Reviews for Full Disclosure
Bow Echo chapter 1 . 7/7/2017
Loved this, the John Eos dynamic is one of the great things about TAG. A great father daughter chat this one only with the potential for her to go of her rails in a big way! More heaven from you, your end of ep additional scenes are awesome.
Erin Elric chapter 1 . 8/2/2016
Awesome story. I had wondered if maybe after that episode he had a little chat with EOS. Personally if I was him I'd be a little paranoid having an AI that just tried to kill me living with me lol. At least he has company now :)
Darkflame's Pyre chapter 1 . 6/4/2015
This is just WOW! Pure, unadulterateed artistry Teebsy! I could literally see it rolling, like the episode had continued from Episode 8: EOS and onto Episode 8.5: Full Disclosure. I LOVED it!

That line John says about "You're just a brat," walking around the OUTSIDE of Thunderbird Five, I absolutely adore it , and EOS' glee and childlike excitement and John musing about how this toddler could kill him, it did things to me, and I just wanted to huggle him soooooo much!

I. WANT. MORE! Giggles. Keep em coming, Im with you in absolutely loving all of these new fics, honestly, so vibrant, clear and totally awesome!
KVD chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
I liked this very much I wondered after eos finished how you live with an ai that could kill you and tried to. Nice finish there at the end
thunderbird5 chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
EOS just have to make me hungry huh? I still have to see that episode, when ever it comes to SA.
Artemisdesari chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
Good grief you really have been inspired! You've written more the last few weeks than I have tgethe last few months. Took me 2 weeks to finally post Scott's call girl fic.

Onto this one: it's really nice to see John realising that his life is in EOS hands permanently now and that as much as he wants a friend he's not sure he can totally trust her. The episode wrapped that up far too quickly if you ask me. Good to see John having a serious think about what he can do to stop it happening again

Louise Hargadon chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
I'm so glad someone (and I'm even more glad that that someone is you!) wrote about this because it kinda bothered me a bit that EOS had tried and almost succeeded in killing John and then John was like "Hey why don't we just live up here, alone, together, in space, and be BFFs" like really John, the thing's just tried to kill you, dude.

Things I Loved:

. Cripes man, I still haven't had chance to review Fixing A Hole (AND I've had Fixing A Hole by the Beatles stuck in my head since you posted it so... I dunno, I think it serves me right for not reviewing yet!). I don't know how you do it! I'm just grateful you do!
. The bagel John was actually about to eat sounded so amazing. I can't even remember the last time I had a bagel. I've not even eaten bread for 6 weeks. I could almost smell it.
. The decapitated floating Fake!John sizzling in the atmosphere
. John suddenly freaking out.
. EOS trying to act casual
. EOS failing to act casual
. John realising that actually this entire situation is not cool because he's now sharing his home with potentially a homicidal maniac. One who isn't even human. And THAT's a scary thought.
. EOS not being remotely reassuring. What would she have done if she had succeeded in killing John and taking over TB5? "I don't know". Wow.
. Suddenly it all makes sense. EOS was built to win at any cost and because John never finished the code, it doesn't have any morality built in. Oh my gosh. It's a bit like Frankenstein only less gruesome. What did you DO, John!
. I love how she didn't really want to kill John because it didn't seem like winning. Wow. Do not make me feel sorry for unfinished code, it isn't real. But it is. My brain can't take how this works.
. John offers to fix her codes with Brains' help and give her her own game to play and she reacts in exactly the same way as any of us would. With a big almighty YAY! Oh bless.
. "A game just for me! Oh, thank you John, thank you!" - IF SHE HAD ARMS SHE'D HUG HIM RIGHT NOW!
. Also if she had arms she'd throw bagels at him, but who needs arms when you have a firing slot! (that sounded way ruder than I expected/intended)
. I don't know why I laughed so hard at the thought of John being all "No, but really, EOS - don't kill anyone. No actual killing. Do not kill. Incidentally nobody needs to die here. So... yeah. Just don't kill anyone! You're good!"
. The only thing to celebrate making a peace treaty with Artificial Intelligence is absolutely waffles & cream. I don't even think that's up for debate. As we all know, bagels are now fully weaponised.

(BTW I AM SO GLAD you told me that ffnet saves lost reviews. My GOD this was stressing me out all afternoon. Thank you so much. This is brilliant.)

Another classic from you Teebs me ol sunbeam. I honestly do not know how you do it. I mean it's like they continually get better and you're always like "Nah you can't top THIS one - oh wait". I'm so proud. Reading your stuff is a joy. You're funny and you're deep and you write what we're actually secretly all thinking and it's just fabulous. You are fabulous. Gah. You already know all this!

Yours in the new Olympic Sport of Bagel-Tossing
Ell Aitch xx
Zarius chapter 1 . 5/28/2015
Another great piece, it follows naturally on from events in EOS and how John is not talking down to EOS despite it's infant mentality, and trying to big up the program with a sense of responsibility
Aurora313 chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
I like how you've taken the idea of EOS being an incomplete game program and taken it to its logical extreme where her actions in the Episode are justified. She was given directives to 'win' but without any perimeters to make a victory or not, she's pushed to endlessly keep going.

Then when John's discussing things, I like how he's treating EOS like the toddler she mentally is, and creating the rest of the original programming game as a sort of 'training zone' playground for her to learn and explore her capabilities. She sounds just like a kid whose parent just offered to buy them the toy they really wanted.

I love the character of EOS, I love the subversion of the whole 'AIs are evil' cliche. Please continue. :D

JOTRACY123 chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
Loved it as always Hun well done xxx
Eraman chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
I like your EOS she's funny.
Madilayn chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
Very very nice. I like seeing EOS grow, and I love her excitement to have "her place" is lovely. And just followed you on tumblr...
Corona 1 chapter 1 . 5/27/2015
A fantastic piece, as always :)