassin interfering to put the Mirkwood stronghold under siege in it in attempt to kill a legendary enemy: Aragorn.

When Legolas returns he senses something is amiss even before he goes inside the palace. From there, it is a game of cat and mouse.
Light of the Eldar chapter 2 . 9/9/2018
*Takes a tissue*

They are both dead! This got me right in the Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels

On to last chapter. Oh look, something more to cry about... that’s nice.

But seriously, take all the time you need to update anything. It is all the more pleasurable to read something that has been carefully thought out instead of a fast paced nightmare.

You have always given me a precious jewel to read every time, dear author.
Light of the Eldar chapter 1 . 9/9/2018
*Sniff* If it wasn’t so late, I would be crying so hard right now. Legolas is dead? You actually wrote an AU where he didn’t survive the orc attack? Oh, sink meh!
ArsenicPixie chapter 3 . 6/10/2018
I absolutely love your writing and your stories are beautiful! All that remains might just be my favorite LOTR fic ever and I just can not express how much I love the Shadow War. I don't know if you're still accepting prompts for the oneshots, but if you are, I'd love to see Legolas bonding with his siblings. Thanks for all you do and these lovely stories!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/16/2018
I read all of these one shots before reading ATR and TSW. Then a few months later I discovered All That Remains and read it. I then went onto your profile for the sequel, The Shadow War(So cute, sad, amazing! I love them both so so much) and found this, for the third time. I found it once and kept the tab open, then replacement phone,(old one broke), found it again, read this again, then deleted tab and after that the above happened. Btw if you feel like updating on a Wednesday, just do it when you want, in your own time, I really don’t mind. I love these stories and your writing skills are amazing. Keep up the good work! Also, ‘Friend’ is so sad, emotional and incredible. Never felt so emotional reading a one shot before. I love it! My favourite one shot ever. I also love it’s sequel, amazing way to end it! Really sad too. Love the extra chapter for ATR too. Made me feel warm! Please keep updating whenever you can, but please don’t feel pressured to, in your own time. There is no fun in writing a story under pressure, it makes it feel like a chore. Nobody enjoys doing chores, that’s why it’s called that. So relax and enjoy writing TSW and ATR: ATROS. Bye
VanyaNoldo22 chapter 3 . 4/23/2018
I love love love your stories!This is a rollercoaster of feels, and I love it! (smiles happily). I'm curious though, will you be adding another chapter?

Hugs and more hugs,
VanyaNoldo22 chapter 2 . 4/23/2018
You know... I never really registered the 'let go' part. Then, the last sentence made me realize what it really meant.

(wipes tears... again)

Hugs and more hugs,
VanyaNoldo22 chapter 1 . 4/23/2018
(wipes tears) I love the interaction between Legolas and K , that promise in the end... huhuhhu
Sylphrena33 chapter 2 . 4/3/2018
Oh, this is so sad! Yet kind of happy at the same time... I really like this though, great job.
ClemmieCole chapter 3 . 2/11/2018
Love kili and legolas bonding 3
Fun 3rd story!
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